I already knew where the enemies were, I also feel that there was an underground space with many weak presences gathered without moving, they must be prisoners like the others I found in the noble mansions that I invaded in the other three cities.

The important thing now is to pass the orders on to others.

"Sapphire, Ivan, Lilith, and Layla come with me to what I think is the throne room, the others I want you to split into groups of three." (I)

"Vanessa, there's a group of Vampires in what I think is the hall, they're gathering to get the best advantage probably, it looks like they're all Vampires by their Auras, they're heading that way." (I)

"I'll take care of them, thanks for saying that Dad." (Vanessa)

"Be careful and don't underestimate your enemies." (I)

"Yes!!!" (all)


After saying that I start to go upstairs while Layla and Lilith kill the servants along the way, I noticed that some are Demons or Vampires, but most of the servants were Humans, probably Demon worshipers.

When we arrived in a few minutes running non-stop through the dozens of corridors of the castle I already knew because my Aura made me see everything in the castle in my mind.

In the throne room, there were three men and a woman who directed a strong bloodlust toward me and my companions, but strangely I feel an even stronger bloodlust than theirs at my side, but it is not directed towards me.

"I found you honey." (Lilith)


Irina's People:

I'm with Irius and Ibuki, the three of us were walking through the corridors, we decided to go to the north tower that is closer, our idea is to finish off the enemies as quickly as possible so we can help others.

As we walk Ibuki goes ahead because he has the best detection skills among the three of us, plus Ibuki is smiling happily.

"This is my first time hunting inside a castle, there are so many places to look, I'm so anxious..." (Ibuki)

"< Phantom Blade >" (Ibuki)

As we were walking down the hall someone goes through the door on our left and tries to cut Ibuki who defends with a sword deflecting the enemy's attack while cutting with the second sword, the enemy tries to defend with the arm that is coated in metal, but when the second sword of Ibuki who was covered in darkness to the enemy's arm, a blade of darkness comes out of the sword passing through the arm as if it were a mist before hitting the enemy's head-splitting it in half.

"Have you noticed the enemy yet?" (I)

"Yes, he hid his bloodlust well, but I felt his eyes on me as I approached the door." (Ibuki)

"He was very impatient, he must not be very good at ambushes..." (Ibuki)

"< Shield of Light >" (Irius)

"< Sword of Piercing Light >" (Irius)

While I was talking to Ibuki, a mage tried to hit us with thunder-type magic, but my brother defends us as he creates a sword of light that cuts through a frame that starts to bleed."They're too impatient to fall for such a bait." (I)

"They don't understand that even though we're talking, we're still keeping an eye on our surroundings." (Irius)

The reason we talk like this is to make the enemy think we are distracted, my Father is always teaching us never to let our guard down outside the mansion.

Even in the manor, we don't let our guard down as the Fairies are always very playful, because of that our alert level is always high.

We continued running through the halls and found a person dressed as a noble with five maids at his side, all holding swords and spears.

"< Water Prison >" (Irina)

I saw that the person who looks like a noble would start to speak, but as soon as we are close enough I cast a spell that is normally used to trap the enemy.


Haaaaa!!!! Haaahhh!!!!

This spell I made was big enough to trap the six enemies, that while activating the corrosion skill turning this water full of my mana into acid.

"I think you're walking with Érica a lot, this type of attack makes it impossible to eat the enemies as there will be nothing left of them, a waste." (Ibuki)

"Your skills are too brutal for a White Mage, that's already more effective than many Attack Mages of the same level." (Irius)

"I can't help it if corrosion is my only way to attack, it's not like I like having such a brutal skill." (I)

While talking to them Irius drills a door behind him pulling out the bloody blade afterward and Ibuki cuts in half a maid who was hiding in the ceiling and tried to jump on top of us.

I don't think we'll have any problems with these weak enemies.


Pov Barok:

I was with Jay and Freya, we were walking to the other side of the castle where the guest rooms and offices are according to Jay.

They said there will probably be some of these nobles who are Demons or Vampires there, so we're attacking that part.

I have to admit I'm nervous, this is my first battle under Grandmaster Zenos' command, I can't fail.

