After evolution, I stayed in that unknown place not knowing what was around me or how much time passed, in that kind of place I felt like I didn't have a body.

I felt like I couldn't move, I felt like something was continuously shaping itself around me, I had the impression that even though I had already evolved my body was still in the process of transformation, this is the first time I experience this in evolution, maybe or by the interference of the Goddess Selene.

I couldn't see my status but I could see my skills, I had a lot of similar skills and I was bored so I decided to start skill synthesis to pass the time, I thought this might be a good way to enjoy this time where I'm not able not even sleeping to do something more productive.

One thing I noticed is that for some strange reason I don't know there were more abilities than I remembered, did someone give me the blood of Makari Capital enemies while I was sleeping?

During that time I was able to fuse a lot of elemental Affinity-type skills and with that, I got all the pure elemental skills I wanted, with the exception of the elements of wood and space.

But at least I got all the elemental resistance skills that I was fusing together into one elemental resistance skill.

I also noticed a lot of scales, horns, tails, wings, claws, and eyes type abilities.


I decided to start synthesizing them all together with their skills of the same type just to take up less space on my skill list, but I didn't plan on using most of these skills, I always had some scale or horn production skills that I never used as I was afraid of my appearance becomes evil, repulsive, or strange.

I also did the synthesis of the Ki elemental abilities I had, with the exception of the elements wood, space, darkness, and light.

In addition, I also synthesized similar skills with blade attacks, punch attacks, claw attacks, kick attacks, etc.

I even started to wonder why I have so many skills, could I have turned into one of those hoarders I've always seen on TV, but instead of collecting antique objects, I was collecting skills?

As I had a lot of time without doing anything I just looked at my list of skills realizing that I had many that I hadn't even used in a long time.

I was immersed in this skill synthesis process until suddenly something happened, the dark space where I was started to light up with streams of energy appearing one by one until I found myself surrounded by a space that resembles the starry sky.

I was mesmerized at first by the contrast of several different colored energy flows around me going back and forth in seemingly no order.

But soon I felt like something familiar in these energies and in this landscape, when I try to look around I realize that I'm on an ethereal path that seemed a dead end, but I felt I had to move forward, I couldn't stay still.

This landscape around me reminded me of the image I could see inside the hood of my astral body, moreover as I started to try to advance images of the people in my group began to appear beside me with every step I took.

When I got to the end of the path I kept walking forward, I didn't need to doubt or hesitate, the answer is simple if there isn't a path all I need to do is build one myself.

As I continued to walk I felt a weight hit me to throw me back, but I kept moving forward feeling the presence not only of my group but of everyone in the Dungeon behind me pressing me even further forward to continue on my way, in no way For a moment I looked back and kept walking forward as my own Aura left my body condensing in the path each time my feet descended.

This continued for an indefinite amount of time until I felt something strange around me and the energy flows around me as it enveloped me as if I was trapped inside something, at which point I stretched my arms to make way for myself and felt as if my vision clears.

Ding! Ding! Ding!I found myself floating in my room with Fairies and Spirits flying around me as they spoke my name laughing, saying he woke up, he was free, etc.

But soon after limitless tiredness and exhaustion took over me, my eyelids are too heavy to bear causing me to fall down on the bed and sleep consumes me before finally feeling my consciousness disappearing in the comfortable embrace of my bed.





Pov Vanessa:

Hours before Zenos emerges from the cocoon.

I get up from my bed with my heart racing and blood coming out of my mouth, my whole body is weak and my head is aching like a mountain has fallen on top of it.


"Receiving the oracle from the Goddess Selene is as tiring as ever." (I)

I get up and wipe the blood off my bed, go take a shower, and change before going to talk to Nix.

I find Nix relaxing in a hammock between two trees, she is acting more and more like my Dad.

"Who's driving the carriage now?" (I)

"Nolan, it looks like he can't stay inside the Dungeon feeling the master's Aura anymore." (Nix)

"After three months it becomes difficult for anyone, everyone is worried about my Father." (I)

"Ibuki is the only one besides me and Layla who knows the master will wake up sooner or later." (Nix)

"Ibuki's thoughts are simple, the trust she has in my Father borders on absolute faith, now you and Layla can use the connection you have with the master to know her status at all times." (I)

"But I didn't come to talk about that, I need you to close the Dungeon gate inside the carriage and stay that way for three days." (I)"What is happening?" (Nix)

"Looks like my father will wake up soon, but there must be another Aura burst much stronger than before, we can't let that Aura leak out as it might attract unwanted attention." (I)

"Are you afraid the pursuers will find us again?" (Nix)

"Yes, the Church of Light will not rest until they find us, so we will not give them that opportunity." (I)

"Besides, I was able to find out why my Father wasn't waking up." (I)

"Did you receive an oracle from the Blood Goddess?" (Nix)

"Yes, it looks like my father's evolution was supposed to have ended almost two months ago, but he did something he shouldn't have and that's why he delayed his own evolution even further." (I)

"Hahahahahaha..." (Nix)

"As you would expect from the master, he always makes things complicated, he'll be very surprised when he learns our current situation." (Nix)


"This is all his fault for taking so long to wake up, Irina won't let anyone do anything about it because she wants to wait for our Father to wake up first." (I)

"I'll hang out with Nolan outside, he'll be happy to hear that." (I)

After that Nix gets up and goes out of the Dungeon, meanwhile I went to warn the others about the message I received from the Goddess Selene during my sleep.

Everyone started getting ready for a party when my Father woke up, during the night while the party was still being prepared my Father's Aura that was scattered all over the Dungeon floor went wild.

Soon a powerful wave of Aura swept through everything making everyone unconscious as the Fairies and Spirits danced in the sky.

Even I lost consciousness when I suddenly found myself behind a figure in black clothes as if made of shadow, this person was walking in front of me on a dead-end path, this being didn't care and started walking forward normally.

When I thought he was going to fall I felt my Father's Aura leaving this being and condensing on his feet forming a continuation of the path, the shadow being didn't even care to look as he continued moving forward creating a path with each step he took.

I kept following him as more and more people seemed to gather around me following this person, there was a moment when a cocoon of energy formed around the shadow being that uses its claws to break free and keep pushing its way forward.

Soon after coming out of the cocoon, everything began to lighten as the appearance of the shadow being disappeared, giving way to the image of my Father.

When I woke up, I was lying in the camp like many others, getting up confused, not understanding what was happening.

But I soon realize that my father's Aura that was scattered all over the place was no longer present, when I realized this I ran to his room in the mansion at full speed.

On the way I met others who thought the same as I possibly did, I was not able to see him clearly as there were many Fairies and Spirits lying on top of him, but at least now I know that the cocoon broke and he came out, it seems that he is sleeping now.

I was relieved, I look at the others and see expressions of relief.
