In the throne room, there were three men and a woman who directed a strong bloodlust toward me and my companions, but strangely I feel an even stronger bloodlust than theirs at my side, but it is not directed towards me.

"I found you honey." (Lilith)

I ignored Lilith for a few seconds as I stopped her from advancing holding her shoulder, I look forward and see a man sitting on the throne, he has a golden crown on his head, his skin is white, his eyes are golden, he has long brown hair and large lunge horns on his head, he is not very muscularly built, but must be fit like an athlete.

The man standing next to him had white skin and short black hair, his eyes were red, he only had a big black horn in the middle of his forehead, black wings and he looked very muscular.

This was the man Lilith was staring at, according to Lilith his focus was magic so I can't understand why he can have such a body, for some reason I started to hate him even more.

On the other side of the man on the throne was another throne where a woman sat, her skin was red, her long hair was straight and black, her eyes were golden full of malice, she had two long horns turned backward following the line of head, she had bat wings and a red tail.

This Queen's red color was lighter than Lilith's.


The man next to the Queen also had red-colored wings, he had black skin, he was bald, his eyes were red and I could see the fangs in his mouth as he smiled, he was a Vampire, he was wearing a silver armor without the part of the arms showing muscles that an action movie actor would envy.

This remark was made in mere seconds as I felt that the enemies were also sizing us up, soon the King looks straight at me as do the queen and the bald man, but the man beside the King looked curiously at Lilith.

"So you're the one who destroyed 50 years of work and effort in less than a month?" (King)

"I never imagined I would be a Vampire so young." (bald)

"I'd like to rip your head off your body right now, but I can't stop thinking you wouldn't come this far without taking precautions after all you've done." (King)

"It seems that, unlike your son, you have some brains in your head." (I)

When I say that the Queen looks at me with growing bloodlust.

p "So it was you who killed my son's fool?" (King)

"Who knows? I don't need to answer you." (I)

"..." (King)

The King spreads an Aura full of cruelty everywhere, his Aura is very powerful compared to that of other people, but it is nothing compared to the Aura I felt from the God Kaharak when he inhabited the body of Farus.

I simply activate my Aura abilities to the fullest by pressing his Aura back into him, at which point the other three try to use their Auras, but it was useless against me.

The others only felt a slight pressure and didn't even have a change in their expressions, but the Vampire was different, I could feel him start to shake I felt the dread fill his eyes, unlike the others I felt he didn't have defenses against me and my Auras penetrated his body with ease, the effects of fear, death, and corruption destroyed him from within.

"Aahhhhhhhhh!!!!!" (bald)

Soon my Auras will reach his veins and heart, I could feel his bloodline submit to my Aura and begin to destroy his body from within under my control until he drops dead without me even having to move."(I didn't think one of them would die so easily, maybe it's because he's a Vampire.)" (I)

Garius was going to try to move but was stopped by the King who just watched his companion die.

"I don't think we should judge by your appearance dear, your Aura is very strange and has the death effect that only undead Auras should have." (Queen)

"Looks like it was more effective on Vampires, maybe he has a blessing from the Witch of Carnage..." (Garius)

cough cough

Before Garius finished speaking my attention focused on him and I felt the Goddess's blessing increasing the power of my Aura forcing him to his knees and coughing up blood.

It seems that Goddess Selene doesn't like this title, so I won't let anyone speak badly about her in front of me, Goddess Selene must be the one who helped me the most in this world, even if I don't know all the reasons for it, it doesn't change the fact that that she is someone I feel I can trust.

"No more games, this is not your place to do whatever you want." (King)

Seeing that he couldn't pressure me with his Aura, the King resorted to using mana, his amount of Mana seems similar to mine, but it's loaded with the element of thunder.

With his mana, he was able to push my Aura away from the three a bit.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't do anything to him, there's someone much more interested in him than I am." (I)

"Are you ready Lilith? Why don't you introduce yourself to him?" (I)

Lilith walks in front of me with a big smile, she doesn't mind the presence of the King or Queen, her attention never strays from Garius.

"This is the first time I've seen you kneeling and bleeding, but what a wonderful sight, hahahahaha..." (Lilith)

"Your group is very interesting, an Undead, a Lamia, a Fairy, a Vampire and a Demon." (King)

"Why is someone who seems to have such a fine lineage against us?" (King)

"It's no use talking to this Makari woman, look at her eyes." (Garius)

It seems they don't recognize her, I can't blame them, her appearance has completely changed, even her voice has changed, there's nothing in her to be recognized from her former self.

"So you make me sad honey, forgetting about me after just a few days, you've forgotten about the last ten years." (Lilith)

"Darling... a few days... ten years..." (Garius)

Garius' eyes widen at the assumption that pops into his mind.

"No…it can't be…don't try to trick me." (Garius)

"That look wasn't that look I waited to see, needs more despair, needs more pain..." (Lilith)"You can't be here, their appearances are very different, even if she turned into a Demon she wouldn't be that strong." (Garius)

"This is the power I received from my master, the power to take revenge on you." (Lilith)

"The dear one is not happy to see his sweet wife." (Lilith)

"Even after I've come such a long way just to see you, hahahahaha..." (Lilith)

"Calm down Garius, this is not the best time to fall for their games." (King)

"I knew there was something wrong with her, those eyes, I can't help but remember that look full of hate." (Garius)

It seems that listening to the King makes him calm down a bit, he stands up as he looks at Lilith, his surprise and disbelief replaced by an amused smile.

"Looks like my toy was stolen while I was gone." (Garius)

"Besides, it looks like you forgot your place just because you gained a little power." (Garius)

"That's right, if you surrendered so easily it wouldn't be fun." (Lilith)

"I want to see your despair show up little by little as you realize there is no hope or way out, hahahahah..." (Lilith)

"Come on baby, keep fighting, keep resisting, allow me to see up close as you break, hahahahahah..." (Lilith)

The more she talks, the more bloodlust she emits, her smile has already turned macabre due to the murderous glint in her intense eyes, her tail is waving behind her always pointing at Garius.

As Lilith spoke to her husband, I continued to pay attention to the King and Queen, the truth is that the battle had already begun the moment we entered here.

The King isn't talking for no reason, he didn't have information about me or my group until now, and he didn't know our races, strength, or numbers.

That's why he started talking when we walked in, he wanted time to assess us, then he started testing how strong we were using his bloodlust, his Aura, and now his power.

But I was doing the same, I knew the approximate strength of the King, but I needed to know the strength of others to make sure the others wouldn't be in danger.

The vampire's death was a happy surprise for me, so I have one less enemy to take care of, but now there's no need to continue this game.

The King and Queen are standing by Garirius, the three releasing their Auras and their power, I pull Lilith back and I speak quickly to everyone.

"Lilith will fight alongside Layla against Garius." (I)

"Ivan and Sapphire will take care of the Queen, be quick in your battle." (I)

"Yes!" (Lilith/Sapphire/Ivan)

"First I will separate you from your mates." (King)

"< Mana Shield >" (I)

Faster than I expected the King disappears from his starting position as he makes a piercing attack with his sword appearing in front of me.

I use a Mana shield in the palm of my hand as I fend off his onslaught and we both climb out the window and into the air before he throws me away.

We are on top of the castle, I spread my dragon wings and he shows wings made of thunder on his back.

"You destroyed everything I built over 50 years, I'll make you regret what you did." (King)

"Big words, but do you have that ability?" (I)
