Barok's changes had been bigger than I expected that day, for some reason he inherited many of my features like the color of his skin and hair, also the tattoo on his arms, besides the sword he used looked a lot like the scales of my wings and the body of Dragon of Nyx.

What surprised me, even more, was the job and title he was given, I didn't expect any of that so I had to talk to Nix through my shadow explaining to her what happened as she continues on her way to the capital.

Nix explained to me that even though my True Dragon bloodline hadn't fully awakened yet, I already had the pact ability that I would normally only have upon fully becoming a Dragon by awakening my bloodline.

True Dragons can choose Servants, Knights, and Priestesses to stand by their side, that's why they need people to represent their will in many situations where they can't appear anywhere, but that's only for those at the top.

True Dragons can use their power to help others awaken their potential, can grant power to others, and can even transform a person into Dragonewt.

Because of this, they are considered demigods, but Nix said that most of them are not, only the True Elder Dragons are true demigods.

Nix said that by granting my Dragon lineage to a warrior, I made him my Knight without knowing it, as he received my power, his body was transformed with my reference one, so his hair and skin were similar to mine.


Also, Nix said that in the next evolutions of Barok his black scales can transform into the crystal scales that she and I already possess.

Over the next few days, Barok trained alongside Ivan and Sapphira to learn to control his new body, I hope he has time to get used to his new power until battle.


On the 7th day of travel

As the days went by I finished the synthesis of the Demonic bloodlines and went looking for Alessandra who has been spending the last ten days trapped in the library or training spells with Érica.

Érica has already told me that Alessandra has been learning several magical skills in the last few days, it seems that as she already had all the knowledge she needed, all that was left for her was to train in a more practical way.

But a problem arose in Alessandra's training, she had very little mana, besides her body was very weak making her not able to train as much as she would like and forcing her to interrupt her training several times.

I asked Freya to call Vanessa and Alessandra to the hall we used as a meeting room, I had already taken her out of meetings here when I granted the power to Barok.

Soon Freya is accompanied by Vanessa, Lilian, and Alessandra.

Alessandra approaches me in the center of the room as the others retreat to the corners of the room.

"I've waited a long time for this, I already thought you'd forgotten about me." (Alessandra)

"You bestowed such a powerful body on Barok, but you haven't sought me out for days." (Alessandra)

"Do you have any idea how weak and inadequate this body is for my training?" (Alessandra)

"You talk like your body is some kind of old outfit you're trying to change into something different." (I)

"That's a great metaphor, but there's only one mistake." (Alessandra)

"I haven't recognized this body as mine in a long time." (Alessandra)

"(Her words are too heavy talking about herself like that while she has such a weird smile on her face.)" (I)

As always talking to Alessandra is something that causes a strange and bizarre feeling in anyone, her eyes are always very intense and she says bizarre things as if it's normal while keeping a smile on her face.

I'm starting to think that giving her a demon bloodline might be a bad idea, but it won't make any difference which bloodline I give her as she's going to end up becoming a Demon one way or another.

"Unlike Barok, I needed to do some preparation for you, I think you can understand why I chose to do this with you two, right?" (I)

"Yes, you want those with the greatest desire to fight the enemy, but you made a mistake with Barok." (Alessandra)

"Even though he hates the enemy, he's already outgrown that hate, that's because of you and your hired Spirit." (Alessandra)

"I realized that too, the reasons why you want to fight is no longer for the destruction of your village, but mainly because they are my enemies." (I)

"For Barok them being responsible for everything bad that happened to his people is just a bonus." (I)

"But you don't have to worry about me, my motives will remain revenge, brutal, bloody and wonderful revenge." (Alessandra)

"..." (I)"Of course, I haven't forgotten what we talked about earlier, I know this power won't be free and I don't mind serving you, in fact, I'm grateful for it as it will allow me to continue living in such a fun place." (Alessandra)

