Pov Lyra:

A few hours before the mission ends.

Before the mission, my father insisted a lot on coming, but I asked the master to do my mission alone, the master refused and let Layla come with me saying that she would be better than my father.

The place we are going to attack is the illegal drug factory that exists in this city in one of the government buildings.

I was already in the place that master Zenos said would be the factory, but all I see is a shed that appears to be empty.

"Are you sure it's here?" (I)

"From the information we have, inside the shed, there is a hidden entrance to the underground." (Layla)


"So there's only one entrance and exit?" (I)

"As far as we know, yes." (Layla)

"Does the master know how many enemies there must be inside?" (I)

"That's why I'm here." (Layla)

"< Spatial Detection >" (Layla)

I was talking to Layla while we are on top of a building talking looking at the shed from afar, so Layla stretches all four hands towards the shed while using a spell, this makes a shapeless wave in space pass unfailingly through the place without being obstructed.

So Layla uses the holographic magic the master is so fond of to show me a 3D drawing of the map of every location.

"It's five floors underground, there seem to be about 27 people in there." (Layla)

"Your map is very detailed." (I)

"Thanks, I'm glad someone recognizes how awesome I am." (Layla)

"..." (I)


"So let's go?" (I)

I start walking around this shed to a place in the back where there is a big hidden vent, I take three whole vials of potion and open it, then control the potions to come out entirely from the bottles this creates three spheres of a liquid standing in the My front.

I then merge the three potions creating a whirlpool with the three potions, once the three potions become one potion I use my abilities to expand that amount many times over.

Soon the sphere starts to grow and then I throw this big sphere into the air outlet while it turned into gas making the sphere evaporate, then I use simple wind magic to make wind in the air outlet, this will make the gas my potion has run out to create and spread more easily, so I walk to the spot where Layla's map pointed out to be the entrance.

This potion was meant to weaken enemies without them noticing, the master said to never let an advantage slip by.

I see two guards, then Layla points her hands forward and two spear-shaped wooden logs grow from the ground where the guards were, this kills them before I enter the secret passage.

Once inside, Layla uses some magic on me that covers my body with dark energy, so we keep walking until we find the first guard.The combat outfit I'm wearing has several pockets where different types of potions are stuck, the flasks are magic items that open and close at will, I open two flasks and take a small drop from each flask, then I mix the drops into only one.

"< Condense >" (I)

I make this drop increase in quantity until it becomes a small liquid sphere, then I use alchemy magic to condense this liquid into the shape of a needle, all of this only took a second to do, so I send this needle towards him as soon as the needle enters your body I release the magic to make the liquid expand again spreading inside your body.

The guard immediately drops, so Layla guards his body before we continue, this time heading in the direction Layla's magic detected a group of seven people.

Even without going inside I already know this is a drug manufacturing place, that's why I can smell the alchemicals.

Just by the smell, I can say that they are creating a drug of the most addictive type, it must also cause great damage to the body that accumulate according to the duration of use of this drug, this due to the materials it is made of, I can only smell some, but it is sufficient for this assumption.

As an Alchemist it fills me with rage to see alchemy being used in such a vulgar and disrespectful way to harm innocent people.

"(I will teach these people what a true Alchemist is.)" (I)

I control five bottles to open the lids and make a few drops of liquid come out of each one before closing the bottles.

"< Evaporate >" (I)

"< Merge >" (I)

I make the liquids turn into little spheres, then use magic to evaporate those spheres and mix the resulting gas into a thin mist that I let in under the door.

After a few seconds, I take a small vial and drink it before entering the room, as soon as I enter I see that there are 8 people, five Alchemists, two guards, and a human woman around 20 years old in chains.

