After everyone is gathered and I see that they are ok, I end the quest as I open the Dungeon gate, tell everyone to come in, and leave Jay to help Leonardo as they are both White Elves, actually Jay is no longer an Elf but he once was, so it will be easier for Leonardo to adapt when he sees what's inside the Dungeon.

After everyone has entered the Dungeon, I close the gate and sneak out of town, getting as far out of town as I can before looking for a place to stay for now.

I find an empty cave, it had a strong odor of rot, so when I enter I find several bodies of Goblins, Wolves and even some dead people, the bodies were rotten and eating this rot were strange small trees with arms and legs.

As soon as I entered they tried to attack me, they were too slow for me, but suddenly vines come out from between the branches with leaves on their heads, they tried to capture me but it was useless, I just needed my claws to break these tree monsters in half.


I guard the bodies of this monster I don't know, then I use fire magic to burn all the rot in the cave to ash, then I use wind magic to blow all the dirt away.

With that ready, I use earth magic to close the entrance to the cave and open a gate to the dungeon, as soon as I enter I go straight to the 4th floor.


"But what's going on over there?" (I)

As soon as I get to the floor I open my wings to fly towards the camp where I see Leonardo passed out in Jay's arms and the Lizardman's running towards me, as soon as I land they kneel in front of me.

While confused by what was happening Ivan, Sapphire, Nix, and Freya approach.

"Do you want me to explain?" (Ivan)

"Please." (I)

"Leonardo was surprised when he learned that Irius, Irina, Elsaris, Samira, Jay, Beatriz, Nolan, and Alice were Vampires, coupled with his surprise to see so many Demis races and humanoid monsters in the camp made smoke come out of his head." (Ivan)

"Jay managed to catch him before he hit the ground, that was the first person to act normal in this place." (Freya)

"And these Lizardmen?" (I)

"They did the same to me when I freed them." (Nix)

"Before you guys showed up everything was going well, the Lizardman and Lamias were getting along well as we have a lot in common, even with the difference in language." (Sapphire)

"Language difference?" (I)

"Only one person among them knows the common language." (Nix)

"Then he or she will be responsible for teaching the common language to everyone." (I)

"We were already telling them that, but as soon as they saw you flying towards us, they ran over here." (Sapphire)


"Can someone ask them why they're on their knees? Also tell them to stop kneeling all the time." (I)

"Let me take care of it." (Nix)

"(I thought if I left all this to someone else and stayed outside to find a safe place away from the mess the city will be in, everything would be resolved inside the Dungeon, but it seems I was wrong.)" (I)

I see Nix go talk to one of the Lizardman who looked taller than the others, then I see him say something to the others before all the Lizardman stand up as they look at me curiously, but a few among them who have a small horn on one side from the head looked at me with admiration.

Soon I see Nix come back.

"It seems that your Dragonewt bloodlines reacted to my presence and your Master Aura as we are True Dragons." (Nix)

"..." (I)

"They can be very servile, but that's just me and you." (Nix)

"They were acting normal with me and the others." (Sapphire)"I have a lot of things to take care of right now, so Sapphire will be responsible for getting huts and food for these people." (I)

"Ivan is going to bring Leonardo inside the mansion, before we leave this town we have to find out what the Demons really want." (I)

"Freya, you could call Rakan to the mansion too, we'll probably need his knowledge of magic." (I)

"I'll go get him now." (Freya)

Before going to the mansion I go to the Lizardmen to greet them, this is our first meeting and it would be a bad thing to leave without even talking to them.

"Good evening, my name is Zenos." (I)

"Good night, great Dragon Zenos, my name is Barok." (Barok)

"Please just call me Zenos, I'm not a Dragon." (I)

"I wish I had more time to talk to you, but for now time is short so I have to say goodbye, but after the urgent matters are over I'll get back to you." (I)

"In the meantime, I'd like you to teach others to speak the common language, right?" (I)

"I will do my best, great Zenos." (Barok)

"Then I welcome Dungeon Eclipse." (I)

After talking to Barok briefly, I head to the mansion where Lyra is trying to wake Leonardo up by giving him something to drink.

cough cough

It seems that it worked as Leonardo gets up from his chair and steals a pitcher of water from Ivan's hands, meanwhile I see Freya entering the room with Rakan.

