Pov Ivan:

I and the others are still inside the castle grounds, while the others were still getting ready to blow up the connection points, we were doing our part of the plan too.

Rakan was sent along with Beatriz to take a look at the magical defenses of the castle he created.

"My heart is racing, I'm so happy it feels like I'm floating." (Lilith)

"You're floating..." (Jade)

"..." (Lilith)

"Looks like I still need to practice better using my wings, the master was right when he said it's hard to control wings." (Lilith)


Lilith has been impatient since she left the Dungeon, she knows her husband is here inside the castle and is anxious to find him.

She didn't even notice that she spread her wings and started to float, everyone is looking at her not understanding how she manages to smile in a situation like this, but I think they are still underestimating her madness.

"Everyone stay prepared, for the time that has passed Beatriz and Rakan should return soon." (I)

p It was just me talking and the two of them went through the door wearing soldiers' clothes that they took into this room.

"You took more than an hour, I thought it would be faster." (I)

"There are many soldiers around here, it took me a while to give the slow-acting poison to everyone, I also managed to give the poison to some Demons and Vampires who were leading the soldiers, none of them had strength above Grade +A." (Beatriz)

"As always Lyra does an excellent job with her poisons." (Beatriz)

"My daughter is a genius, of course, she always does a good job." (I)

I can't help but smile on my face every time I hear someone praising my dear daughter, but I soon remember that I still have work to do.

"Rakan, did you manage to sabotage the castle's defenses?" (I)

"Of course I did, I was the one who created these magical defenses." (Rakan)

"I did just as you asked, but I left only the defenses active while I destroyed the attack magic circles, I also destroyed the control function, so they can't control the spells installed in the castle." (Rakan)

"Couldn't you have transferred that control to us?" (I)

"No, that's the best I can do, besides they should find out what I did soon." (Rakan)

"It doesn't matter, look out the window, the Suns are already rising, so we should hear the explosions." (Vanessa)

"But we need to wait until the master roars before acting." (Vanessa)

With everyone watching the sky lighten, they stand in position waiting for the signal, a few minutes later the explosions started, but we kept waiting until we heard the master roar.ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

We hear the master's roar, but it has no effect on us as we are his servants, only Sapphire was a little affected by fear, but it only lasted a few seconds as the master is far away and she has a strength close to his.

"Now!!!" (I)

When we left we saw that there were already some soldiers down, but most of them were still standing even though their slow movement showed that they were weak.

In addition, there were also soldiers running at full speed until we could see that the poison was not having an effect on them yet, there were also some soldiers that destroyed their clothes when they took a potion and their bodies started to grow horribly.

There was a soldier whose arm grew several times its original size while scales grew down the arm, there was another soldier whose head grew horns, there was another soldier whose body became twice as big and covered in fur, etc.

But there were also soldiers who fell after drinking the potion, there were even one of the soldiers who started to swell and exploded, scattering remains of his body in the surroundings.

"No soldier should go through something like that, there is no glory or honor in that kind of life." (I)

"I understand how you feel Ivan, but don't go easy on them just because you feel sorry for their condition." (Irius)

"Stop talking and attack soon." (Érica)

"< Fire Arrows > ×10" (Érica)

Érica released a shower of fire arrows that had little piercing power but made enemies start to burn, she created ten magic circles where ten arrows came out of each magic circle.

Irius and I both use swords as we run towards the enemies, Irius makes a charge with his shield breaking an enemy's arm while knocking him back and cutting another enemy in half.

I run between enemies cutting their heads off to kill or ripping their limbs off to weaken, I can see Freya's arrows flying, when I look where the arrows are going I see Mages and Archers in the windows aiming at us.

But there was nothing to worry about, I could see streams of light trapping some enemies that scream while being burned by the light, they are probably Vampires.

There are also some that are pierced in the head by Freya's arrows without even having time to dodge.

"< Blade of Fire >" (I)

When I noticed three enemies coming toward me I send a blade of fire that cuts the three in half while making them catch fire.

I looked around and didn't see any more enemies, there weren't many, to begin with, the last ones were being killed by Jade and Lilith.

The one that Jade took was crushed by Jade's tail, I could hear her bones breaking from afar.

The two who were with Lilith had their arms and legs ripped off, one of them had his heart pierced by Lilith's tail while the other was being held by the neck by Lilith who was biting his neck.

The two were drying up quickly as Lilith absorbed their blood and mana turning them into dry corpses.

When she was done she had a satisfied smile on her face as she tossed the body in her hands to the side and kicked the other one out of the way.

After that, she comes walking up to me just like the others, but Lilith kept looking around with a happy smile as if she was enjoying the sight of the dead bodies on the floor."(I feel sorry for the enemies she faces.)" (I)

This fight only took about five minutes, but I wasn't hearing the master's roar anymore, it looks like he must be on his way.

I look at Barok who has been quiet this whole time, he hasn't tried to attack enemies, the same goes for Sapphire, Sophia, and Ibuki.

They know they don't have to do anything against such a small group of enemies, in Barok's case I think he's saving his strength to face the really strong enemies, I can see the nervousness in his eyes, this is his first real battle since he got the masters power and I can understand what he is feeling, in the past in the first battle I participated I was also nervous.

When we were about to continue the invasion of the castle, I feel something coming towards us from the sky and I look there, it was the master who had arrived flying.


Pov Zenos:

On the way to the castle, I approached Nix to talk to her while Layla sat on my shoulder.

"Nix, I want you to step into my shadow, you know the plan." (I)

"All right." (Nix)

Nix steps into my shadow, after which I spread my Dragon Wings and look at the others.

"Try to keep up the pace, we have to speed up to meet the others before entering the castle." (I)

After saying that I start flying towards the castle as Jay, Kira, Elsaris, and Lilian manage to keep their pace as they jump from roof to roof faster.

When we passed the castle walls I saw many bodies on the ground, many of these bodies were deformed and looked more like monsters than people.

I see Ivan and the others gathered near the bodies start to head towards the castle, but suddenly Ivan and Sapphire turn towards me as I approach to land next to them.

"The master was quick, I was anxious for the master to arrive quickly to fight at his side." (Ibuki)

I pat Ibuki's head as I turn to the others seeing Kira, Jay, Elsaris, and Lilian along with them.

"We are all together, let's start the final part of the plan, have no mercy on the enemies, kill them all." (I)

We all run to one of the walls that Rakan pointed out, so I punch with all my strength making a passage for us, just like I asked Rakan to disable the defenses in some parts to facilitate our entry.

As soon as I passed the wall two maids tried to attack me, but both lost their heads before approaching.

"(Ibuki's sword attacks are getting faster, it looks like she has been training diligently.)" (I)

When we entered the castle I use my detection skill to sense everything in the castle, I feel 4 strong presences in a large room closer to the top of the castle, one of these presences was very strong and released a great bloodlust directed at me, he can me notice by the way.

I also feel hundreds of weaker presences in various parts of the castle, some are coming here running.

"Lilith, you said you attended some of the extremist meetings with your husband, right?" (I)

"Yes, he used these meetings to find new ways to humiliate or torture me in public." (Lilith)

"Have you ever seen King Makari at these meetings?" (I)

"Only twice, he always sat next to my husband and two others, one of those people being a bald black-skinned Vampire and the other person being the Queen a Demon." (Lilith)

"Did those four people seem to be the leaders?" (I)

"Yes, the others seemed to respect and fear the four." (Lilith)

"So I already know where they are." (I)