"Why don't they move?" (Layla)

"Because they're all dead." (I)

"Then why didn't they fall? They're still standing, some are still holding the tools they used." (Layla)

"What I used was a mixture of poisons that cause blood clotting, cardiac arrest and extreme muscle stiffness." (I)

"This is an ordinal creation of mine, the smell is a little sweet, but the mist thins out in the surroundings making it visually indefectible, anyone who breathes dies, so I drank my potion before entering, so I'm not affected." (I)

"Then why didn't you give me the potion too?" (Layla)

"You are a Fairy, your body is made of condensed energy, not flesh and blood." (I)

"Most poisons don't work on Fairies and Spirits for that reason." (I)

"But I didn't know they had a guinea pig here..." (I)

I talk to Layla while still keeping my vision focused on the chained woman, she has a face full of pain, I know this wasn't caused by my venom as the target's muscles would be so tight they wouldn't be able to make an expression like that.

This woman was here to be the guinea pig for the drugs they were creating here.

"Don't think about it too much, sometimes death is also a way to save someone, we can't protect everyone, so just do what you can do in the safest way possible or Ivan will be angry." (Layla)"All right." (I)

I avert my eyes from the chained woman and look around, I identify that there are few types of alchemy materials around here but in large quantities each.

"Let's take everything, I can use these tools better than they can, I can also put these materials to use." (I)

"But the drugs leave where they are, they'll be destroyed along with the rest when we're done." (I)

"Fine, but leave the next floor to me, I don't like to just stare." (Layla)

"OK." (I)

After collecting the corpses, tools, books, and alchemy materials, Layla and I left going from room to room as there is no one else on this floor according to Layla's magic.

After that, we go down to the next floor where I see Layla flying away at great speed, after two minutes she comes back flying slowly while humming.

"I thought we shouldn't leave wounds on the bodies since Vampires can smell it." (I)

"Don't worry, they didn't leave any blood behind." (Layla)

"So what did you do?" (I)

"I just used a new spell I created after Nix taught me more about the Dark element." (Layla)

"None of the enemies left anything behind, including the blood when they were being devoured." (Layla)

"Devoured?" (I)

"You don't need to know more than that, I haven't even shown it to the master yet." (Layla)

"..." (I)

My father and master Zenos are right, this Fairy is the real Devil here, I even feel a little sorry for the enemies who were killed by her here.

Layla and I continued exploring every floor while collecting everything that could be useful, then we went down to the next floor which was empty, looks like this was their warehouse, there were a lot of drugs around here, but nothing that would be useful to us.

I leave everything behind before continuing to the 4th underground floor, it was another warehouse, but this time for alchemy materials, so I put everything away before heading to the last underground floor.

The top floor only had three enemies, Layla said there was a small passage hidden in a room far from the place we entered that leads straight to the surface.

So we shouldn't draw attention, so I let Layla go ahead and take care of the two closest people before continuing to the last room.

This time Layla said that the person is heading towards the exit, seems to have noticed our presence, so I run to the door and enter kicking the door.

The enemy tries to run to a drinks rack, but Layla freezes the rack where the exit should be and this prevents the enemy from escaping, who changes direction coming towards us as his skin changes to a light red color and small horns grow on his head.

I mix some potions while increasing their amounts making a large liquid sphere before condensing into a sword shape, this only took 3 seconds.

When the enemy tried to attack me head-on with a sword I parry their attack while bending the blade of my sword to penetrate his shoulder, then I step back while looking at the enemy standing like a statue in the same position in which he attacked me.

I make my linked sword fly towards the enemy and penetrate their heart, before stopping controlling the potion and letting it go back to liquid.

"The master was right, faking a direct attack makes enemies lower their guard." (I)

"The idiot thought you created a sword, he didn't even think you could bend the blade hahahahaha..." (Layla)

"The sword was still liquid, I could shape it any way I wanted." (I)

I collected the body before searching all over the place for useful things, so I leave vials of explosive potion in each room as I make my way back to the 1st floor while spreading a flammable potion all over the floor, as soon as we get to the surface Layla sends a fireball up the stairs we climb as we run away, soon the ground starts shaking and muffled sounds of explosions follow those tremors.

Then we continued walking back to the meeting point.
