Pov Subordinate Vampire:

I'm a Vampire with no bloodline, so I'm much more vulnerable to sunlight and silver, weaknesses that Vampires with pure bloodlines don't need to worry about as much.

I was a human who was a general of a Realm that ceased to exist 200 years ago, I associated with Vampires because I was afraid of death, I wanted to be able to live forever and after helping Vampires for years, I was finally able to become one, but at the time I didn't understand how the Vampire hierarchy worked.

Among Vampires those without any bloodlines are the same as slaves, so I have no rights, I don't even have a slight trace of bloodline in my body, all I can do is work for those who have a pure bloodline in hopes of being rewarded one day with a trace of your bloodline, even if it isn't pure, that alone would give me far more power and potential than I already have.

Right now I'm a guard at the mansion of a Duke of Makari Kingdom, the person who turned me into a Vampire died a long time ago at the hands of Baldr's believers, without help I wouldn't be able to survive, so I looked for other Vampires in the same situation as me to protect me, when Vampires from the Demon continent arrived they promised us that they would welcome us as their servants, so we who were not part of any Vampire family accepted.

Now we are all employees, servants, and guards of these Vampire families, I don't like the work I do, but with our strength we can't say anything about it, at least working for them I don't need to hide the way I used to, besides we have items that protect us from sunlight.

We Vampires with no bloodline become stronger by being around Vampires with bloodlines, as well as having the opportunity to get a bloodline, so even though I don't like being a mere guard, I'm still willing to do this job.


I even get a chance to be close to a Vampire Matriarch, she is the wife of the Duke who is his first child, she keeps herself hidden while leaving all political issues in the Duke's hands while she takes care of the things we are doing hidden from the populace this place.

I'm guarding the front door in the late afternoon, but soon I'll have to switch with the guards inside the mansion for the night.

"I think before my shift I'll go get a drink." (I)

"Weren't you banned from eating for three days?" (Guard A)

"It's been two days, I'm hungry." (I)

"As we passed through town escorting the Duke's carriage, it almost drove me crazy when I saw all those people nearby, so many people with delicious blood..." (I)

"You were punished for killing one of the prisoners, you know we can't kidnap people very often or they'll start to suspect." (Guard A)

"That was an accident, I had no way of knowing that two other people had already drunk her blood." (I)

"Stop talking, it's time to trade with those insides, the Suns are already set." (Maid)

While we're talking to another guard, one of the maids comes to warn us about the shift change so I walk inside the mansion past those heading to where we were.

The guard work inside the mansion is more tiring since we have to stay up all night making rounds walking, I don't know why to bother with that, with our senses it's impossible to lose someone if they're around.

This mansion is very big, there must be 15 more guards like me inside, about 30 outside and the number of maids is more than 40.

If someone really tried to get in here I can only say they are unlucky, he or she would become yet another source of blood to feed us, unfortunately only an idiot would do that in a Duke's residence.----------

hours later.

I feel that tonight is very strange, everything is quieter than usual but other than this feeling of strangeness I didn't see anything wrong.

"Today is quieter than usual." (I)

"Everyone must be in their rooms, from what I heard the Matriarch is with a group of men in the room and told no one to interrupt her, you know how decisive she is when it comes to killing, so I think everyone prefers to go to sleep so they don't interfere into an unnecessary problem." (Guard A)

"Maybe that's it, but just in case let's check out the servants' quarters." (I)

"Alright, we don't have much to do anyway." (Guard A)

I and this other guard walk to the outside of the mansion at the back where the servants' restroom is, so I start looking at one room at a time, but I realize that every room I look at is empty.

"Something is definitely off, all the rooms are empty." (I)

"Not just the rooms, I just realized, but on the way here we didn't see any guards." (Guarda A)

"..." (I)

We ran outside and looked around, there really wasn't anyone else out there.

"Go warn the other houses, I'll run to the Duke." (I)

"Right..." (Guard A)

As soon as he starts to run out of the mansion's grounds, I asked him to go warn those who are in the noble mansions and the government office.

When I was about to start running towards the mansion I see the guard that was with me until now hit something and fly back towards me.

"Damn! A barrier, we're under attack, forget the Duke, let's go after the Matriarch." (I)

We started to run back to the mansion, on the way we noticed that we didn't find any more guards, we ran up to the third floor stopping in front of large white doors decorated with silver.

This is the Matriarch's room, I take a deep breath to build up courage, then open the doors to let the Matriarch know what's going on, but what I see surprises me.The room is without any light other than the moonlight coming through the window, a Human wouldn't be able to see anything in this dark, but a Vampire like me can see even in such a dark room.

Inside the room there was a being completely dressed in black standing on the Matriarch's bed, I noticed five bodies of men lying on the bed, but the most important thing was that the Matriarch was being held by the neck by that person while he slightly lifted the mask and bit her neck.

"Drop her!!!" (I)

I draw my sword and run towards the enemy while the guard beside me throws two daggers at the enemy, but at that moment a pair of wings come out from the back of the person in black.

The wings hug the Matriarch while blocking the daggers and preventing my sword, then one of the wings hits me throwing me into the wall, this blow was so strong that the wall, as well as my bones, broke.

When I looked at the enemy I saw the other guard being grabbed by tentacles coming out of his own shadow, then I see him trying to get something out of his neck, but in the next moment, his head separates from the rest of his body.

I'm surprised to see the shadow tentacles pull the body into the shadow, when I turn to the enemy I can hear the Matriarch's faint voice.

"Me... drop me... I don't want to die... I'm less than 100 years old... stop!!!" (Matriarch)

The enemy doesn't stop just because the Matriarch is immolated by life, soon I see her not even being able to speak, I was going to try to run, but then I notice a very sticky line sticking to my body, meanwhile, I also noticed the enemy leaving bite the Matriarch's unconscious body, so he looks at her.

"Too late to beg for life."

Then he increased his grip on her neck crushing her at the same time he destroyed her neck causing her head to fall to the ground.


Pov Matriarch:

A few minutes ago

I've been a Vampire for less than a hundred years, before that I was a Demon, when we came to this continent to put our plan into action I thought I might have some fun.

I made the bloodless Vampires of this continent become our servants along with others in my group, the next few decades were wonderful.

I could eat as much as I wanted, all I had to do was create as many criminals as possible, after that, I could arrest them to say they were executed while I actually used them as an appetizer.

Today I was very happy as after weeks I finally got the city's five most famous adventurers into so much debt that they were forced to become debt slaves, all so I could buy them for fun.

The five were very cute, so I took them to my room to have fun, after I got tired of playing with them and I was hungry I ended up killing them without realizing it in the heat of the moment.

In my moment of distraction a luminous line wrapped around my body burning my skin, then I felt someone hold my neck from behind, when I thought I was in danger two guards try to defend me, but before they do anything I feel a bite on my back. my neck.

I felt that he was drinking my blood with great speed, but I also felt that something was entering my body, I felt heavier and stiffer, at that moment I see the two guards running in a desperate attack, but they were defeated very quickly.

I tried to beg for my life, but this person didn't stop until they sucked all my blood, because of that I was so weak that I couldn't move, in addition, I felt my body completely rigid, at that moment I was already dying, but I still heard part of the enemy phrase.

"Too late..."