"What did you give to wake him up?" (I)

"Pepper sauce." (Lyra)

"..." (I)

I look at Lyra and then I look at Ivan waiting for an answer.

"Don't look at me, it was her idea." (Ivan)

"You're the father, why didn't you stop her?" (I)

"I'm incapable of denying her anything, what can I say other than 'Yes' to that pretty face." (Ivan)

"(What a doting father.)" (I)

I decided to ignore this situation and sit with everyone in the room, Rakan and Leonardo spent a few minutes talking about me, I waited before continuing with the questions I want to ask.

"First of all, I want to know if you would like to come work for me as well as Rakan?" (I)

"What if I refuse?" (Leonardo)

He speaks with caution and distrust in his eyes.

"Why does everyone ask this question, I look like some kind of monster." (I)

"Any normal person would ask that question, don't you realize how crazy everything around you is?" (Rakan)

"Usually someone with your secrets wouldn't let someone out alive after entering this place." (Rakan)

"Rakan is right, anyone would act the way he described." (Ivan)"I may not be a virtuous person, but I'm not a heartless Devil either." (I)

"I'm not going to kill someone innocent just because they turned down my job offer." (I)

I look at Leonardo and say it as sincerely as possible.

"If you refuse my job offer I will let you go and I would have to look for someone else with the same qualities as you." (I)

Leonardo looks at me seriously as if trying to figure out if I'm telling the truth, then he looks at Rakan who nods in confirmation.

"For some reason Rakan trusts you, so before I decide if I want to work for you, can I hear the reason for wanting to hire me?" (Leonardo)

"That's not a problem, the reason is I want to build a city." (I)

"If you want to build a city, then why don't you conquer the city like I said before?" (Leonardo)

"I already told you I have enough problems, I may have helped these people get rid of the Demons, but I won't get involved any more than that." (I)

"But there aren't many safe areas on the mainland where you can build a city, that would be the best place." (Leonardo)

"..." (I)

I look at Ivan and Freya trying to understand what Leonardo is trying to say.

"He thinks you are going to build a city on the mainland, as small Kingdoms are usually created." (Ivan)

"Since you had a misunderstanding, let me explain it clearly so you can understand, Mr. Leonardo." (Freya)

"What my master meant earlier is that he wants to build a city here, inside this Dungeon." (Freya)

"..." (Leonardo)

"Damn, he passed out again." (Ivan)

"Lyra, bring the hot sauce." (Ivan)

"I think I'll try a hotter sauce so he won't be able to lose consciousness so easily." (lyra)

"Stop you two, just use something with a strong scent to wake him up." (I)

"Something with a strong smell." (Lyra)

Lyra removes from her storage item a large chest that opens revealing many compartments and drawers where many potions are stored, she spends a few seconds searching until she gets a vial with a green liquid, then she opens the vial and passes it near Leonardo's nose wakes up with a fright.

"What was that?" (I)

"I don't know, it was the result of a failed mix, all I know is that it smells really bad." (Lyra)

"But I can't smell any." (I)

"That's because Freya is preventing the scent from escaping too far from the vial." (Lyra)

"I don't want that terrible smell pervading the mansion we just cleaned." (Freya)

Leonardo wakes up pale and covers his nose, his face is even half green and he shows an expression of someone who is about to vomit.

Freya takes a hot sandwich and passes it in front of him, I think she's trying to make him forget about the other odor she smelled a few seconds ago, this works and he takes the sandwich and starts eating.

"As Freya said before I want to build a city in this dungeon, if you come to work for me then money, materials, and a strong team will not be an issue." (I)

"You will be responsible for designing the city and building it, there will be no specific deadline, but I would like you to take into account that the people of the camp are homeless." (I)

"But know that if you accept, then it will be a lifetime job, just like Rakan." (I)

"..." (Leonardo)

Leonardo looks at me like what he's saying is unbelievable, then looks at Rakan who nods with a smile on his face, then tears start to come out of Leonardo's eyes.

"Hey I accept your proposal, I certainly do, I can't believe that after the worst moment of my life I would be able to fulfill my dream." (Leonardo)

"Not rebuilding a city following the plans of others, but building a new city with the freedom to do it my way..." (Leonardo)

"I'm glad you accepted, so welcome to Dungeon Eclipse." (I)
