p Pov Alan's:

During the trip the second test was useless, the five days of travel were smooth as any monster in the vicinity fled, with the exception of one that died due to an arrow that came flying from inside the big chariot.

On the first night in the Illusory Forest, the masked group made a fire to cook and eat inside one of the most dangerous areas on the continent, at that moment I didn't know if they were idiots, bold, or convinced of more of their own strength.

But what surprised me again was that they noticed the Elves that were following us, I thought only Darcia and I had noticed.

As strange as this situation of eating in this place was, I must admit that the meat was delicious, I thought it was on par with Imperial Palace food.

On the fourth day of the trip, I was in our carriage talking to Bianca while Darcia was sleeping.

"What do you think of them after these days?" (I)


"I examined everyone with my Aura except the boy since he couldn't." (Bianca)

"From what I could identify none of them are criminals in the eyes of the Goddess of Justice, with the exception of the green-haired woman Demi." (Bianca)

"The one that has the same strength as Darcia?" (I)

"Yes, but it's a little strange how I feel about her, the power of Aura that I have can assess the accumulation of injustices and crimes that someone has committed, it also allows me to know some things like if the person has already been judged if people have already received their punishment or whether the person is innocent." (Bianca)

"Because of that I feel an equal amount of guilt and innocence coming from this woman, it also feels like she's getting her punishment." (Bianca)

"What would cause a state where a person is guilty and at the same time innocent?" (I)

"This is rare, but there are still some cases." (Bianca)

"Maybe she is innocent but she accepted to carry that guilt for some crime or she doesn't know that she is innocent." (Bianaca)"You only know that about them?" (I)

"Yes, but something strange happened when my Aura came into contact with the boy." (Bianca)

"You already said that you couldn't assess his Aura, he's probably using some technique to hide his Aura, even after all these days he hasn't released his Aura even for a second." (I)

"It's not that, I had a strange feeling when my Aura came into contact with him." (Bianca)

"I felt like I was the one being judged, I've never felt this before from anyone other than the Temple of Justice." (Bianca)

"Are you saying he might be a believer in the God of Righteousness just like you are?" (I)

"No, I didn't feel any trace of faith in the God of Righteousness coming from him, besides he already has a Priestess of another God on his side." (Bianca)

"Are you talking about the Rogue?" (I)

"Yes, you must have also noticed the Blood Goddess symbol on your clothes." (Bianca)

"Yes, it was through her that I realized that the boy is also a Vampire, this Priestess is always calling him Father." (I)

"I find it strange how she can call someone so young looking Father." (I)

"As long as you don't judge people by their appearance, that's even more true for Vampires and Demons." (Bianca)

"I overheard you talking to the boy for a bit and he seems very mature for his looks, I'm sure he must be a few centuries old." (Bianca)

"If you're right, then at least that explains why he seems to have similar strength to mine." (I)

"Where did you get that he has a strength equal to yours?" (Bianca)

"I feel like it would be hard to beat him, plus you saw on the first night that he had already met all the Dark Elves and how he scared Darcia on the first day of travel." (I)"Not just anyone could do these things." (I)

I'm getting more and more curious about these people, how can there be someone with that level of strength on the continent without the Grimo Kingdom knowing about it.

"Are we going to continue with our plans?" (Bianca)

"Yes, the God of Justice sent his oracle through the High Priest, I should begin my journey across this continent." (I)

"Furthermore, they sent us to this subordinate Realm to find out more about our mission, then they sent us to this allied Elf village." (I)

"The royal family of this Kingdom has been very dignified, the cities we passed through were very good." (Bianca)

"The King said that the Elves of this place would know in greater detail about the quest, I hope they know something more useful than the spies of the Grimo Kingdom." (I)

"Just remember not to be disrespectful, the village we're heading to has a World Tree, plus they're not underlings of the Empire." (Bianca)

"I know, I won't mess with the Elves, but I'll try to charm a companion among the Gray Elves." (I)

"It would be a good idea if you were a Night Watch, we don't have anyone who is good at detecting traps or is good at reconnaissance, ambush, and espionage." (Bianca)

"Exactly, we should take advantage of it since the Elves of this continent are more open to coexistence with other Realms." (I)

"Also, that boy's group has three Elves, among them a Gray Elf, so we should get a mate too." (I)

"Just don't forget about the quest just because you're looking for a new member for our group." (Bianca)

"You talk too loud, can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" (Darcia)

Soon we'll get to the third test site, maybe there I'll be able to find out more about this group of masked people.

I must say that I would love to invite all of them to join me, but I don't know if they can be trusted, I'll wait until I get to the Elves village to know more about these people after I know more about them the quest.


As time passed we arrived at the place of the third test, I only stayed a few seconds in the illusion before releasing myself, illusions do not work on Bianca as her mind cannot be influenced by external powers and her eyes are able to see through lies.

The biggest problem was Darcia who needed help from Bianca's magic to not be carried away by her wishes for the illusion, but we were already prepared for that.

From now on, there's only one more week to go to reach the village of the Elves, the trip has been much smoother and more pleasant than I thought.
