Everyone spent their time training, even the people at the camp in case they needed help just like in the last town.

Barok has been training all these days and managed to get used to his current body, Sapphire even told me that she has been teaching Barok some sword techniques as she also uses a big sword.

Lilith was the one who managed to surprise me, it only took her two days to get used to the body, and spent the rest of the time training her magic.

Lilith's new appearance is quite different from before, her skin has turned dark red, she has two black horns on her head, black hair, one purple eye, and the other golden eye.

Lilith's appearance now looks like a teenager, her claws are black, she has wings similar to Érica's, but hers are red bat wings and Lilith also has a much longer red tail than Érica's tail tip has a very sharp bone blade.

Lilith became a Twilight Demon Vampire, she is able to drink blood and absorb mana with her tailor her teeth.

Her face has completely changed from what it used to be, she doesn't even look like the same person anymore and looks very happy about it, her mouth has a lot of sharp teeth but that doesn't stop her from smiling which can scare an ordinary person as her eyes look even more intense now.


Lilith is a very beautiful woman, she mostly dresses in clothes made from monster hides, she likes to wear long pants and cleavage shirts, she has very sensual curves as she seems to enjoy teasing people.

According to Rakan and Érica, she spent the last few days of travel training her spells, it seems that she mastered lower level spells in a few days and decided to learn some combat skills from Elsaris.

Everyone was as ready as you could be in such a short time.


Pov Vanessa:

Today is the 10th day of the trip to the capital and everyone is training as much as they can, I am also training every day.

It's now overnight and I'm resting in my room when someone knocks on my door, it was Lilian I let in.

"Need something?" (I)

"I just wanted to know your opinion on the holy son's plan." (Lilian)

"I'm a little worried about his plan." (Lilian)

"Are you worried that only you and three other people are responsible for sabotaging the magic circle?" (I)

"No, that part of the plan I agree, a small, specialized group will be better in this situation." (Lilian)

"So you're worried about the town population part of the plan?" (I)

"No, even if I think this part of the plan is good, I find it difficult for everyone to run away, but you can't save everyone." (Lilian)

"I'm worried about the part about the attack on the castle, we don't know the strength and number of enemies there, besides the holy son is one of those who will attack the place." (Lilian)"Are you worried about my Father participating in the plan?" (I)

"Yeah, someone like him shouldn't put himself at the front of the battle like that." (Lilian)

"I worry about him too, but give up that thought, he's too stubborn to change his way of doing things, he doesn't even realize how important his existence is." (I)

"He's always looking for the best solution to make everyone safe, but he always forgets that he needs to be safe too." (I)

"During these days I've been here, I've seen him do amazing things, a city within a dungeon and bestowing powerful bloodlines on his servants." (Lilian)

"It was the first time I saw something like that, the power to change someone's destiny, that kind of power is something I've never heard of before except in the myths of the Goddess Selene." (Lilian)

"I can't accept him in such danger." (Lilian)

"Just do your part of the plan, my Father is not someone easy to kill, besides I already said we won't be able to change his mind." (I)

"Now go to sleep, we have a few days to continue training, so we'll have to wake up early tomorrow." (I)


Pov Zenos:

During the afternoon of the 12th day I was training my sword techniques while using magic at the same time, in the next battle we will have to face King Makari, as I don't know what can happen I will have to prepare for all occasions.

"We're here, master." (Nix)

"..." (I)

I could hear Nix's voice coming from my shadow, it seems we arrived a little faster than anticipated.

I go back to the mansion while Layla and Nix enter the Dungeon, I tell them both to rest, Nix tells me that he opened the Dungeon gate inside an abandoned hunting cabin near the city.

I asked Freya to call everyone for a final meeting where we went over the plan again in detail.

I said we were going to attack an hour before dawn.

I tell Nix and Layla to rest until the moment we start the plan, meanwhile, I tell everyone to go make their final preparations.

Meanwhile, I leave the Dungeon and climb a tree to get a view of the city close by.

"If it wasn't such a big problem I wouldn't want to be a part of it." (I)


"This time it would be really nice if a Hero of justice arrived to deal with the Demons with his shining armor." (I)

"Where are the heroes of this world, damn it!" (I)

"Why are you out here alone, master?" (Kira)

"I'm complaining about this whole situation, if it wasn't for such a big crisis I wouldn't get into this problem, but it had to be a plan to destroy a continent..." (I)

"As far as I know, this is not the first time plans to destroy a continent have been used." (Kira)

"From the stories I've heard, 200 years ago a hero of this continent led an army destroying half of the dark continent." (Kira)

"I don't care about the political and military problems of these two continents, I'm just doing this because this is home to so many of you." (I)

"I know the master doesn't like to do this sort of thing, I also know that you care about the people of Valen City." (Kira)

"You just don't want to admit that you also want to stop their plan." (Kira)

"But would anyone else have figured this out to help?" (I)

"I even thought about calling the black market people, but I don't want them to know our secrets, I don't trust them." (I)

I spent some time talking to Kira while watching the city, I could see that there was also an alarm barrier around the city, and I could see the soldiers on the walls and patrolling the outskirts of the city.

"(It takes a few hours to finish this problem.)" (I)


Time passed and there were only less than two hours left for the Suns to rise, everyone was awake and ready.

I do the same as I did in the last city, I leave everyone inside the Dungeon while stepping into the shadow of a patrolling soldier.

I stay in his shadow until I get through the barrier, then I start switching from shadow to shadow as I walk away from the city gates, after that, I look for an empty shop or house that is above the sewers to do the same thing as last time.

This time it took me a while to find an empty store or house like that since this city has a larger population and apparently a busy nightlife.

But after a few minutes of searching, I found an empty house, when I walked in I noticed that there wasn't even furniture inside, it must be a house for sale.

I enter and open the gate to the Dungeon, then Nix, Layla, Elsaris, and Lilian exit the Dungeon.

"Wait while I open a ticket for you." (I)

I spent 30 minutes opening a passage to the sewers, then the 4 enter, after that I call the others to mix with the people of the city, from what I saw there are almost no soldiers inside the city, most are at the gates or on the walls of the city.

Those who came out of the Dungeon were Jay, Kira, and Byakko, they are strong and will be responsible for killing the soldiers on the walls when the battle starts, that's why the soldiers surely have orders to stop the population from leaving the city.

After they left I closed the dungeon while I go somewhere else, I'm going close to the castle, I got close to the castle and sneaked into the castle grounds, I went to the weapons shed and opened the Dungeon gate there for everyone left.

Once all the main combatants have left with Rakan, I close the Dungeon gate and exit the castle leaving them behind as I head for the center of town.

Arriving downtown I enter an alley where I emerge from the shadows with a hood hiding my appearance and blend in with the people walking through the town square as I wait for the moment when the plan will begin.

In the meantime, all I can do is keep walking around here without attracting attention, but it surprised me to have so many shops open with people walking the streets so late at night, at least it helps me to stay hidden in the crowd.
