It seems that Leonardo was very happy to accept my proposal, he also accepted the job offer easier than Rakan.

With that I did the same as I did with Rakan and only used the Blood Servant skill, with that I broke any kind of control the Demons could have had over him before.

After that was resolved, there was something more urgent to resolve, so I asked Freya to go call the others to have a big meeting, I wanted everyone to know what I'm going to ask Leonardo.

The moment Freya leaves to call the others I give Leonardo a stack of paper and a few colors of pen.

"First of all do you know what the Demons were planning?" (I)

"I don't know, all I did was follow your instructions on rebuilding cities." (Leonardo)

"Do you still remember the renovations you made in these three cities?" (I)


"Yes, I remember like it was yesterday that I was doing each of these renovations." (Leonardo)

"If possible, draw on these papers the renovations you've made, you and Rakan can take your time with it, but if you find anything come let me know soon, we have to get out of this town by tomorrow." (I)

After talking to them I leave the two there and go take a shower while Freya is gathering the others.

After about forty minutes when I was leaving the bathroom Rakan runs to me, what he says makes me very anxious, but Alice approaches saying that everyone is already present in the meeting room which is what we call the ballroom, I go there with Rakan and sit with the others.

"This meeting would be to find out what everyone did, but now it will be a meeting to re-enter the city." (I)

"Did something happen, master?" (Ivan)

"Yes, it seems that Rakan managed to discover the Demons' plans with Leonardo's help." (I)

"From now on I'm going to let Rakan speak, so it'll be easier to understand." (I)

After I spoke, everyone got serious expressions, then Rakan who was next to me started talking.

"You all know that the three capital cities of the Realms that the Makari Kingdom conquered have been reformed." (Rakan)

"But according to Leonardo, the capital city was also being renovated little by little over the decades." (Rakan)

"Leonardo, having a good memory, could remember the designs of cities and the renovations he made." (Rakan)

"After seeing the drawings he made and listening to his explanation, I found out what the Makari Kingdom is doing." (Rakan)

"The streets of these cities form a three-tiered magic circle, one to amplify the magic that will be used, another that limits the magic to a specific area, and the last one that absorbs all energy within the area for the magic activation." (Rakan)

"In other words, the streets are just to widen, power and limit an area for other magic." (Rakan)

"According to Leonardo, there was another thing that was done to all the cities, a reform in their sewer systems that covers the whole city." (Rakan)"After seeing the drawings of the sewer network, I was able to recognize it as an innovation circle, plus it was a summoning magic circle that I modified myself." (Rakan)

"Do you know what will be summoned?" (I)

"Dragons of Destruction..." (Rakan)

"..." (all)

Everyone was silent at the mention of these Dragons, but I didn't know how dangerous they were.

"Tell me more about these Dragons of Destruction." (I)

"Let me explain." (Nix)

Nix steps out of my shadow in her human form.

"Dragons of Destruction are what we call mighty Dragons that are not True Dragons." (Nix)

"These Destruction Dragons have no intelligence, they are controlled by their power only possessing the instinct to eat and destroy everything." (Nix)

"Because of that these Dragons attract and create a lot of miasma for their surroundings, so their mere presence is already a contamination for the place where they are." (Nix)

"Dragons of Destruction only appear on rare occasions as a first-generation monster, they also appear inside Dungeons, which makes it very dangerous when a wave of monsters happens." (Nix)

"Usually True Dragons take care of eliminating those monsters that tarnish the Dragons' name." (Nix)

"If these monsters are so dangerous, then why would they want to summon something like that." (I)

"I think I know why, you must have come to the same conclusion, right Rakan?" (Nix)

"I should have known a Spirit would know about this." (Rakan)

"I'm not just a spirit, I'm also a True Dragon, I can't help but know about these things." (Nix)

"So you're also a True Dragon? But you must be a young man, unfortunately, he didn't have the strength to take care of these monsters." (Rakan)

"Can any of you finish explaining these Demons' plan?" (I)

