Pov Irina's:

Vanessa and I are inside a mansion in the city where we are treating the wounded that the Guardian is bringing.

The injured continue to appear brought by plants coming out of the ground, helping us have Lyra and some Nymphs, so far we have managed to prevent everyone's death.

Irius is not here, he is fighting alongside Leo on the battlefield, meanwhile, Rakan appears through the door bringing one of the Dark Elf Sisters who are his subordinates.

"What happened to her? I don't see any injuries." (I)

"One of the enemies was a Demon with a snake tail, she was bitten in the leg." (Rakan)

"Lyra! I need more antidote here." (I)


"It's over, I'll prepare more." (Lyra)

I take the Dark Elf and bring it to Lyra, I managed to finish everyone's treatment, luckily no one else was injured.

"How's the battle going?" (I)

"It's already running out, our initial attacks have greatly reduced the number of enemies, now it's just a matter of time." (Rakan)

"Did you see if my Father is okay?" (I)

"He didn't look too good, it seems that spreading his Aura over such a big place is getting to him, but don't worry, I saw that Diana is on his side." (Rakan)

"The fight is already over, I can see everything in the city." (Guardian)

"Ibuki, Jana, Beatriz, and Layla are facing the last two groups of enemies." (Guardian)

"Actually, the group that was fighting Layla is desperately trying to run away from her." (Guardian)

"They're smart, but they won't be able to get away from Layla." (Vanessa)

"You talk like the Fairy is some kind of monster." (Rakan)

Lyra, Vanessa, the Keeper, and I exchanged glances before Vanessa spoke.

"Let's just say Layla has a very decisive personality when she fights enemies." (Vanessa)

"When she starts fighting enemies she only stops if everyone dies or if the master tells her to stop." (Vanessa)

"By the looks of you, I don't think that's the whole story." (Rakan)

"Speaking of Fairies, Zenos' Aura is attracting a lot of Fairies and Spirits, his Aura is affecting a little outside the Barrier, because of that these Fairies and Spirits are fighting the Soldiers on the walls." (Guardian)

"My Father won't like to hear about this." (I)

"Isn't it good that the enemies are being killed without us having to do anything?" (Rakan)

"We could get rid of the Kimera Soldiers whenever we wanted once the barrier disappeared, we don't need the help of these Fairies." (Vanessa)

"But now we're going to have hundreds more Fairies and Spirits who will want to follow my Father." (I)

"If you have time to talk,So can one of you take these potions to the people who are still fighting?" (Lyra)

"Let me take it, I'll fly there now that there are fewer enemies." (Vanessa)


Pov Irius:

Leo and I already managed to get rid of our enemies so we were sitting there resting, we didn't want to get in the way of Layla's fight.

"Shouldn't we go help her?" (I)

"You go alone, look at the warriors behind us looking away from the scene in front of us." (Leo)

"Even they know they're dead if that Fairy gets any more excited than that." (Leo)

"..." (I)

In front of us, it no longer looked like a battlefield, it looked like the scene of a brutal and one-sided genocide.

There were dismembered, cut, frozen, burned bodies and there was even a tree where each branch was piercing a different body.

The sounds we can hear are explosions, screams, requests for mercy from enemies, and Layla's laughter as she forms a ring of light that runs cutting through the few enemies left.

The bloodlust coming out of that tiny body is not something I would want to feel directed at me, I even saw one of the enemies crying before being cut in half.

"I don't like watching others fight, I'm hearing battle sounds coming from that direction, we should go there." (I)

"If I'm not mistaken Beatriz and Ibuki are responsible for that area, so we don't need to worry about that side either." (Leo)

"We are left with few enemies because of its big body scaring the enemies." (I)

"I'm sure it was the big sword of light you used to kill that group of Vampires that made them go in other directions." (Leo)

"And I'm sure you guys should be doing other things instead of sitting and talking like this." (Vanessa)

"..." (I)

"..." (Leo)

Vanessa appeared above us with her red wings, she was serious as she spoke to me and Leo.

"All enemies are dead, only those with Layla are missing..." (I)

"The last three just died." (Leo)

"I passed by Ibuki and Beatriz, they are also ending up on their side, Ibuki seems to be facing the last enemy, a Demon with tentacles coming out of his back." (Vanessa)

"Take these potions and give them to those who are injured, I will go to Father to see if he is okay." (Vanessa)

Vanessa hands us a bag full of potions before flying off towards the town square or at least what's left of the town square.


Pov Érica's:When my mana was almost gone I undid my hellfire beasts, while walking around the battlefield I saw enemies still screaming as they tried to put out the purple fire, but this is useless.

Purple fire is something I created myself by using my two affinities together, this is a cursed fire that uses the mana of whoever it hits as fuel.

So far I only know of two ways to erase this, the first is for me to lift the curse, something that only I can do since I was the one who cast the curse.

The second way is with a purification spell, something I know Demons and Vampires isn't good at, so they're already dead without me needing to do anything else.

I walk around the battlefield drinking my last mana potion, the square is already destroyed because of the tornado that Rakan helped to make, my curse magic did very little damage to the city, but that fire tornado was like an apocalyptic phenomenon this time. place devastating everything in the surroundings.

I had full confidence that everyone would be able to win this battle, so I walked around the battlefield looking for any enemy that was trying to flee or hide.

I found a vampire playing dead under a pile of bodies, I used my claws to pierce her head from behind.

I also found a Demon running towards me, he wanted to make a surprise attack against me, but the magic he released hit my cursed barrier which reflected his lightning back to him.

It was funny to see him die from his own attack.

As I was walking around the city I could only see the ruins of a great battle, this time we destroyed this city a lot.

Soon I notice a Rogue who is sitting on a roof doing nothing as she looks towards the bell tower where the master is, this Rogue has her eyes shining looking over there.

She's sitting up and doesn't seem to be bloodthirsty, she looked at me and put her hands up.

This woman is black-skinned with red eyes, her hair is silver to her waist, and she seems to have a fit body while she is also quite pretty, but for some reason, I think there are more things I'm not able to see.

"Do you think just by surrendering we'll spare your life?" (I)

"My master is not in the habit of sparing enemies." (I)

"I'm not an enemy, I was a spy in the group of these extremists."

"Why do you think I would believe you? Even if I did, why would I care?" (I)

"I may have some useful information for you."

"I'm not a threat, so you want to risk losing a possible source of information?"

"..." (I)

"Very well, I'll let you live a little longer, but depending on what you say it could end up worse than just dead, so be very careful what you say and I advise you to only tell the truth in front of the master afterward." (I)

"(This woman is suspicious, I can sense a lot of indifference towards the people in the vicinity who are dead.)" (I)

"I must say that I am surprised that there is a Demon that fights for the Morror Continent."

"You don't have to play these games to get information from me, I have nothing to hide from someone dead." (I)

"< Hellfire Seal >" (I)


I use an original curse of mine on this Rogue, I can feel a Demonic Aura inside her, the master has already said that we should never underestimate an enemy while he is alive.

This curse I used will seal her mana, if she tries to circulate her mana or use some magic then this seal will burn that mana while burning her body from the inside out, that would be deadly for many races but Vampires are hard to kill if it doesn't aim for the heart or head, then it should only be temporarily incapacitated by it.

"I advise you to behave yourself or you may die before you reach my master." (I)

"(I'll let the master decide what to do with this woman.)" (I)

I start walking along with this woman heading towards the square, on the way I find Freya going in the same direction as me.

"Are you also going to see the master, Freya?" (I)

"Yes, who is this woman with you." (Freya)

"Someone suspect I'm going to take it to the master." (I)
