Me, Sophia, Ivan, and Nira were discussing the route we were going to use to go to the village of the Elves, Freya can't help much in this matter as Sophia knew a lot more than she did, so she went to finish cleaning Lyra's room first. to do their daily magic and archery training.

"The Elves of the Illusory Forest have strong and ancient links to the royal family of the Grimo Kingdom, so they could give non-Elves permission to come to the village." (Sophia)

"That won't happen, I won't get in touch with any nobles from the Grimo Kingdom if possible, the problem of the Elves is enough." (I)

"So the other way would be to go to a shop in a town that borders the Illusory Forest, that particular shop works to guide Elves to the village if they're visiting." (Sophia)

"Then it will be very easy, I just need to let you or Freya go to this shop while everyone else stays in the Dungeon and I go in your shadow so we don't attract attention." (I)

"That's going to be impossible, they'll have a Fairy or Moon Spirit around, so they'll be able to see through all the illusions and lies, you can be sure we'll be questioned and it won't do any good to interfere." (Sophia)

"Then we'll just have to get there by telling the truth, I don't think we'll have any problems getting there anyway." (I)


"But since we're going to a place like this, do you know if there's a place with a beautiful landscape or an interesting place to visit?" (I)

"There are some places, the village can be considered one of those places, but why does the master want to know about it?" (Sophia)

"Since I'm going to a potentially dangerous place anyway, it doesn't hurt to try to have fun along the way, I'm tired of painful and bloody battles." (I)

"So I'm going to enjoy the trip this time, I'm going to play tourist and try to relax." (I)

"What is a tourist?" (Ivan)

"I don't know, it must be an Outsider thing, I'll ask Samira later." (Nira)

After that Sophia told us a little bit about the Illusory Forest, she also said which store we should look for and which city this store would be in.

After some time talking about future plans it was time to talk to the coach driver to change direction.

It seems that today's driver was Leo, from our current location it would only take five days to get to the city, that's why we were lucky to be close to the place, in addition, the carriage has monsters that are a mix of wolves with bears pulling the carriage.

From what they say, it was Diana and Sophia who captured these monsters along the way, after that, they trained them.


After the conversation I had in the morning about where we were going, I went to talk to Nix in my room to discuss things about the Dungeon, Orion as usual lying next to me participating in the conversation only when we asked him something.

"You said we have enough DP to make it to the 12th floor, right?" (I)"Yes, besides that we would have enough to expand the mansion floor twice more and move the mansion floor lower." (Nix)

"We'll have to wait to move the mansion's floor, but I think we can start creating more floors, it's also time to start modifying floors for the monsters I'm going to summon." (I)

"It's about time master, but we won't have enough DP to modify all floors or summon monsters." (Nix)

"Don't worry about it, what we will do is create up to the 12th floor as planned, after that instead of expanding the mansion floor further we will modify the 11th floor to be fertile land, I want to build a farm there." (I)

"I think your farm is going to have some problems, over time any plant that grows there will turn into a plant-type monster." (Nix)

"Would these monsters be aggressive?" (I)

"If they are 1st generation monsters they will always be aggressive, so if you summon them then they will be." (Nix)

"If you do it the way you say and try to cultivate them here inside the Dungeon can be better, but you'll need people to care and raise them." (Nix)

"That's not a problem, Nymphs don't like to fight and are basically a kind of plant monster, I'll let them handle these things." (I)

"I need to tell you that the fruit trees we brought to the Dungeon have already turned into monsters, they are Lesser Ents." (Nix)

"Are they attacking the people at the camp?" (I)

"No, these kinds of plant-type monsters live on absorbing mana or vitality from nature, they can also absorb it from the living beings they hunt, so they have infinite food on this floor because of the Cradle of Fairies and Spirits, so you don't have to kill hunt." (Nix)

"The problem is that these monsters make it difficult to collect the fruits as they are always changing places, in addition, they are always away from the camp." (Nix)

