I tell the plan to everyone who was with me in the magic circle room.

"We have little time to prepare." (I)

"You heard the plan, so Ivan is going to get the Mages to set traps all over town." (I)

"Rakan, you are going to coordinate the Mages for a surprise attack, I want you to use the Wind Element Mages to make a combined magic to create a tornado that will gather many enemies at the same point, meanwhile I also want a group of Mages from the fire element makes a combined spell to burn the tornado making a fire tornado." (I)

"The difficulty level to make a combo spell is very high, but you want to make two combo spells merge in the middle of a battle?" (Rakan)

"Yes, then make it work." (I)

"..." (Rakan)


"Maybe if I use two ritual spells the magic combination for each element will work, but how am I going to make the two elemental spells complement each other?" (Rakan)

"The intense fire will consume the surrounding air very quickly, the magic will only last for a few seconds..." (Rakan)

"The magic doesn't have to last long, the enemies will already be inside the tornado, I just need it to be extremely destructive." (I)

"I think I can do something about it, I have to gather the Mages now if I want to have time for this..." (Rakan)

Rakan and Ivan ran into the Dungeon, meanwhile, I turned to Elsaris.

"You will be responsible for leading alongside Kira and Helena a group of people with skills focused on ambush or assassination." (I)

"I guess this shouldn't be a problem for you, right?" (I)

"It will be easy, I have fought alongside many assassins, I also know the skills of the people I will be leading." (Elsaris)

"I'll join them and go reconnoitre the city area to find better spots to ambush the enemy." (Elsaris)

Elsaris also runs away, so I turn to Vanessa.

"Vanessa, I want you and Irina to be prepared to heal anyone in the vicinity, avoid using your holy power if you don't have to." (I)

"Yes father." (Vanessa)

Vanessa also runs out, probably going to get Irina, so I turn to Nix and Layla.

"What do you want me to do?" (Nix)

"Your Dragon form is very big and flashy, so fight in your Human form, try to stay close to weaker people to protect them if necessary." (I)"What do I have to do?" (Layla)

"Slay all the enemies you want, show them what a real Demon assassin is." (I)

"I've told you many times not to call me Devil, I'm a beautiful and kind Fairy." (Layla)

"But I'll show them what a cute Fairy like me can do to people who kill innocents." (Layla)

Nix is ​​one of the strongest people on my side, maybe even the strongest, so I'll leave her to protect our weaker allies.

Layla will do her best as an enemy grinding machine, her various elements and her cruel way of doing things will scare off a lot of enemies, as much as she likes to act like a stubborn child, I know she is just as smart as Nix.

I also don't believe for a second that Layla will do anything because she's furious about the death of people she doesn't know, by the psychopathic smile she has on her face I know she just wants to make it rain blood, sometimes I wonder what this demonic fairy would become if it wasn't for me around keeping her in check.

After giving preliminary orders to these people, I enter the Dungeon to look for Érica, Freya, and Sapphire.

I gave orders for Érica to start preparing some measurements in a large area to hit only the enemy, I also told Sapphire to prepare to lead the troops along with her daughter, Irius, Leo, and Sophia.

I asked Freya to gather all the archers to lead roles in this combat, this is something she has already shown to do well in the mountain range.

After talking to everyone I went to the 4th floor of the Dungeon to talk to the Guardian who was at the top of the waterfall.

"I think you already know why I'm here." (I)

"Something serious must have happened, do you want me to fight too?" (Guardian)

"Yes, you were already very strong as a Dryad, but now I can't even measure your strength." (I)

"Unfortunately I can't fight the way I'd like to, as you might imagine." (Guardian)

"I don't have time for that right now, so if you're not going to fight, I want you to defend the people who are fighting, don't let them die." (I)

"Don't look at me like that, that I can do, besides I'm happy to protect them." (Guardian)

"But I'm limited as long as I'm on this continent, it's not as serious as the Fairy Kings and Spirit Kings, but I'll only be able to use half my power." (Guardian)

"Better than nothing." (I)

"I also know that you still have that request you spoke of earlier, but wait until after you leave this Realm." (I)

"I'm glad you remember that, I'm looking forward to having this conversation with you." (Guardian)

I come out of the Dungeon and find that Nix had closed the gate and opened it again on the surface, I could see everyone running around the city.I let everyone do what they want so I went to the central square of the city, I had talked to Rakan at the beginning and I knew that this is where the greatest number of enemies should be summoned, so it was there that Rakan was setting up two magic circles rituals along with other Mages.

"Are you nervous, master?" (Diana)

"A little bit, this whole situation took me by surprise, I didn't have much time to think about these plans, this is the first time I'm improvising like this." (I)

"Your plan sounds pretty good to me." (Diana)

"My plan is only good in theory, Rakan is trying hard, but what I asked of him would be impossible for anyone else, even for him it might be impossible." (I)

"Wizards don't have enough time to create many magic traps, the city is too big, plus maybe not even half of these spells will activate." (I)

"Freya and the archers will only be useful against flying enemies, that's why buildings and constructions will be a deterrent for them as ranged attackers." (I)

"Elsaris won't be able to explore the entire city, she also doesn't have a very large group of assassins with her, neither Elsaris nor Kira are used to fighting cooperating with others like that." (I)

"Besides we don't even know where the enemies will spawn, according to Rakan they can spawn anywhere, all he can know is that a large group must be summoned near this square which is in the center of the magic circle." (I)

"There are a lot of variables that I can't control and I don't have time to think of a better plan." (I)

As I talk about what's going through my head, Diana gives me a hug from behind as she strokes my hair tenderly.

"You're pushing yourself too hard, your plan is good enough for the time we have, I also know you thought to protect those in danger." (Diana)

"Just trust us, no one here will let you down." (Diana)

"..." (I)

Talking to keep calm may be simple, but I am responsible for every person's life here, this time it's all very different from what happened in the mountain range, I can see the various holes in my plan, besides that nobody had time to train the things I asked for, everything will be done improvised, I just hope that everything works out.

"Everyone be ready!" (Rakan)

With Rakan's scream, everyone hides and waits, I hide in a bell tower in the center of town with Nix, Layla, and Diana.

Soon all the streets light up and magic circles start to appear everywhere, many Demons and Vampires came out of these magic circles, at first they looked confused, meanwhile, I noticed at the top of the barrier words start to form after the invocation ended, these words were a warning to newcomers.

"Enemies are inside the barrier."

Soon I start to hear explosion noises and screams, it seems that some enemies have fallen into the traps.

Just like Rakan from this, over two hundred enemies are confused looking at each other and at the sky after being summoned

I close my eyes and focus, this is the first time I'm going to use this technique that Sophia taught me.

I concentrate on my Auras condensing into a single point, I do this until I can't take it anymore and then I release it all at once while trying to spread my Aura to the surroundings, with this I force my concentration to the maximum and I even have to use parallel thinking to get it spread my Aura all over the city, so I do my best to keep my Aura that way.

"Master doesn't do that, spreading your Aura over such a big place will cause you great suffering, it's a lot of pressure on your body and mind." (Nix)

"Let him Nix, he won't listen to what you have to say, you can feel it too, can't you?" (Diana)

"Master's Aura is strengthening us, Also look at the enemies, they are suffering." (Diana)

"While we are being strengthened, they are being weakened, the master chose to do that instead of fighting directly to protect everyone." (Diana)

"You're worrying too much, if you want the master to stop, then you'll just need to finish off all the enemies as quickly as possible." (Layla)