"Don't be nervous, it will only get in your way." (Freya)

"With your strength, you shouldn't have any problems dealing with this situation, so just stay calm and do what you normally do." (Freya)

"I'm very anxious, even with my training and my superior strength, I haven't been able to beat Ivan or Lady Sapphire once, I haven't even managed to land a single attack." (I)"They're both parts of the top ten strongest in the Dungeon, for someone who's just arrived, you're aiming too high if you think with just a few days of training you'll beat them." (Jay)

"Jay is right, don't underestimate the power of others just to get stronger." (Freya)

"You must train as hard as everyone else, and learn the best you can from Sapphire, if you do, you will get stronger." (Freya)

"Yes, Mistress Freya." (I)

Everyone at Dungeon treated me and my people very well, Mrs. Freya and Mrs. Caryna made a delicious meal for me and my people the day we arrived.

Mr. Ivan knew he was an inexperienced leader for my people, so he often came to talk to me to teach me what I should do to lead my people better.

The lady Irina and the Ghoul named Jana came to me to learn the language of my people, the truth is that I am not good at teaching the common language to others and they both could see it, they started to learn our language even with someone as bad as me teaching them, all to be able to teach my people the common language later.

Lady Sapphire taught me how to use a heavy sword, I have always used normal swords and made the mistake of treating the heavy sword in the same way, wasting its quality which is massive strength due to the weight of the sword.

Lady Sapphire taught me how to hold the sword and swing it without using too much force, and taught me the moments where I should or shouldn't use my strength during the swing of the sword to have the greatest effect.

Miss Diana was also the one who discovered that I'm a Ki user, but she was the only one in my village who was able to turn stamina into Ki, so I didn't have anyone to teach me Ki control.

Miss Diana taught me every night how to feel, control, and use my Ki correctly, thanks to her I felt my power increase again with every combat training I had with Lady Sapphire.

The Great Dragon Nix also came many times to teach me more about Dragonewt and Dragons, I had to know more about my own race.

I had the great honor of being taught by the great Dragon Nix how to fly, for me using my wings was something very difficult, many times during the training combats these wings hindered me more than they helped, so I trained every morning with the Great Dragon Nix to learn to control my wings and fly.

I'm still not able to fly, but at least my wings no longer get in my way during combat.

Jay and I keep running without worrying about these little enemies that try to ambush us as Mistress Freya is killing everyone with her chips or with her wind magic while she talks in an easy way.

The direction we're going is where Jay says he feels several enemies gathered, we've already agreed that I'll attack from the front while Jay attacks from the sides, Mrs. Freya will support attacking from behind.

"They seem to have sensed our presence and gone there." (Jay)

Once we get there Jay warns us that the enemy has moved into a room at the end of the hall.

I run ahead already knowing it must be a trap, I bolster my body with my Ki and lunge while putting my wings forward.

"Ahhh!!" (I)

Before I even get to the door three trap spells activate, one on the wall to my left, one on the wall to my right, and one under my foot.

"< Wooden Wall >" (Freya)

"< Water Armor >" (Jay)

Jay uses a rune on me that creates a water armor protecting me from the explosion beneath me, I punch the rock thorn coming from my left side breaking it into pieces and Freya hits the ground on my right side making the arrows logs grow on a wall standing trees intertwined blocking another rock thorn.

"< Ki Fist >" (I)

After these traps, I continue towards the door where I gather the Ki in my fist and punch the door.

"< Dragon Sword >" (I)

The enemies were just a few dozen Demons, with my initial punch I destroyed the door and threw some back making room for us to enter the room, meanwhile I summon the Dragon sword and use it to defend against a thunder spell that came from in front of me, Freya starts hitting the Mages with her arrows and spells, meanwhile, Jay has disappeared but must be killing the enemies while they are focused on me.

I was able to kill the enemies with ease as my sword went through their shields and armor without ease, I even saw some decapitated enemies on the ground, probably Jay's work, in ten minutes of fighting everyone was dead, I had some small wounds on my body for not being able to keep my Ki in the whole body correctly.