"In the last few days, I've started thinking about things I haven't thought about in the last ten years." (Alessandra)

"After our conversation a few days ago, I started to think about what to do after my revenge, then I realized that I don't have anywhere to go or anyone I want to meet." (Alessandra)

"But here there are many people who are fun to talk to like Érica, Nira, Beatriz, and Lyra." (Alessandra)

"Even more, there are a lot of books here, books that would be hard to find, I can research any kind of magic I want, there's also a lot of fun things going on here." (Alessandra)

"I'm glad you're enjoying being here." (I)

"So let's start, I ask you not to resist my power and my Auras when they enter your body." (I)

"Wait! What about the blood? Aren't you going to give me your blood to drink?" (Alessandra)

"Which?" (I)

"You weren't going to turn me into a Demon Vampire? Also don't forget to change my name as you promised." (Alessandra)

"..." (I)

I think she's the first one to start making demands like she's a spoiled brat at a time like this.

I take a goblet and fill it with my blood, then float it over to her, it was a little unsettling to see her drink my blood with a smile and then lick her lips.

"Delicious, now we can start." (Alessandra)

"..." (I)


I look at Vanessa and Freya, see that Érica has arrived to watch too, Érica nods knowing I'm starting to have second thoughts about this so I sigh before I start.

I activate my Auras, Blood Servant, Vampire Servant, and Blood Pact abilities.

I feel my Auras entering Alessandra's body without resistance, then the red energies leaving my hands to enter her body also focusing on her stomach while making a red light illuminate inside her.

Soon my mana, blood, Ki, and spirit energy leave my body entering Alessandra's body which starts to float.


<[ Vampire transformation process started ]>



<[ Human submitted to you willingly ]>



<[ Choose a power to bestow on Alessandra (Human) ]>




<[ Skill [ Blood Pact ] activated ]>


.<[ You have the choice to grant power to Alessandra (Human) if you wish ]>

At that moment information begins to pop into my head about what I want to grant her.

I choose to grant the [ Twilight Demon: 100% ] bloodline and the [ Blood Elemental Affinity: 1 ] skill.


<[A large amount of malice found in Alessandra (Human) ]>



<[ Initiating the process of malice being converted into potential ]>



<[ Her Aura began to corrupt Alessandra (Human) ]>



<[ Alessandra (Human) was successfully corrupted by her Aura ]>



<[ Corruption has begun to integrate the bloodline [ Twilight Demon: 100% ] ]>



<[ Demonification of Alessandra is in process ]>

Soon I feel the dark energy forming the shadow figure again around me, then the shadow figure puts his shadow claw inside his hood pulling out a red crystal boss and a purple orb, the shadow figure uses the crystal horn red to pierce Alessandra's heart as the purple sphere enters her head.


<[ Interference detected from God Vidark's Blessing on individual ]>




<[ God Vidark's Blessing becomes stronger by bestowing a Stigma on Alessandra (Human) ]>

At that moment I see the shadow figure release the red horn and lift Alessandra's body while the red horn penetrates more and more into her body until it can no longer be seen, then blood starts to come out of Alessandra's body through her mouth, ear, eyes, nose, and pores forming a sphere around it that starts to burn in red, black and purple colors.

This lasts for tens of minutes while my power is being consumed almost completely to maintain this process until finally, the fire enters the sphere lit from within while showing a moving silhouette.


<[ Power grant ended ]>



<[ The individual wants a new name to be born ]>

I wished to give Alessandra a name, I could also feel her craving a name more and more through the connection we were now forming when the notification appears as if in response to our wish.

"From now on her name will be Lilith!" (I)

When I say that name the sphere begins to crack like an eggshell, then explodes releasing a black mist similar to miasma around the surroundings obstructing the view.

Within this fog I see a black eye and a gold eye looking at me, then I see a silhouette that kneels before hearing a dazzling voice talking to me.

"Thank you for letting me be reborn so magnificently, Father." (Lilith)
