During the days it took us to reach the capital, I trained in the techniques I would need for the plan I had, in addition, I used my power to transform two people, one on the first day and the other on the sixth day of travel.

I did this to increase the strength of our group, the people I chose were the most motivated to fight which are Barok and Alessandra in my opinion.

Barok had his village destroyed, he saw his people dying in front of him, and he saw those who survived being captured to be given to the enemy leader as food.

Barok is more than motivated for battle, Irius who has been training with him said that Barok is an excellent warrior with great combat instincts.

Alessandra won't even comment, if she had enough power I can see her doing something unspeakable against her enemies in revenge for everything they did against her.

I could have used my power to help strengthen more people, but there's no use in power if they don't have the motivation to fight, besides I'm finished the next day doing this kind of thing, two is the limit for me without affecting the time I need to train before the battle.

Also, I have been switching my jobs correctly after leaving every city we went to, I also realized that I'm close to evolving again, I gained a lot of EXP in the previous fight due to having spread my Aura around the city.


I also managed to merge the Demon bloodlines into one, this created the [ Twilight Demon: 100% ] bloodline.

I was the one who chose that name, it seems that the synthesis of so many Demonic bloodlines ended up creating a bloodline that didn't exist before, so I had the option to give the bloodline a name.

I also synthesized the Vampire bloodlines, and the result was [ Demon Vampire of Nightfall: Original ], this is also a name I came up with, now I have my own Vampire bloodline and this one, but I don't want to synthesize them now, for some reason I feel like it wouldn't be safe considering how my body was destroyed with this synthesis.

The two syntheses generated great results, but left me in a horrible state, but will still be useful for what I want to do now.

The dozens of skills I got won't be useful now as I don't have time to train with those skills, so I'll memorize this for after I'm done with this shit Kingdom.


⁰ travel day

The trip should last 13 days, I plan to increase our chances in the battle as much as I can, so I call Barock to the mansion along with Alice.


"Please raise your head, how many times do I need to say this until you and your people understand?" (I)

"Even if I say that, every time I see the Great Zenos I get so anxious that it's hard to control myself when I realize I'm already on my knees." (Barok)

"For some reason during the last two days, I have felt a magnificent presence coming out of you." (Barok)

As soon as Alice enters the now-empty hall while accompanied by Barok, but as soon as he sets his eyes on me he kneels down as he always does.

What he's talking about is probably referring to my Aura, I'm still not able to control my Aura completely, so I'm staying away from Alessandra, Leonardo, and Rakan's subordinates who are the weakest people in the Dungeon, I don't want to hurt them by accident.

Barok is someone with a Grade A strength level, so he won't die just from coming into contact with my Aura.

After a while, it seems he manages to stand in front of me as he looks at me.

"You must be wondering why I asked Alice to call you here." (I)

"I'm always honored to be around Great Zenos, but I'm really curious if you need anything, I'm always willing to help." (Barok)

"First of all, I need to know if you still have the will to fight the Demons and Vampires who have done so much harm to your people?" (I)

"..." (Barok)At that question, Barok's eyes widen before a glint of fury he tries to hide appears in his eyes.

"To be honest, I've been finding it increasingly difficult to control my rage, if I could I would fight to the death just to make sure I take as many of them with me as possible, but I know I don't have the strength to do that, besides my people still need me." (Barok)

"Without the necessary strength, I would just be throwing myself in front of death." (Barok)

I look into his eyes and I can see the strong urge to fight, saying those words now only made that urge even stronger in his eyes.

He must still hold a lot of grudges against these people.

"The truth is, I can give you the power you want, with this power you will be strong enough to participate in the next battle against enemy leaders." (I)

"But that power comes at a price, you will be bound to me forever, just like the others in my group." (I)

"It's your decision whether you want that power or not, so decide your future for yourself." (I)

"There is nothing to decide, serving the Great Dragon Zenos is an honor for me, receiving your power for serving you is a double reward for me." (Barok)

I've told him many times that I'm not a Dragon, but I can't say how true that is when I have titles that say I'm a Dragon, besides that, I have pure Dragon bloodlines.

Barok answered me immediately with a big smile, I could hear his heart racing in his chest.

"Very well, then let's do this now." (I)

While talking to Barok, I was waiting for Vanessa to arrive in case she needs help, when I see her arriving with Lilian, I warn Barok that we were starting.

I wave Alice, Vanessa, and Lilian away leaving just me and Barok in the center of the room, I activate my abilities at the same time, activate my Aura, Blood Servant, and Blood Pact abilities.


<[ Lizardman submitted to you willingly ]>



<[ Choose a power to bestow on Barok (Lizardman) ]>




<[ Skill [ Blood Pact ] activated ]>



<[ You have the choice to grant power to Barok (Lizardman) if you wish ]>Barok didn't even try to resist accepting that my Aura, my power, and my blood entered his body until it filled him completely, so I had to choose what I would grant him.

I've thought about it before, Barok has the bloodline of a Dragonewt, so I'm going to grant the true Dragon bloodline and the Dragon constitution skill.


<[ Starting process to awaken you from the potential ]>




<[ The body cannot resist the power of the Lineage ]>




<[ Starting the process of destroying and rebuilding the body ]>

I feel chaotic energy leaving my body and forming a figure around me, I see that it is the being with a black hood with a chaotic space inside the hood with energies of various colors flowing without order inside the hood of shadows.

But this time something was different, this was not a manifestation of the astral body, this figure looked more like a kind of illusion, he extended his arm from where a claw made of shadows normally comes out, but this time a Dragon claw covered with scales comes out crystal with chaotic sparkles inside when this claw appears I feel my body go weak quickly as pressure falls over the entire room.

The claw goes to Barok who was having his body transformed by my power, then the claw cuts a fingertip and a drop of crystalline red blood falls on top of Barok who absorbs that blood.

I see wings and a black tail growing from his back, I see the horn he had on one side of his head fall off as two crystal horns grow on his head, the green scales on his body turn black, his hair turns red and his eyes turn golden.

Barok's clothes ripped during his transformation showing his skin turning a similar color to mine, I see tattoo patterns similar to mine appearing only on his arms before he was floating down causing the entire mansion to shake.


<[ Power grant ended ]>

When Barok fell the Dragon's claw goes back inside the clothes of this shadow being making the pressure that existed before disappear, then this shadow figure fades as the dark energy it is made of comes back inside me.


<[ You have acquired the title [ Dragon Master ] ]>

Looks like I got one more title, but this is not the time to get distracted.

I look at Barok who stands up while breathing heavily, he stands up showing he's gotten taller, he's over 2.10 meters tall now and his muscles seem to have shrunk in size but I feel like they must be stronger than before.

"I feel a great power coursing through my body, I've never felt anything like this before." (Barok)

"Such a power, such a wild power, a power bestowed upon me by Grandmaster Zenos." (Barok)

"< Dragon Sword >" (Barok)

Barok stretches out his hand and a sword hilt appearing to be made of silver bones appears in his hands, he naturally pulls the hilt making it look like a large sword blade made of black crystal with chaotic sparkles inside comes out of the void.

"From this day forward I dedicate this sword in your name, I will use this power to bring only honor to your great name and to judge those who dare to go against your will, this is the oath I swear before you Grand Master Zenos." (Barok)

"..." (I)

As soon as the big sword that is easily bigger than my entire body appears, Barok presents the sword to me while kneeling on a single knee making an oath to me, I look at his status and find that he has a new job already active, in addition, he has some new titles, but only one caught my attention.

Job: [ Dragonewt Knight ]

Title: [ Knight of Zenos ]
