Pov Kira:

When Elsaris ran inside the Dungeon and told everyone what had happened, few were affected by the news of the death of an entire city.

People in the mountain range have heard a lot of news like this over the years, so they won't be affected by it if it's not even connected to this city.

The people who were affected at different levels were the group of Mages under Rakan's control, even though I wasn't affected that much.

What really made everyone surprised and nervous was discovering that new enemies were coming here, so people started to prepare.

"Did the master give any orders? Does he have any plans in mind?" (I)

"He already has a plan in mind, I'll tell you everything while we gather others with ambush and assassination skills." (Elsaris)


"So let's go." (I)


Just before the enemies started to appear we divided our group into 4 with me, Elsaris, Beatriz, and Helena as leaders, each group went to a side of the city, in my group, there are 1 Ogre, 5 Hobgoblins, 3 Ghouls and a Werewolf with abilities of the shadow element.

When the enemies started appearing it was our signal to act, during the initial confusion I was able to kill 15 enemies.

I killed 8 throwing knives in the middle of the street, I hit them all in the head to be sure of their deaths, of the others I killed two that were side by side inside a store cutting their necks with my daggers, another that was further away in the room window I used a thunder rune to kill from afar, four had flown, I jumped across the roofs killing two while Byakko appeared killing the other two who tried to attack me.

At that moment I see a tornado sucking fire and starting to burn a little further away from me, this made me distract myself which did not go unnoticed by the enemies.

A punch comes towards me which I defended with one arm out of reflex, but I had underestimated the enemy's strength which was so great that it made me go through three walls of a nearby building.

The only reason I didn't die or break my bones with that attack was the Metal Element Rune that Byakko used on me before being attacked.

But even so, I was still in pain, but I got to my feet and climbed out the hole I came in, only to see a seven-foot-tall Vampire who looked like a mountain of muscle, his skin was a shiny black color like he was made of some black metal, his fists looked like war hammers they were so big, he looked to be in his 40s by the looks of it, and he was bald.

This Vampire was having an intense battle against Byakko who had a completely silver body looking like a metal statue.

The two exchanged intense blows and I would help, but more enemies noticed the fight and came towards us, as they approached I saw some being caught in wires and others being killed by swords from behind.

Who killed them was Helena's group that must have been nearby and came to help me, no time for thanks I go towards the Vampire who was fighting Byakko on top of a building, I throw a dagger that he catches with his hand, but then the dagger releases an intense shock that paralyzes him for a few seconds which was long enough for Byakko to bite his neck while shooting a beam from his mouth at the point-blank range this makes the enemy scream before the beam passes through his neck, Byakko lets go the Vampire who drops dead.

When I looked around I saw that two of the Hobgoblins weren't around while the others in the leading group were also fighting.

At that moment I saw the Ogre piercing his dagger into the heart of a female Demon at the same time that this Demon's tail went through his back.Before reaching the Ogre, a plant appears under him closing in around him before dropping back to the ground.

"But what was that?" (I)


Pov Ivan:

During the battle me, Leo, Sophia, and Sapphire were responsible for commanding the troops, Ibuki doesn't know how to command others, but he's coming along with us.

When the fight started, we killed the enemies that appeared nearby, during the fight we all felt the Aura of the master spreading and strengthening us.

Our troops started to fight better, the Demons were strong and their magic was causing us problems, but our troops were made up of people of various races with strong bodies.

Since I didn't have any enemies of the same strength level as me, I was able to walk on the battlefield massacring enemies.

I use my sword to send a blade of fire flying at enemies, this blade of fire grows into a wave of fire burning more than ten enemies, this was not enough to kill them, but it will weaken them enough for our warriors to kill.

I kept fighting and used Bone Prison on another group of enemies who were bombarded by our Mages' spells, meanwhile I cut down a Vampire who tried to hit me from behind while being stabbed by a Demon woman's spear.

After cutting the Vampire in half with my sword I spread my Aura to strike fear into the Demon woman, then I use my hand to pierce her chest and crush her heart.

Suddenly I feel like I'm being attacked from two sides, I turn to one side starting a sword fight against a red-skinned Demon, he could be weaker than me, but his sword technique was very good.

I don't care about the other enemy that was trying to attack me because I saw him get wrapped around Sapphire's tail as he was pulled away from me.

At that moment two Vampires were launched in the direction I'm fighting and they hit my opponent making the three go to a place where Jade made many poison snakes appear.

"Ivan, we have to go to the master, we have to stop him!" (Sophia)

"Calm down Sophia, we're in the middle of a battle if you haven't noticed." (I)

Suddenly Sophia appears at my side as she kicks an enemy away, she starts talking as I punched an enemy's head into the ground.

"The master is spreading his Aura over a very large distance, he is also keeping it that way, this must be putting a big burden on his mind and body." (Sophia)

"We can't do this..." (I)

"But the master..." (Sophia)"You should also understand why he's doing this instead of fighting personally, he's someone stubborn and won't listen to anyone after making a decision..." (I)

Before I can finish speaking I am thrown away by a large stone thorn that hit me while I was distracted.

I look in the direction of the Mage who hit me only to see him being torn apart by a large Ax that was being held by Leo in his Lion form.

"As I was saying before, if you want to help the master, then end this fight as soon as possible..." (I)

While I was trying to talk to Sophia, I see two giant plants appear from the ground involving two ogres that were about to be killed by fire magic, these plants went back underground with the two injured, the fire magic that hit the plant didn't even leave a burn mark.

"But what plant is this?" (I)

"Must be the Keeper." (Sapphire)

"I saw her leaving the Dungeon with Zenos earlier." (Sapphire)

"Why is she only rescuing the wounded?" (I)

"I don't know..." (Sapphire)

"< Serpent Blade >" (Sapphire)

"< Wall of Bones >" (I)

I use magic creating a wall of bones on my right side to defend myself from the Mana orbs that were coming towards me, meanwhile, I saw Sapphire using her Blade attack to kill three Demons.

When I looked at Sophia she looked furious, her fists were glowing brightly, and her every punch was punching holes in the enemy's bodies.

I saw some enemies try to get away from Sophia flying up, but soon an arrow hit them, making their bodies fall again.

When the last enemy has been killed I try to see if there's anyone injured nearby to help, but I can't find anyone.

What I see is a big difference in the enemies' bodies, the bodies near Jade have few wounds but some seem to be rotting from the poison.

The bodies close to Sapphire seem to be in pieces, she doesn't really show any mercy, the bodies close to Sophia seem to have been crushed, some had holes in their bodies while others were so broken that I don't think they even have a single one whole bone inside the body.

Meanwhile, the bodies around me are just cut, burned, or trapped between sharp bones, for some reason, I think those I've killed have suffered less.

"Are the enemies over?" (I)

"No, I can feel many Auras in two different directions, but in one of those directions I can feel Layla's Aura." (Sophia)

Sophia points in the direction Layla must be fighting, I can see a big mess of lights coming from that direction, I can also hear a very low laugh, but most importantly I feel a chill in my bones.

"Layla can take care of herself, let's go the other way." (I)

"(I feel sorry for the enemies who are near that Fairy-shaped monster.)" (I)
