I was flying with my Dragon wings as I fought the King who had thunder wings in the sky above the castle.

To keep fighting him I'm using every physical enhancement skill I have along with pushing limits and I'm using a technique that Sophia taught me to compress my Aura around me to use it during my attacks.

Just in terms of physical strength I think we are on an equal footing, the truth is that I think I have an advantage in the amount of Mana, but he has much more speed than I do, in addition, his sword technique focuses on speed.

He's clearly an experienced swordsman from many battles, even though I've fought almost every day since I was born that doesn't change the fact that I've been alive for less than 1 year in this world.

The only thing that has saved me so far is that my technique that combines the use of sword and dagger must be very strange for him, besides it doesn't seem to have a rhythm that he can follow, that's why the chaos fighting techniques with guns or no guns were made to be unpredictable, it made it shitty to do animations for games back then which almost made me abandon this idiotic idea.

"< Flaming Court >" (I)

"< Blade of the Wind >" (I)


"Your fight him is futile just accept his death." (King)

"< 10 Lightning Cuts >" (King)

I used a fire blade type attack on my sword and a wind blade type attack on my dagger making the two attacks collide going in the same direction, this makes the fire that was a little stronger consume the wind blade getting even stronger as he heads towards the King.

In a flash of light, the King's arm seemed to disappear due to his attack speed while ten attacks cut through my blade attack and hit me.

I managed to dodge a few, but three attacks hit me causing cuts to my right arm, right leg, and face.

"It's been a few minutes this fight, your strength doesn't seem to be as great as I thought..." (King)

"< Streams of Light >" (I)

I take advantage of the moment he speaks to create a magic circle behind him causing currents of light to surround and trap him, at the same time I have corrosion activated to burn him.

"That's useless." (King)

"< Lightning Sword >" (King)

The King stretches his electric wings breaking the currents of light as he raises his sword which starts to glow when lightning strikes the blade.

"< Judgement Dagger >" (I)

"< Sword of Judgment >" (I)

My sword and dagger are covered by the energies of light and shadow, with that I start to fight the King in midair.He's faster than me, because of that it's hard for me to hit him, my only option is to fight hand to hand.

He and I spent a few minutes exchanging blows in the air, he's a lot more skilled than I am in flying, but as I'm keeping close to him it doesn't matter much.

Because he had a sword and I had two weapons I had more opportunities to attack, but his quick reaction speed was still in the way.

I attack him with my dagger and he slams my hand to the side as he attacks me with his sword which I dodge with using my sword.

He tries to kick me and I grab his leg to throw him away, but he takes advantage of that to back away from me leaving and throwing him.

"< Balls of Thunder >" (King)

The King moves away from me creating a large magic circle beneath us creating dozens of spheres of electricity that start coming towards me.

"< Sea Serpent >" (I)

I make a magic circle in front of me from which a Serpent made of water emerges that I must control to devour these electrical spheres as it heads towards the King.

"< Splitter of Storms >" (King)

The King stands still raising his sword were several lightning strikes, as he lowers the sword a great blade slash of electricity splits the Water Serpent in half, but my magic served its purpose of getting rid of the electric spheres.

"< Fire Tornado >" (I)

I create a fire tornado around the King while he was preparing his attack from before, when he is engulfed in the fire he tries to fly upwards through the eye of the tornado, but before he leaves the tornado I run through the tornado with my sword aiming at his heart, unfortunately, he deflected it causing me to hit the side of the body making a cut, where I take a red crystal blade dagger and stick it in the wound before he stabs the sword in my back.

I lunge downward with my wings freeing myself from his sword as I catch another dagger throwing it at his head, but he catches the dagger in one hand and throws it back at me hitting my leg.

"< Lightning Punch >" (King)

After that we continue exchanging blows while I try to keep flying from him, I go towards him trying to aim at his wing to cut, but my sword passes right by showing that it's really just energy that makes me take an electric shock, the King allows me trying to cut his wing because he knows it was useless and he punches me while his fist is covered in electricity making a big burn wound in my chest.

"< Light Spear > ×3" (I)

I'm thrown back as I cast three-light spells, two attacks were parried by the King's energy wings, but the third pierces his shoulder.

"You're wasting your energy, these attacks are barely doing me any damage." (King)

"The bodies of us Demons are stronger than those of you Vampires, this damage you've done is nothing to me." (King)"You say as if you've already won, but we've been fighting for a few minutes without deciding a winner." (I)

"On the contrary, the winner is already decided, the only reason you managed to fight me so far is because of the activation of many abilities, am I not right?" (King)

"..." (I)

"Are you surprised I notice? Just by looking at the way you're moving I can tell what's going on, this kind of skill puts pressure on a person's body, over time that pressure builds up making the body stiffer as it is in your case now." (King)

"Also, you must be expending a lot of energy all the time to keep these skills active, that means your mana will run out before mine..." (King)

"< Sphere of Water >" (I)

As he speaks I create a sphere of water around him that makes his wings disappear as he is burned by corrosion in the water, but at that moment his eyes glow and a shock wave blasts the water away from him which starts to fall.

"< Wings of the Thunder Demon >" (King)

"< Vampire Claws >" (I)

I use my Dragon Wings to push toward the King who creates new wings of energy, at which point I use my claws to thrust inside his body from behind.

"Ahhh!!" (King)

"Why don't you surrender at once!?" (King)

"< Splitter of Storms >" (King)

The King reaches my other arm behind his back and tugs on me as he spins to throw me towards the castle below us.

"< Burst of Wind >" (I)

As soon as he threw me he makes the same sword attack as before to cut me, I use magic beside me causing an explosion of wind at the same time I take momentum with my wings, only then did I manage to dodge his attack that I hear beating in the castle.

So we're back to a close-range battle where he is noticeably slower, but even so, each attack of his sword is heavy throwing me away, but at least this time I managed to land more attacks on him, unfortunately, he hit me a few times too causing cuts and burns to my body, I put a large amount of poison in his body, but it doesn't seem to be having the same effect I thought it would.

"The poison you used is too weak to do me any real harm, so just accept death." (King)

"< Storm Lightning >" (King)

The King kicks me as he walks away and points his sword at me where several magic circles appear around the King's sword blade as the lightning in the surroundings seems to gather on the sword.

"< Mana Shield >" (I)

I activate the Mana Shield a second before lightning comes out of the King's sword and hits me while flinging myself downwards, I feel the impact as I hit the ground shattering my bones.

I look around and see that I am in the throne room once again, but it seems that a battle took place here as it is very destroyed, in the wall, there was a large opening that goes from the ceiling to the floor where I could barely see the King coming in my direction at high speed while his body was surrounded by a layer of electricity.

He slips through the opening in the wall and stands next to me before reaching down to pick me up from the pool of my own blood I'm in, holding me by the neck as he lifts me up to his eyes filled with bloodlust and contempt towards me.
