After seven days of traveling, we had finally left the place where the Trees of Desire were, one thing I noticed is that there were other monsters and plants with illusion abilities there.

In addition to protecting the mind against illusions by maintaining a strong will at all times, we should also keep fighting some monsters.

This wasn't a problem as I continued to use my intimidation skill to fend off the monsters by killing just one of each race that I asked Layla to keep and take to the Dungeon through my shadow.

It was a smooth trip for me, Nix wasn't affected by the illusion again, Layla tried to let herself be affected, but I told her to stop doing that since it was so bizarre the way she was smiling.

Orion was the only one who was never affected by the illusion, he just kept quiet most of the time if no one spoke to him directly.

Vanessa after the first illusion managed to stand her ground, according to her it was difficult for her to resist these attacks on her mind for so long due to the illusion.

Diana was a warrior, but her mind was well disciplined due to her family's training, even in the horrible situation I met her and Érica was still holding on with a strong will, so she found it easy to resist these illusions.


Nira was the only one who didn't need to resist the illusions as she had a very strong mind due to the suffering that the various curses on her body caused, according to what she said, she let herself be affected by the first illusion out of curiosity, but later Yomi, who was flying above the clouds, came down and entered the window, lying on her legs, helping her not to be affected by the illusions.

Sophia and Kira were not affected by the illusions due to their training, at first, I was worried that Kira had illusions about her mother, but I think those illusions didn't fool her for a second.

​ Freya freed herself from illusions and resisted them very easily as she has no desire at the moment, according to her her life has been perfect being able to use a bow and arrow again, being able to see her daughter happy with her husband, she says her only wish is for everything to continue as it is.

Ibuki said that the illusions were boring as she quickly saw that they were illusions, according to her all the illusions were hers spending time with me, but she found it boring as the illusion was not really me, so she easily resisted the illusions.

The person I was most worried about was Jade, she almost completely fell into illusions earlier, that's because she carries a lot of guilt for the things she's done in the past, even without her saying anything she already knew that the illusions were about her desire to avoid those tragedies or redeem herself in some way, because of that she had a lot of trouble resisting illusions.She made a great mental effort all the time these two weeks and didn't even dare to sleep staying awake all that week.

As soon as we left the third test area I allowed her to rest by using a strong sleeping poison for her to sleep.

After we left the third test area, I asked Sophia how long it would take to get to the Elves' village, she replied that it should still take 4 days, but there shouldn't be any more tests.

Just as Sophia said it was a smooth trip for the next three days, the night before Sophia's predicted arrival during the barbecue Freya was having, the Gray Elf started talking.

"We will arrive before dark tomorrow at the village, there will be people waiting for us all when we arrive." (Grey Elf)

"When you arrive at the village gates you will all have a chance to speak with people representing the leaders to tell you the reason for your visit." (Grey Elf)

"That won't be a problem." (I)

"No problem for me, I expected something like this, I imagine you can't walk freely in the village, right?" (Alan)

"If it's in the residential and commercial area of ​​the village, then you can walk around freely afterward, but if you want to go to a restricted area or meet someone of high authority in the village, then it will depend on the level of your invitation and whether the other party will accept." (Grey Elf)

"Fine with me, if it were up to me this would just be a nice walk to have fun in a beautiful village within a forest." (I)

"Did you just come to one of the most hidden places on the continent for fun?" (Alan)The 4 Dark Elves, the Gray Elf, Alan, and his group were looking at me as if I had said something absurd.

"If it was up to me, yes, but there are other things I'll do too." (I)

"What were you in the Elf village, Alan?" (I)

"We have to talk to some people there, I can't say more than that." (Alan)

"The problem is this madwoman on our side, I still don't think it's a good idea to take her to a village full of Elves." (Bianca)

"This could really be a problem." (Alan)

"Don't talk about me like that, you make me sound like I'm some kind of criminal." (Darcia)

"From the way you insisted on chasing me into Jargan City or the way you tried to break into my carriage last night, I am very inclined to consider you a criminal." (I)


"..." (Darcia)

cough cough

"I can explain that, I just wanted to see if everyone in your group was okay... I had a bad feeling... I swear I wouldn't do anything..." (Darcia)

Her group is looking at her with scary eyes while trying to explain herself, the truth is that she couldn't even get close to the carriage due to the barrier that was active, if she tried to break the barrier everyone would have realized what she was trying to do, for this she despondently returned to her own carriage, she didn't even notice that Kira and I were watching her from inside the carriage.

During the whole trip, the merchant didn't join us once, besides after asking the Gray Elf about the merchant I found out that he is someone secret, besides it seems that this merchant makes trips to this village to do business about five times a year.

That explained why he wasn't in danger during the tests.

After a delicious meal, everyone returned to their carriages to take turns sleeping, the next day the journey was very smooth again until we reached a place where there were two large trees intertwining in a wooden arch with engraved runes.
