I feel a great pain running through my whole being, but I wasn't able to scream or move, I had no idea where I was or how much time had passed, I just know that comfortable energy enveloped me all the time in a warm way.

When the pain was finally gone I finally heard the system sound.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

















































<[ YOUR RACE WILL BE [ Blood Prince of Chaos (Vampire Prince) ] ]>
















Pov Freya:

It's been a month since the battle in the Makari Kingdom's capital, luckily it didn't take the people of the camp to participate in the battle that day, it would have been difficult if the spies had seen them.

Kira and Elsaris had to capture some spies who had seen us, we had to give a potion that Lyra created that affects the person's mind leaving the memories of the last three days distorted or even erasing those short-term memories.

It seems that this potion is considered a glitch as it has a lot of side effects, but it still works for this situation.

After leaving the Makari Kingdom we came straight to the Moros Kingdom where we bought an inn to live in during our time here, the Dungeon gate was opened in the basement.

We thought about staying here until the master recovered, the truth is that the master is evolving again, we all noticed that when in the middle of the night of the third day his Aura exploded as before, but this time his Aura was much more powerful.

After that, his Aura compacted into a cocoon of energy that lasted until now, this cocoon of energy is floating on top of the master's bed releasing its Aura weakly to the surroundings.

His room was taken over by hundreds of Fairies and Spirits that always remain around, when I asked Layla about it she said that the Fairies were being influenced by the Cradle of Fairies to protect the master during his evolution, Nix said that something similar happens with the Spirits.

It seems that Nix and Layla are not affected, but Layla seems to be taking advantage of the remnants of the master's Aura to strengthen the Cradle of the Fairies with its other elements, Nix also took the opportunity to improve her Cradle of Spirits with the master's Aura.

Because of that Nix and Layla didn't leave the Dungeon for weeks, other than that everyone was living normal lives.

The busiest person in the Dungeon was Leonardo, who after weeks of talking to everyone and talking to Nira about the types of materials available had started designing the city.

Leonardo said that within two months he will have all the drawings in the city ready to be shown to the master.

Kira went along with Elsaris, Irina, and Irius to claim the reward with the Black Market, until the end the Black Market hadn't discovered all the facts about what happened in the Makari Kingdom, but they knew that we killed all the army, nobles, and real family.

Because of that, they seem to fear our strength now, they didn't realize that we were only able to do these things because of the master.

But thanks to that the Black Market promised us that within a month they would bring us the reward they promised, they were stupid to promise something so complicated to do, now they have no choice as they also have no information about our true strength.

Vanessa seems to have spent all her time purifying the black stones we collected from the 4 cities, she purifies offering to the Goddess Selene.

It seems that these stones were created with the blood of Mages using forbidden spells and techniques from what I was told, just having these stones was something forbidden, but Vanessa for being a Blood Priestess has purified these stones turning these black stone blocks into marble blocks red.

Its appearance was completely different from before, moreover, according to Rakan, this marble was much better than the original black stone.

Vanessa wanted to use this material to build a temple where the Goddess Selene would be worshiped mainly, in addition, she wanted a great magnificent temple, Leonardo instead of saying that she was asking for too much, was happy and inspired by the challenge.

Alice and I collected the blood of all Vampires and Demons on the same day we were leaving Makari capital, that's why we were going to give it to the master after he recovered, but Vanessa made the master drink it all that day while using her magic of healing on it, it seems that its magic was more effective if the person had ingested blood, after that, we discarded all the bodies in a random floor of the Dungeon where it was absorbed by the Dungeon.

Alice that day acted differently, she was shocked to see the destroyed state the master was in, for the next few days she was focused even more on her magic studies and her combat training, but she had noticed something different in his gaze.

Alice is someone who has always had darkness hidden in her gaze, the master was the first to realize this and did many things for her to overcome that darkness on her own.

The master never talked to Alice about her past and didn't let anyone talk to her about it, but had Irina teach Alice magic, had me teach Alice about being a maid, had Sophia teach Alice martial arts, etc.

He did all this to open her horizons, with time I noticed the darkness in her eyes disappearing, she who didn't open up to anyone at first, but over time she started to take the initiative in conversations with other people, it seems that Nira and Lyra became very good friends with Alice, but even so there was always a bit of darkness in her eyes, even Sophia said that she was very aggressive during training.

But when she saw the state the master was in I could see that darkness disappear from her eyes as tears came out of her eyes, after that she seemed to have returned to normal, but I noticed that she was even more motivated than before, she seemed to be doing the same things but the reason why she did it was different, even Sophia said that she didn't show being aggressive anymore like before, Irina also said that for the first time Alice asked about defense spells and healing spells.

Alice never said it out loud, but I noticed from the way she looks at the master, that she has great admiration and respects him deeply.

The master never spoke to Alice for a long time, but he shows what he feels with actions and not words, Alice knew that everything that happened to her was something that the master granted her, she knew that all these opportunities to dig harder and live so comfortably was the master who shared it with her.

When she saw the master like that so hurt it must have been shocking to her, I always noticed that when the master was doing his dangerous bloodline syntheses or drinking Dragon blood, Alice peeked in secret, I saw it a few times.

But after the battle against Farus in the mountain range I saw concern in her eyes, but this time I saw terror in her eyes, the master was so wounded that if he had been of another race he could have died from those wounds.

I and the others already knew that something like this could happen, so we weren't too surprised at the state the master was in, but as Alice had never participated in real combat she didn't realize this fact.

Now she is trying to get stronger so she can defend the master, she comes the day in and day out to the master's room to see the energy cocoon, the others also come almost every day to see the master even me.

No one likes to see the master like this, everyone was worried since no one had ever heard about an evolution taking so long.

Even I was getting distressed by the master's situation, we were afraid that something could have happened to him, we even asked for help from the doctor who had already become a Demon that we rescued from the castle, his name was Allan.

He said he couldn't help as he couldn't even get close to the master's body due to the cocoon, the person who kept saying that the master was fine was Vanessa, she said that the master was receiving the blessings of the Blood Goddess and why that this evolution was special.

After so long we couldn't do more than wait, even the people of the camp started to pray that the master would wake up soon.
