Pov Beatriz:

Lyra and I were responsible for attacking one of the two mansions, the place we were going to attack also had a secret underground area where another drug factory was located.

Leonardo has already confirmed the design of the place, we know that there are 4 floors, the first two floors are where drugs are produced, the 3rd floor is where everything is stored and the top floor is where the rooms and the office are.

Already knowing that there must be an average of 20 enemies or maybe even less, I go along with Lyra to attack and destroy that place just as Lyra did with the last one in the previous city.

When we arrived at the second city we separated from the others when the mission started and went straight to the mansion.

As I did in the previous city, I position myself on the roof and activate the barrier, while Lyra seems to be preparing something.

"The barrier is already active." (I)


"What are you doing Lyra?" (I)

"A poison, I'm making it to kill the enemies in this place, but I'm going to need your help." (Lyra)

"What is on your mind?" (I)

"I was thinking of filling the whole mansion with poison, what do you think?" (Lyra)

"If you can do that it would be great, but it would be better to be a paralyzing poison." (I)

"From what we found in the first city we attacked, there must be prisoners or slaves that the Vampires use as a food source somewhere in the manor." (I)

"That's true, I almost do something I would regret later, thank you Beatriz." (Lyra)

"Wait just a few seconds while I change the type of poison I'm preparing." (Lyra)

"Of course, but be quick, my magic won't keep us hidden up here forever." (I)

"All right." (Lyra)

I was using illusion magic around us so the others wouldn't notice we were here, but I can't keep that up forever.

Lyra, who had a small sphere of liquid in front of her before, opens a vial and stores the poison she was creating.

Then she opens some vials making a few drops come out of each vial and merge in front of her, when a sphere of dark brown liquid is formed she makes the sphere spin faster and faster for a few seconds while creating a magic circle around the sphere.

"< Extraction of Impurities >" (Lyra)When the sphere stops spinning I see that the liquid has turned light brown and there is a small stone in the middle, Lyra pulls the magic circle down making this dark stone in the center of the liquid come out and throwing it away, then the magic circle disappears as she stores the resulting liquid in a new bottle, all of which took less than two minutes.

"Everything is ready?" (I)

"Yes, this time it's a very complex potion as I don't want to kill anyone by accident, I also needed a quick and imperceptible effect, so I had to mix a lot of things and remove the impurities." (Lyra)

"What do you need me to do?" (I)

"You are more stealthy than I am, I will make condensed needles from this potion I made, your gloves are waterproof just like mine, but your throwing techniques are faster and more accurate than controlling the needles to attack." (Lyra)

"I imagine we won't be able to open the windows of each room without risking the enemies noticing, but I'm not confident enough not to break the windows when I make the needles go through the windows which will also wake the enemies." (Lyra)

"I see, you want me to fling those needles, I can do that without breaking the windows, but what exactly is this potion going to do?" (I)

"Before you throw it I will mix another potion and condense it into a needle, 15 seconds later the reaction of the two potions will evaporate the poison all over the place leaving everyone inside the mansion unconscious." (Lyra)

"Then let's do it." (I)

Lyra's plan was very interesting, it seems that this girl is very smart, thanks to her body that was created to be very strong and full of potential, she manages to accompany me as we circle the mansion putting her plan into practice, holding liquid needles gave a strange feeling in my hands as I needed a softer touch, but I got used to it quickly.

When we were done, we both drank potions before finishing off the guards outside, this time there would be no risk of innocent people dying, so we parted ways, I took care of the front of the mansion and Lyra of the back of the mansion.

When we're done Lyra gives me a potion that I drink just like her before entering the mansion, I could still smell a faint salty odor in the air, but nothing happened to me.

As we walked from room to room killing all the enemies with ease, we also found unconscious guards and maids in the corridors, so we ended up finding a room where there were people chained and looking weak, just as I had thought, Lyra seemed relieved to see that the prisoners were still were breathing.

