Pov Vanessa:

When we arrived in the second city, my Father called everyone who would participate in the mission to a meeting, at this meeting we went over what each one would do and my Father let Leonardo explain about the places we were going to attack, another thing that changed in the plan was also The way we're going to collect these black stones from the streets, it looks like Nix and Layla have more creative and faster ways to do it during our travel time here.

When it got dark the plan started and everyone left in the direction of their targets, only Layla and Nix stayed behind as they have to wait an hour before starting their part of the plan so as not to alert the enemies.

Me, Elsaris, and Rakan went out towards the secret underground room in the center of the city, this time the entrance to the sewers is close to the poorest residential area of ​​the city, we went through there and followed a map that Leonardo left with us.

It only took us 30 minutes to get to the place where the door to the room is, at first glance there seemed to be no guards, but Elsaris made me and Rakan remain hidden, meanwhile, she throws herself into the sewer water, a few minutes later we see the water turns red and a giant body floats out.

As soon as Elsaris comes out of the water and comes over to us, I hand her a potion and liquid soap.

"Why are you carrying this kind of potion with you?" (Elsaris)


"I think I got this bad habit of my father's, I can't live peacefully anymore if I don't have a potion of liquid soap close by." (I)

"Master Zenos really uses these potions as if they were water, he even cleans his teeth with it." (Elsaris)

"How do you know that?" (I)

"He taught that to Samira, now she's become as flamboyant as he is with this potion." (Elsaris)

"For this rampant spending of this potion that Lyra no longer makes this potion forcing us to buy in large quantities." (I)

"She did it right, she would never have time to make other potions if she was making liquid soap potions for master Zenos all the time." (Elsaris)

"How long do you plan on going without calling him Father?" (I)

"I understand your sister not doing that as she still doesn't know Vampire customs and culture, but you know she's a daughter of Zenos now." (I)

"I'm sure you already have the title to prove it." (I)

"..." (Elsaris)


"But what kind of conversation is this during a raid on the enemy base?" (Rakan)Elsaris takes the potion bottle and pours it on her head, the potion covers her whole body making the dirt run down to the floor leaving her body and clothes clean.

"Don't worry, there aren't any other enemies around, at least out here, but I'd like to know what that thing was that I killed?" (Elsaris)

"From what I can see it was a Kimera Soldier, must have been one of those who couldn't keep human form." (Rakan)

"So he was a victim too." (I)

"Now that I'm clean let's continue, Rakan do you have any detection magic to find out what's behind the door?" (Elsaris)

"Yes, wait a second." (Rakan)

"< Life Detection >" (Rakan)

"< Mana Detection >" (Rakan)

"< Magic Eye >" (Rakan)

Rakan uses some magic and leaves a small magic circle in front of one of his eyes.

"There are no enemies inside, there is also only one place with a concentration of Mana which must be the magic circle we came to destroy, besides that, I don't see any magic traps on that door." (Rakan)

"From the spells you used I can tell that your specialization is in non-elemental magic, right?" (I)

"Yes, non-elemental magic is the basis of all magic, I believe that by studying this type of magic what you discover can be implemented in many more situations." (Rakan)

"Now it's the two of you who are talking in the middle of work." (Elsaris)

"Let's get this over with." (I)

Elsaris opens the door as we enter, just like I did in the last city, I canceled the magic in that magic circle by destroying it while Rakan collects the crystal, we didn't find anything else and so we decided to go back, we should probably be the first to go back, on the way to back we also destroyed some of the black stones in the sewers to make it impossible to activate this magic circle.


Pov Kira:As in the second city, we were going to pair up during the mission in case something unforeseen happened, it was decided that my pair would be Jade, so I spent the time we were traveling to the second city to train together with her, this would make our work together more easily.

Jade is someone I can relate to, she was also a criminal who regrets the things she did, I was forced to do horrible things when I was a slave to that noble bastard, while Jade committed crimes being controlled by the malice of the miasma.

Because of that, I was happy to make friends with her.

Our training went very well, I'm different from Beatriz who was mainly focused on espionage, I'm someone trained mainly for assassination, so I train more battle situations with Jade.

As soon as we arrive in town and separate ourselves from the others we head towards our target, we are heading to a mansion full of Vampires.

As soon as we arrive I position myself to activate the barrier, then we start cleaning the inside of the mansion.

I went upstairs where the noble family members and the most important servants are, while Jade went to the backside of the mansion downstairs where the guards and servants' quarters are.

Jade's side should have more enemies, but they will be weaker and will be sleeping, I left her to deal with these enemies because she managed to learn new magic with Rakan's help, she can create a magic circle with her poison and create small snakes of venom that she can control, she can create dozens of these snakes, so she will finish her job quickly, I have to hurry.

I identified the main room quickly, so I decided to take care of the strongest possible enemy first, I entered the room slowly and approached the bed where a middle-aged man and two women were lying.

I go to the two women and pierce their heads with my daggers, at that moment a claw comes flying up to my neck, but suddenly the claw falls, when I turn Byakko in his White Tiger form has crossed his entire paw through the enemy's chest, the paw that should have been white was silver as if it were made of metal.

"The idiot really thought you wouldn't notice he was awake." (Byakko)

"Don't talk so bad about him, it made our life easier as he focused so much of his attention on me that he didn't even notice you attacking him." (I)

"But now we have to run, the smell of that blood will soon make the others realize that something is wrong." (I)

I leave the bodies where they are for now and divide myself with Byakko, when we were outside I confirmed that everyone was sleeping on this floor, this gives me a chance to kill them without having to hide too much, so I go from room to fourth to decapitate everyone while they sleep, there were two that woke up sensing danger, but I used the thunder paralysis rune to stop them from reacting.

I just cleaned the second floor in 15 minutes and was picking up the bodies when I look out the window and see that everything is quiet, the bodies of all the guards were on the floor, I had Byakko go along with Jade to take care of them while I took care of the cleaning.

When we finished collecting all the bodies, we started to search the mansion for anything of value, since the first city we have been stealing the stocks of food and condiments at Freya's request, we have also been stealing all the books we found at the request of Irina and Érica.

At Caryna's request, I also stole the mansion's plates, cups, silverware, and cups, of course, I also stole the money and everything else I found in the safe.

One thing we found was prisoners who must have been a food source for the Vampires of this place, as they all looked human, all I did was release them and give them some blood replacement potions so they could walk on their own while we left.

After we're done, I deactivate the barrier and head out into the city to the gates to head back to the meeting point outside the city.

On the way, we saw people screaming and complaining as they looked at the streets that had become like ditches after the black stones were taken away.

It looks like Layla and Nix have already passed through this part of town, we didn't stop to watch the riot begin, we went straight back to the meeting point where we found almost everyone waiting for us to come back.

I kept talking to Vanessa to find out how it was on her side while waiting for everyone to be back, even the master is back with a woman in his arms, he didn't say anything about her, all he said was that he would explain things later.