"This can be a problem, the fruits are delicious, but if we have to defeat these monsters to get the fruits, then we will run out of fruit trees." (I)

"What do you think of this situation, Orion?" (I)

"Why doesn't the master let the Nymphs pick the fruit too, the Ents will consider them part of the forest and won't attack them." (Orion)

"But will these monsters allow us to get their fruits?" (I)

"As long as we didn't harm them, then they didn't care, plus the master doesn't have to worry, right Nix?" (Orion)

"Yes, this Dungeon belongs to you and so these Ents will not attack the master, the same for me who is the very core of the Dungeon." (Nix)"That's good, less of a problem then." (I)

"Let's stick with the farm idea, for now, to see if it works, plus half of the farm will be for raising two types of monsters." (I)

"The Mountain Buffalo and the Cockatrice." (I)

"Why do you want to create these two monsters?" (Nix)

"The Mountain Buffalo is a monster whose strength is around Grade C when alone, but when in a pack its strength grows to Grade B, its hide can be used to make light armor for adventurers, and its meat is delicious, we ate this the first time we were in Porto de Moros, at the time when I asked about this monster, I also knew that some retired adventurers like to breed them as in addition to the meat that has a high value, they also produce delicious milk, unfortunately still I haven't tasted the milk, but this will be very important for the people of the Dungeon." (I)

"I imagine you must have a similar reason for wanting a Cockatrice which is a dangerous Grade A monster." (Nix)

"That's right, besides the meat is also good, this monster lays eggs, that's why I want to raise him in the Dungeon." (I)

"But who are you planning on leaving creating these monsters?" (Nix)

"The Nymphs will take care of the crops that will later turn into plant-type monsters, who I thought to take care of the monsters would be the others in the camp who don't want to fight." (I)

"Everyone in the camp is very strong, most are Grade A in strength, there are also some Grade S, but not all of them are willing to fight, I realized this in the third city of Makari Kingdom, so I intend to let these people take care of monsters while having a more peaceful life." (I)

"If monsters are brought in from outside the Dungeon and raised from a young age, then it shouldn't be too difficult to raise them." (I)

"This seems like a valid plan, but what are we going to do with the rest of the Dungeon?" (Nix)

"The first three floors will stay as they are, I plan on leaving some weak monsters there, but the rest of the floors I still need to think about." (I)

"Then I'll start creating the floors and modifying the 11th floor." (Nix)

"Do it, later when we have some more DP, I'm planning to leave some weak monsters on this floor to be the food and form an ecosystem, this forest looks very dead without any monsters." (I)


After talking to Nix, I went to talk to Vanessa who started to tell me about her plan to use the black stones that she purified over these months in the construction of the Temple of Blood, I have to admit that these red marble stones were very beautiful.

One of the reasons for coming to talk to Vanessa is that I think it's important to learn a little more about the Goddess Selene's religion, because like it or not, I'm involved in it.

I spend a couple of hours listening to Vanessa's explanations before I stop and go get something to eat.

After I ate I went to the camp where I spent the rest of the afternoon talking to everyone, I was trying to find out who no longer wanted to participate in combat or hunt monsters, I was surprised to find that half of them no longer wanted to fight.

After a long conversation with these people, I discovered that most of them didn't focus on combat before Farus appeared, they were artisans, alchemists, Blacksmiths, etc.

With that, I talked about the ideas about the farm and almost all the Nymphs were willing to take care of it, there were also people of other races willing to take care of the Mountain Buffalo and Cockatrice farm.

Many Hobgoblins seem to have given up on combat and were already doing various craftwork at the camp, some Ogres and Orcs were also helping Anton with blacksmith work, it was not news to me that many Arachnes were enjoying helping Tania by creating or repairing clothes.

I actually heard a rumor that Samira has been visiting Tania and the Arachne a lot to suggest "exotic" clothes, these clothes seem to have become like a hobby among Arachnees, but after what I've seen Érica wearing I'll try to ignore it this rumor to preserve my mental health.