We release everyone and give them blood replacement potions, we also give everyone a diluted antidote, according to Lyra they should wake up in two hours.

After all the enemies were killed we stole everything we could from this mansion, so we go to the back of the mansion where there is a guards weapons store, behind the closet where the swords are there was a secret passage with stairs leading down.

I go in front with Lyra following right behind, I feel the presence of two people in front of me, I go slowly forward and put my hands covering their mouths while I activate magic that I created in the Palms of my hands along with the effect From my gloves, the two soldiers were frozen blue-skinned, unable to move in a matter of seconds.

I used my heightened senses on the surroundings, but I didn't feel anyone else around.

"I didn't know you were good with ice magic." (Lyra)

"I'm not, that was fire magic." (I)

"How did you freeze them with fire magic?" (Lyra)

"The magic I used absorbs body heat, at the same time my gloves have the freezing effect that I asked Rakan and Tânia to put on, normally it's weak but when I use both together the effect is immediate as you can see." (I) "Now let's continue, I feel there are people in the second door on the right." (I)

Lyra and I started killing everyone on the 1st and 2nd floors, they were just human Alchemists, they couldn't do anything before they died, at the same time they stole everything we found useful, on the 3rd floor was the warehouse and according to Lyra, this warehouse was bigger than the one she destroyed with Layla.

There was no one in the warehouse, so we only stole the alchemy materials and left the drugs here, on the 4th floor, which was the last, we started to kill those who were in the rooms quickly.

When we reach the last room that should be the office of the person in charge of this place, we knock on the door, when a woman's voice allows us to enter I open the door slowly while Lyra throws a sphere of liquid inside that explodes releasing gas everywhere, the woman gets up and tries to use a spell, but before completing the magic circle falls dead on the table.

This gas is poison, not even a very strong poison since we just wanted to capture her, we thought it could be a Vampire or a Demon, but apparently, it was only a Human.

After we finish off all the enemies here Lyra spreads explosive potions while throwing a flammable liquid on the ground as we make our way back, when we are at the door of the secret passage I throw a fireball and soon we start to hear muffled explosions followed by tremors.

After that, I deactivated the barrier and we walked out of there heading back to the meeting point outside the city.


POV Jay:

Érica and I went to attack the government office in that city, it was a three-story building, the streets around it were being patrolled by soldiers, but none of them approached the building, I managed to enter the building with Érica.

Inside the building we only found 15 enemies, there were 6 Humans, 8 Vampires, and 1 Demon.

They were all in the same place that seemed to be a meeting room, from what little I could hear the Devil who was in charge of the meeting was talking about starting to raise taxes next week so they'll be able to stock up on more money before the plan starts.

"< Flaming Heart >" (Érica)

Érica reverts back to her Demon form as she puts one hand on the floor and I see a magic circle appear all over the meeting room, then soon the 15 people started screaming in a desperate and agonized way.

When we entered Érica returned to her human form before starting to kill one by one and the others didn't seem to even notice our presence, all they could do was scream in pain while holding their chests.

After finishing all the enemies, we only stole things that would be useful and left the rest behind while we left there, deactivating the barrier that also prevents the sound from within, so no soldiers showed up here.

As we leave the city to go to the meeting point, I talk to Érica to ask a question.

"What kind of curse did you use on them?" (I)

"It was a curse that made them feel pain as if their hearts were on fire inside their body, this curse only causes pain and no real harm." (Érica)

"The pain level must have been very high given the state they were in." (I)

"This curse was useless against Farus' troops in the mountain range, this was the first time it was really useful." (Érica)

"I was starting to wonder how much this magic could be usable in battle, but it seems to be quite effective." (Érica)

"How long does the curse last." (I)

"As long as the target of the measurement has mana in its body, I make almost every curse I use the enemy's mana against it." (Érica)

As I listen to the way Érica uses her curses, I'm amazed at how easy she talks about it and her happy smile as she says her work has borne such horrible fruit, she really is studying curses deeply.