"Sorry about that." (Rakan)

"As I said before, King Makari has an artifact with powerful mind magic, and he himself has great abilities in curse magic." (Rakan)

​ "The few times I met him I noticed he was very confident in himself and very proud." (Rakan)"He probably thinks he can control these Dragons of Destruction, which he won't, he thinks it's just a matter of magic power difference, so he wants to use summoning to try to force a one-sided contract with his curse, but that's doomed to failure." (Rakan)

"Furthermore even if he fails he will achieve his goal, once the Dragons of Destruction are summoned they will start destroying the continent while spreading miasma everywhere." (Nix)

"By the time the True Dragons come here to kill these monsters, the continent will already be destroyed." (Nix)

"Then it will be easy for the Demons to conquer the continent as there will be no threat to them, not to mention the miasma doesn't affect them like other races." (Rakan)

This is a horrible plan, so do these Demons really want to conquer this continent this way?

"But that doesn't make sense, wouldn't the True Dragons kill these Demons and Vampires for summoning these monsters?" (I)

"When they got here they wouldn't be able to know who summoned these monsters, there wouldn't be any evidence or witnesses either." (Nix)

"The first cities to fall will be the 4 big cities of the Makari Kingdom, that's why these magic circles will need all the energy they can get either mana or life energy." (Rakan)

"So the four cities are sacrifices for this Summon." (I)

"But how are Demons, Demon Faction Vampires, and Demon worshipers going to protect themselves from these monsters?" (I)

"The center of the magic circle will be safe, plus Leonardo said there is a large underground hall in the center to keep them safe." (Rakan)

I won't let that happen, maybe I and the others will be protected if we stay inside the Dungeon, but I don't want the people of Valen City to be slaughtered by these monsters.

"How can we stop this." (I)

"They must have a central magic circle through which they will control magic, we have to destroy this magic circle, in addition, we can destroy the streets and the sewer system." (Rakan)

"These black stones have high mana conductivity, without them magic circles are just useless drawings." (Rakan)

I spend a few minutes thinking about what we can do, then images of Nix putting things away in her shadow and Layla using her space magic to put things away as well.

"So that's what we're going to do, Nix and Layla want you to take care of the streets and the sewer system, steal all these black stones." (I)

"I think I can use the help of other Dark element spirits." (Nix)

"The Fairies already have enough intelligence to follow orders, I'll take the ones who have an affinity with the elements of space and darkness." (Layla)

"Me, Rakan, Vanessa, and Elsaris are going to this secret room to destroy the central magic circle." (I)

"Let's do these things now, let's go." (I)

We had already finished with all or at least almost all the enemies, so I thought there would be no problems, as soon as I leave the Dungeon I close the gate and leave the cave where I was.

I sneak back to the city and go to a dark alley where I open the Dungeon gate again, soon Nix and Layla come out of the Dungeon with hundreds of Fairies and Spirits.

I've given orders to stay invisible while doing this work.

Meanwhile, Vanessa, Elsaris, and Rakan leave the Dungeon before I close the gate, so we follow Leonardo's information to enter through the sewers until we reach the central room that Rakan spoke of at the meeting.

It took us over an hour to get here, there were six soldiers guarding the doors, I used my lines to kill them, they didn't even have a chance to fight, after that I let Elsaris check that there are no traps at the door, but luckily there wasn't.

As soon as we enter I see a large rock hall, the dome that is more than five meters high, in the center has a very large magic circle and a giant crystal in the middle.

Vanessa cancels the magic that holds the magic circle while I keep that big crystal, there was nothing else here so we went out only to see a big mess, the Fairies were stealing the black bricks at great speed, I and the others ran outside where the townspeople were running to and fro in desperation not knowing how the bricks in the street had disappeared.

I waited on top of the city walls for two hours, luckily Nix and Layla came back with all the Fairies and Spirits and we left the city to the same cave where I close the entrance, then I open the Dungeon gate for everyone to enter.
