The next day I woke up in my new bed or that's what I expected, but as soon as I looked at the ceiling I realized it wasn't my room, when I looked around there were four women in the bed with me.

"(What's going on here?)" (I)

I tried to remember yesterday and I'm sure I went straight to bed early yesterday if I'm not mistaken I also remember the food tasted weird yesterday, besides the one who brought the food wasn't Caryna or Freya, who brought me to food was Érica who was smiling strangely.

I look to the side where I see Érica still breathing hard while sleeping, I remember it was she and Kira who was bringing me the food yesterday, it didn't take long for me to notice what had happened.

After thinking some more I started to remember flashes of memory, I remember that Diana appeared in my room and took me to Érica's room where Ibuki and Kira were already waiting, after that, I have a vague idea of ​​what happened.

"(Damn! How does Lyra manage to make such strong aphrodisiacs?)" (I)

I get up from the bed but am surprised to find that I'm not tired, but from the way the four of them are panting it must not have been over for a long time, this is the first time this has happened, I think I've really gotten stronger.


I'm glad I don't have to worry about it anymore so I look for my clothes but I can't find anything then I realize my storage item is not with me I think I left the ring beside my bed before I went to sleep yesterday.

With no other choice, I use my lines to make a sheet that I wear around my waist to hide my lower body as I head back to my room.

When I enter the room I see Orion lying next to my bed sleeping, I leave him there and grab my clothes and my storage item, but before leaving I look at Orion who is awake now looking at me.

"Are you back master? I hope you had fun." (Orion)

"Weren't you supposed to protect me? Why did you let Diana take me yesterday?" (I)

"She was very honest with what was going to happen, besides Freya had already informed me about her relationships, so I didn't see any reason to stop it since you were not in danger." (Orion)


"Never mind, I'm going to eat something, want to come?" (I)

"Yes." (Orion)

I go to the kitchen to eat something on the table along with most of the others, after that, I call Ivan, Nix, and Nira to talk to them, meanwhile, Orion said he was going to explore the Dungeon.

"I still don't know where we're going, you said we were being persecuted by the Church of Light, that means we're on the move." (I)

"Where have we been going since we left the Makari Kingdom?" (I)

"I already talked to you about this the day you woke up, don't you remember?" (Nira)

"There were so many people talking and so many things to listen to that I don't remember half of the things I was told that day." (I)

"There came a point where my brain just gave up and stopped working, it was too much to listen to at the same time." (I)

"A lot has built up during the time the master has been unavailable, everyone wanted to let you know what's been going on, but I don't think anyone thought we could be overloading the master." (Ivan)"Alright, just tell me where have we been and where are we going now?" (I)

"After we left the Makari Kingdom we went back to the Moros Kingdom where we stayed for over a month, just before two months were up we received the Black Market reward." (Nira)

"Because of that we had to leave the Moros Kingdom, so I thought I'd go to a place where the people of the Light Kingdom recreate that walking on tiptoe." (Ivan)

"The only place I could think of is the largest and oldest Kingdom on the continent, the Grimo Kingdom." (Ivan)

"The trip was a little long, but we crossed the borders more than a week ago." (Nix)

"If I'm not mistaken, someone told me that the carriage I ordered was ready and in use." (I)

"Yes, I must thank you very much, this carriage is amazing, I can leave the dungeon open inside the carriage and enter without any problems, in addition, there are several protection techniques in the carriage." (Nix)

"I'm glad my idea was helpful, but where were we going?" (I)

"It's on its way to one of the great cities of the Grimo Kingdom, I thought I'd see some local commerce and see if anything could be of use to us." (Nira)

"That's enough for now." (I)

"Orion, could you call Freya and Sophia over here, doing you a favor? I need to speak to them quickly so I know what to do next." (I)

"At your orders, master." (Orion)

After waiting a few seconds Orion came back with two nervous people on his back, when he stops beside me they both come out of his back.

"As requested by the master, I tried to be as fast as possible." (Orion)

"I was cleaning Lyra's room when a huge mouth grabbed me by the shoulder and threw me onto his back." (Freya)

"I was going into the bathroom to take a shower after my morning workout when the same thing happened to me" (Sophia)

"..." (I)

Orion seems to follow orders very to the letter, I guess I have to be careful what I say, plus he looks so happy that I don't have the heart to scold him.

"I'm sorry about that, I told him to be quick and I think he took that a little too literally." (I)

"I wanted to talk to you two because our next destination is already decided, the Guardian asked to take her to the World Tree." (I)

"She said you two should know where it is." (I)

"..." (Freya/Sophia) Freya and Sophia look at each other before starting to speak.

"I know where it is, actually there's no way I wouldn't know since it's my old home." (Sophia)

"It wasn't my home like Sophia's, but I visited there once when I was in my 50s or so, I was still a kid at the time." (Freya)

"What does the Keeper want by going to the World Tree?" (Sophia)

"It seems that ever since she became a Holy Beast she has been listening to the call of the World Tree." (I)

"..." (Freya/Sophia)

After saying what the Guardian told me the two are in shock, they look at each other in disbelief before Sophia takes the initiative to speak.

"Master this is something very serious, the only ones who can hear the World Tree are the leader of the Elves of each of the three races and the High Priestess elected by the World Tree itself." (Sophia)

"I've never heard of another being able to hear the World Tree, that's a very dangerous thing to say so easily when you say it now." (Sophia)

"So this is going to get us into trouble?" (I)

"I'm not sure since I was just a warrior among the Dark Elves, but you can be sure the Elf leaders will keep an eye on you very closely." (Sophia)

"The World Tree is surrounded by the village of Elves, this village is the capital of the entire continent, but no one can approach the World Tree without the permission of the leaders or the High Priestess." (Freya)

"But if the World Tree itself is calling, then the leaders of the Elves and this High Priestess must already be expecting our arrival at some point, right?" (I)

"That may be true, but you will still be harassed by the government, as far as I know, they will want to form some sort of connection with you and won't stop until they do, at least that's what the leader of the Dark Elves I know would do. " (Sophia)


"I knew this would get me in trouble." (I)

"Does the master really need to go there?" (Freya)

"Even if it's troublesome I'll still go there, the Guardian prevented the deaths that would be on our side during the battle in the third city of the Makari Kingdom, that's the least I can do for her." (I)

"If things get too troublesome we can always leave with me riding Orion's back or Nix turning into a Dragon and flying away." (I)

"This could cause serious problems, but that would only be if we were associated with another Realm." (Ivan)

"I don't care about that, I just want to avoid unnecessary trouble, now can someone tell us where we should go?" (I)

"Elf villages are named after the forests where they are located, this particular village is called the Illusory Forest." (Freya)

"The Forest in which it is located is larger than the entire territory of the Trigan Kingdom, the Elf village is protected by powerful barriers, illusions and an army of Elves." (Sophia)

"Furthermore, the forest itself is one of the most dangerous places on the continent full of monsters and dungeons." (Sophia)

"This forest takes up almost half of the Grimo Kingdom's territory, as we are already here it shouldn't be difficult to enter the forest itself, but it will be difficult to get to the village." (Sophia)

"You said you lived there, so you can guide us right." (I)

"I can, but we can't invade the place, let's try to enter as guests." (Sophia)

"So it's decided, we're on our way to the Illusory Forest." (I)
