Pov Rakan:

This is all my fault, I tried not to think about what the magic circles I worked with while I was with the Demons would be used, but I never thought it could end like this.

At that moment I was in despair, I had fallen into a spiral of melancholy and guilt, but Zenos was different, he was only surprised for a few minutes and as soon as Vanessa woke him up from his daze, he started to think of a solution.

So far I'm surprised at the plans he suggested so quickly, when he started telling me my part in his plans I thought it was impossible, I still think this magical combination borders on impossible at this point, even with the method of using ritual magic that I thought.

I thought about saying I wouldn't make it, but I felt pressure coming from Zenos like he wouldn't accept a negative answer, I felt like it was a command that I had to fulfill somehow, so I couldn't delay wasting even more time, every second counts.

I gathered all my subordinates to help prepare the magic circle, we had to perfect the magic circles while drawing it on the ground as we didn't have time, luckily we managed to finish it before the enemies showed up.

The next step was to gather ten Fire Element Mages and ten Wind Element Mages to control this magic, this will make us able to control this magic better and also make it stronger.


The problem will be energy consumption, so we had to use silver coins for these spells, I wanted to use gold coins but I was afraid that these Mages wouldn't be able to control that energy level, I hope this is enough.

When the enemies finally appeared they didn't notice us at first as they were confused by the summoning.

The problem is that two enemies appeared inside the place where we were hiding, I quickly took care of them using non-elemental magic, I created spears of condensed Mana that I pierced through their heads while they were confused.

The Mages had already started activating the ritual magic, in a few minutes it would start, I could only hope that everything worked.

It was at that moment that I felt that power, a powerful and gigantic Aura enveloped everything in the surroundings, I felt a great power flowing inside my body, I felt that it was easier to control my mana and that my magic power got stronger, I have never felt so well before.

In addition, I felt an intensity in this Aura as if I was in the presence of a great being, I looked around and saw the surprised faces of the Mages who were still activating the ritual, I could see that they were making less effort now and that the activation of the magic circle it was getting better.

"Where did that Aura come from?" (I)

"This is the Aura of the master, look at the enemies, while we are being strengthened they seem to be weaker." (Érica)

"You have to stay here and protect them, I'll start my killing spree." (Érica)

"OK." (Rakan)

"< Hellfire Beasts > ×3" (Érica)Érica was by my side during this time to help protect the other Mages if necessary, but seeing that there was nothing to worry about now, she began her assault on the enemy.

She sits down and three magic circles begin to form around her, from each magic circle comes 3 beasts made of purple fire giving a total of 9 beasts that Érica will have to control.

I tried to help her in the creation of this magic, but she can only personally control these beasts which makes her have to stay still to focus only on that, she can also only attack in a range of 500 meters around her.

I see the beasts entering the side streets or jumping over the rooftops instead of attacking the enemies in the square.

"(It's leaving them to us, thanks.)" (I)

"< Tornado of Blades >"

Soon the tornado magic is ready first and the magic circle is sent flying to the middle of the square, the tornado should look like it came out of nowhere to the enemies, it becomes a tornado so big that it starts sucking in the nearby enemies, exactly what we wanted.

"< Torrent of Fire >"

I saw almost all the enemies in the square being sucked into the tornado, those who were flying at the moment didn't even have the opportunity to resist, so the fire magic became active and a fire started to explode from the floor of the square forming columns of intense fire.

Soon the tornado passes through the places where the columns of fire are, I can see that the two spells started to interfere with each other, I have to make them merge.

I activate my magic Aura and use half my mana to build a spell.

"< Magic Balance >" (I)

The reason the two spells weren't able to merge as planned was that the wind magic was stronger than the fire magic, this was causing an imbalance that interfered with the functioning of the two magics, so I use magic that will identify and strengthen one or more spells in an area until they are all in the balance of power, this spell is not normally made for use on the battlefield, but as long as it is useful I will.

The effect shows itself immediately when the fire magic becomes more intense, so the tornado starts to catch fire while pulling fire in the surroundings towards it, this starts to burn the enemies trapped in the tornado while spreading fire in the surroundings.


"Looks like it was a success." (I)

-----------Pov Freya:

The master made me lead the archers, so I had to look for a high place where we could get a better view of the surroundings.

Those who were with me were mostly Hobgoblins, there were also Arachnes, Nymphs, Lizardman, and Ghouls in smaller numbers.

I train every day with the archers inside the Dungeon, so I'm very familiar with them.

Me and the Lizardman who managed to hit more distant targets focused on that, meanwhile the others just have to aim at the closest enemies, as there are many places we can't see on the ground, we're just shooting down the enemies in the sky.

Nix stayed close to us to deal with the approaching enemies, many spells, arrows, and abilities have already been launched towards us in a few minutes of combat, but Nix always protects us with a shadow barrier or with his wings.

As I was watching from above I noticed the various enemies being ambushed, falling into traps, or even being killed by the combined magic in the center of the city.

From above the government building I was able to see all of this, I imagine over 1000 enemies must have died at the start of the battle, but that was because of their initial distraction and confusion from being summoned here.

Now everyone is grouped and organized, few are those who stay in the air and do this to be able to stop the arrows, the magic in the town square is also gone, it was quite flashy and caused a lot of damage to the enemies, but it only lasted a few seconds before of disappearing by spreading fire in the surroundings.

I tried to find and target those who were using magic, but it was difficult as there was always someone protecting them.

The Master's Aura strengthened me as well as everyone else, but we weren't being that useful here anymore, there was little chance that we could attack.

The only reason to stay here was to keep pressure on the enemy, many Demons have wings just like Érica, so to keep them from flying and becoming targets for us archers, I and the others have to stay where we are, so the enemies will be forced to continue on the ground where many warriors are fighting.

Nix didn't need to see the enemy to hit them, so even if the enemies didn't get close to where we are, Nix always used Spirit Runes to create small Shadow Dragons to attack enemies without having to leave the place.

It seems that she saw Érica's training with her new magic and was inspired to create this technique, unfortunately, it is not as destructive as Érica's magic, but it has the advantage of being more stealthy as these little Shadow Dragons can hide in the shadows to attack unsuspecting enemies.

Nix tries not to use this technique too much, limiting herself to only 4 Shadow Dragons at a time, that's why she's still aware of enemies that try to approach where we are.

From where I am I can see various colors belonging to hundreds of spells and abilities that are being used, I can also see explosions and hear screams.

But strangely I saw a Werewolf that was ready to be cut by an enemy's Axe, I wouldn't have time to help from this distance, but before the enemy could deliver the final blow a large plant appears from the ground under the Werewolf devouring him as he returns to the basement.

I was so shocked by this unforeseen scene that it took me too long to react, when I finally launched my arrow at the enemy, he managed to dodge it with his axe.

After that, he ran behind a building where I see a spray of blood appear before a strange purple fire beast appears and runs in another direction.

"Looks like Érica is also using her new magic." (I)

"But what just happened? What plant was that?" (I)
