Pov Diana's:

I, Beatriz, and Érica are going to the second floor of the castle, we are going to the place where there should be a meeting room, Beatriz says she saw through one of the windows earlier that there were many enemies there.

On the way, Beatriz and I killed the enemies faster than Érica could cast her magic.

I sliced ​​enemies to pieces with quick attacks while Beatriz always aimed at vital points killing enemies with single attacks.

As we went to the second floor we kept looking inside the doors to make sure we didn't have any more enemies, on the way we found some weak Demons and Vampires, it seems they were sent to explore and fight us.

The strongest enemies must be using these little fish to make us expend our energies on the chance to facilitate their own battles, this is a simple strategy more effective in most situations.

But this strategy is cruel to your own subordinates and companions, besides it is useless to send these weaklings who die on the first hit, there was one of the Demons who was not even able to see my movements and was laughing when his body was split in two.


After about ten minutes we arrived at the place that Beatriz spoke about, but as soon as we entered there was nothing else there, there were no more enemies.

"They must have gone somewhere else, they would be fools if they stayed here." (I)

"..." (Beatriz)

"We must hurry, soon they will notice our strength and some may try to run away, we have to kill as much as possible." (Érica)

"Wait..." (Beatriz)

"..." (I)

"..." (Érica)

Beatriz points to a bookcase and throws a quill on the floor in front of the bookcase, the quill is blown as if a breeze comes from behind the bookcase.

"(A secret passage.)" (me)

"I don't feel any presence from the other side, let me check for traps." (Beatriz)

Beatriz spends a few seconds looking around the bookcase, I hear some noises and soon the bookcase moves by itself to the side revealing a staircase leading down.

"There was a blast trap, but I deactivated it while opening the passage." (Beatriz)

"I better go ahead..." (I)

"Let me go first, my detection skills are better than yours, so it will be easier to avoid a trap or an enemy attack." (Beatriz)

"You're right, now let's go, we don't have all the time in the world." (Érica)

"It's all right." (I)

Beatriz enters the front with me in behind and Érica behind me, our way was without problems until what seemed to be a long tunnel to somewhere.

We follow this tunnel until we reach an open door, when we get closer we can hear an argument.

"Damn it, all the Enhanced Soldiers and Kimera Soldiers are dead, even the Mages we sent to take care of control of this magic circle are dead from this vicious poison." (Voice A)

"Seven of us also died from the poison when we opened the door." (Voice B)"You're lucky I was able to create a barrier to protect us in time." (Voice C)

"It took a lot of work to open the sewer door and spend so much energy blowing this poison out." (Voice D)

"Forget what happened, can you activate the magic circle in the city or the one in the sewers?" (Voice B)

"We're trying, but we're not succeeding, I don't know what's going on." (Voice E)

"The explosions we heard earlier may have destroyed the magic circles, so it's not activating." (Voice A)

It looks like we came to the secret room under the center of the city where the central control circle is, I think the enemies were trying to activate the magic circles in the city.

From their conversation they must not know about the connection points, they came from the castle here for nothing and they still lost seven people to the poison.

I look at Érica and wave at her, then grab my swords and point for Beatriz to watch over Érica who sits on the floor to use her magic.

"< Hellfire Beasts >" (Érica)

A magic circle appears in front of Érica and three purple fire beasts appear in front of her to attack enemies.

I run right behind and when I go through the door I see that there are around 15 enemies, three were attacked by surprise and they are on fire now.

"< Elemental Enhancement: Wind >" (I)

Wind elemental energy passes through my entire body through my Ki and my speed becomes much greater.

"< Blades of Wind > ×5" (I)

I slash five enemies while distracted by Érica's magic sending blades of wind flying at them while I run to two other enemies that sense my presence and try to attack me, dodge a sword slashing the enemy's brave while pulling him to use as a shield from the attack of fire from the second enemy, then I throw it on top of the attacker, cutting my sword through both of them.

In the meantime, two purple fire beasts were destroyed by exploding leaving the other enemies on fire, some of that fire also hits me, but the third fire beast comes at me absorbing this fire before it does me much damage.

After that, it was easy to kill the other enemies who were screaming in pain as they were burned alive by Érica's cursed fire.

When we were done, we went back through the tunnel to the castle.


Pov Elsaris:

I, Kira, and Rakan go down to the basement where Rakan says there is an escape route from the castle, he also says that is where most of the things Demons do in secret are performed.

"The basement is also where many prisoners are being held." (Rakan)

"Forget about them for now, we have to get rid of the enemies first." (Kira)

"It would be good to destroy their escape routes before they start running." (I)

"They must still think they can defeat us as they outnumber us." (I)

"They may also be thinking that their leaders are too strong to lose." (Kira)"Most of them should avoid running away, they spread through the castle for a reason, they wanted to tear us apart." (Kira)

"If that's true, then why did we follow their plan, wouldn't it have been better if we all went to the throne room?" (Rakan)

"Zenos wanted from the beginning the elimination of all or at least most of the enemies, if the leaders were defeated the others would flee." (I)

"Besides the truth is that a group battle would be worse for us." (I)

"Shouldn't it be the opposite? If more of us fought together we'd have a better chance of winning, right?" (Byakko)

Even Kira's hired spirit woke up, it was about time for this cat to wake up, but it seems he and Rakan can't see the whole situation at all.

"Your thinking is the very simple cat." (I)

"We already know that the enemy leader's strength is above Grade +SSS." (Kira)

"Our help would be very limited, in fact, we would only be a cause for concern for the master, so he separated us." (Kira)

"Zenos only took with him the strongest and Lilith, it's going to be a one-on-one battle." (I)

"Why did he take that crazy woman with them instead of you who is stronger?" (Byakko)

"I would be of little use against an enemy with thunder-type abilities and faster than me." (I)

"Zenos chose Ivan because in addition to being strong he is also immune to fear, so the enemy won't be able to intimidate Ivan who is an Undead." (I)

"Sapphire is an experienced and very strong warrior, her body will take hits better than I can, and she is better at coordinating with others in close combat." (I)

"Lilith was chosen because there was no way to stop her from going to her husband, plus someone like her won't lose against the person she hates so much." (I)

"I still don't think she was a good choice, she gained her current power very recently, she doesn't even know how to use her wings yet." (Rakan)

"Don't underestimate someone with so much hate, she must know her husband better than he does, I'm sure she already imagined thousands of ways to kill him." (I)

"All we can do is trust them." (Kira)

We talked along the way because there weren't any enemies around that were worth it, when we got to the basement I destroyed the exit.

After that, we look around and I see a lot of grotesque things, but it wasn't the time to know that now, so we went back upstairs and started scouring floor by floor eliminating all the enemies we found.

On the way we see the other groups fighting and we go different ways when we realize that they don't need help.

On the third floor we discovered an office where there was a Demon sitting at a table full of papers, he was chained to the walls and couldn't go far from that table.

He appeared to be unconscious.

"That's the doctor I told you about earlier, but it looks like they turned him into a Demon." (Rakan)

"You said he was human, right?" (I)

"Yes." (Rakan)

,m "So they transformed him to increase his life expectancy, they should have plans for him in the future." (I)

"Wouldn't it have been better to turn him into a Vampire?" (Kira)

"Maybe we don't know what exactly they were thinking, we can always ask him later." (I)

"He'll be safe here, leave him there and we'll continue to inspect the rest of the castle." (I)

"We can come to get him later." (I)
