Pov Sapphire:

The Queen seems to be strong, I'm sure they had time to assess our strength as we did them.

Zenos has already been dragged out by the enemy leader, must be fighting now, the other Demon man will be Lilith's opponent, as the one who resisted everything this Demon did to her, nothing more correct than her being the one who will fight against him.

I'm worried about Lilith, she's very inexperienced in battle, plus she tends to take unnecessary risks without caring about injuries or pain during training, it's very dangerous.

But since Layla is with her, it should be all right if the two fight together.

I exchange a look with Ivan, I've trained with him hundreds of times, and I can easily fight alongside him without having to exchange words.

After waving at him I dart forward using my sword to hit this shit Queen.


"You won't hit me with such a weak attack." (Queen)

She stopped my attack with her claws, at that moment Ivan appears behind her and tries to cut her with his sword, but she deflects the attack by hitting the side of the sword with her claws that grow a lot.

At that moment I pull her foot with my tail causing her to lose her balance and Ivan kicks her throwing her against the throne.

She spins in the air and lands on the throne, then comes flying towards us, I can feel the Ki in her, by her appearance I thought she was a Mage, but apparently, I was wrong.

"< Demonic Claws >" (Queen)

"< Wall of Bones >" (Ivan)

"< Serpent Blade >" (I)

At the moment of her attack, her graces grow even more getting a layer of red energy around, Ivan uses a wall of bones to defend himself but she crosses, at this moment she faces my attack, she tries to dodge it with her claws, but my serpent blade wraps itself around my arm, slicing everything as it destroys part of the Queen's dress.

"Attack now while she's lost the functionality of an arm." (I)

"< Death Blade >" (Ivan)

"< Elemental Enhancement: Earth >" (Queen)

"< Heavy Claw >" (Queen)

Suddenly the Queen rips her own clothes showing that she is wearing leather clothes underneath her dress, so the stones around her rush towards him turning to dust and covering her body before turning back to a layer of rock.

She waves her arm with a claw that breaks Ivan's attack and continues until it hits him throwing it away until it hits a wall.

I run to her, wrapping my tail around her and pressing down trying to crush her with my strength, but she tries to resist with her own strength.

"< Flaming Sword >" (Ivan)

"< Blast Rocks >" (Queen)

Ivan appears nearby and tries to cut her while she is trapped by my tail, but she uses a wing to defend herself which is cut by Ivan's sword.

At that moment she uses another attack that blasts the rock layer around her body to the surroundings, her attack made my body suffer several injuries from the rock shards at such close distance.

I couldn't keep the grip and she left while grabbing my tail and spinning to hit my body against the floor, but at that moment I held the floor using her strength against herself and I threw myself into the wall.

"< Elemental Enhancement: Earth >" (Queen)

"< Bones Prison >" (Ivan)"< Rock Crush >" (Queen)

The Queen covered her body with yet another layer of rock before hitting the wall, soon the bones began to poke out of the ground beneath her.

The queen makes a large number of rocks from the surroundings gather in her fist which slams against the bones growing from the ground below her, breaking them all.

"You bastards, just die!" (Queen)

The Queen placed her hands on a column of rocks beside her and with great force broke it out of place while trying to hit us with it.

Something this size was too slow to hit me, but we won't be able to get close to it like that, so I put my big sword aside as I wave at Ivan.

He jumps on my sword blade and I focus my Ki into my arms to hurl it with all my might at the Queen.

"< Heavy Claw >" (Queen)

"< Explosive Cut >" (Ivan)

"< Court of the Serpent of Flames >" (I)

The Queen tries to use another attack from her rock claw to try to break Ivan's attack again dropping the stone column that was too heavy, but this time Ivan's sword blade was glowing red, at the moment of impact an explosion is spawned forward dealing heavy damage to the surroundings while sending the Queen back full of burns and without her rock armor layer.

She spins in the air to land on her feet, but before reaching the ground a red fire Serpent comes out of the ground and wraps itself around her body, cutting her into pieces that start to catch fire.


"Finally it's over..." (I)

"I didn't expect her to be a Ki-wielding like you." (Ivan)

"The biggest problem until the end was her defense, the earth element has the biggest defense, besides that she had more physical strength than me." (I)

"I didn't know about that last attack of yours." (Ivan)

"It's not something you can use in a training fight." (I)

"This attack consumes all my Ki, I only use it as a last resort in this kind of life or death situation." (I)

"She had great strength and a lot of defense, so I waited until the best moment to use this attack." (I)

"You waited until I made an attack to make her more vulnerable to her attack, right?" (Ivan)

"Yeah, that was the best time for it." (I)


I was a little tired and covered in superficial wounds, I also have some pain in my tail.

At that moment something occurred to me and I ask Ivan about it.

"Where's Lilith?" (I)

"She's over there, looks like she's finishing her battle too." (Ivan)

I turn to the other side of the room where I see Lilith with some ugly wounds on her body looking into the eyes of the Demon who was her husband, I see them just standing there looking at each other."How long have they been like this?" (I)

"I don't know, maybe a few seconds or minutes." (Ivan)

"Should we go there?" (Ivan)

"Looks like she has it all under control, so let her handle it herself." (I)

We watched for a few minutes while I drank some potions until Lilith released the Demon with a macabre smile, after which we saw her saying something we didn't understand before shoving her hand inside the Demon's chest and pulling out his heart.

The strangest and most bizarre thing was that she started eating the heart piece by piece with great happiness as she walked toward us.

"Are you sure it's safe to be around her?" (I)

"No, but if you stop to think about it, it's also not safe to be around Elsaris, Érica, or Layla." (Ivan)

"Everyone is a good person deep down, just try to ignore those little obscure details and everything will work out." (Ivan)

"..." (I)

"I'm starting to think it might not have been a good idea to hand my village over to Zenos." (I)

"By delivering you mean playing on him?" (Ivan)

"Don't talk like you didn't help me do this, it was yours and Vanessa's idea." (I)

"What are you talking about?" (Lilith)

"Anything." (Ivan/I)

"You are strange." (Layla)

"..." (Ivan/I)

"(I don't want to hear it from you two.)" (I)

"Looks like you two finished off your enemy too." (Layla)

"Are these burning pieces the Queen?" (Lilith)

Lilith talks as she picks up a piece of the broken chair and starts poking an arm of the Queen that was on fire while humming.

"Yes, we finished her a little before you did." (I)

"Should we go to Zenos to help?" (I)

"No, the master asked not to interfere in his battle, just believe in the plan." (Ivan)

"The master asked to wait and that's what I'm going to do." (Lilith)

"Are you sure that..." (I)


Suddenly the whole castle shook as a cloud of dust comes from somewhere, when we look we see that there is a big hole in the wall of the throne room that goes from the ceiling to the floor.

"(Rakan said it was for the castle walls to be reinforced.)" (I)

When we looked up all I could see was a yellow light and a black light dancing as they hit each other, but the black light was always being thrown away or running away from the yellow light, there were also lots of thunder clouds around them.

"Looks like the battle is getting intense." (Ivan)

"I think Zenos is having a harder time than we anticipated..." (I)

Suddenly a flash in the sky happens and something goes through the hole in the wall hitting the throne, when the dust settles we see Zenos covered in cut wounds or burns breathing heavily in a crater where the thrones used to be.

At that moment lightning seems to fall from the sky through the hole and the King appears near Zenos with some injuries, he grabs Zenos by the neck and gets up.
