Chapter 3447: Untitled   His soul…

Looking at the other party’s deep and dark eyes, Gus shuddered.

“Are—are you really a devil?” the young man asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Lu Qingchen looked at his lower body, which was wreathed in smoke, and opened his hands.

“What do you want my soul for?”

Gus said warily, “I’m just an ordinary person. Even if I have a soul, I’m afraid I’m very weak. It’s impossible for me to help a strong devil like you.”

“You don’t need to worry about that.”


Lu Qingchen smiled and said, “Maybe, there is power inside your body that you haven’t discovered yet, which is enough to help me overturn the entire world. Or maybe, I am just bored and want to play the role of a real devil for a while. In short, as long as you believe in me wholeheartedly, open your heart to me, and hand over your soul to me in its entirety, I will be able to answer all your questions and grant you the power to… go against the world.”

“Power to fight against the world…”

Gus felt that his teeth were aching. He took a step back, swallowed, and asked cautiously, “What if I’m not willing to? Can’t you take my soul by force?”

“We can, but if we hack and read the core data, too many traces will be left, and the anti-virus program might be triggered. It is too risky.”

Lu Qingchen smiled innocently, as if his proposal a moment ago was to ask for an insignificant item from Gus instead of his precious and only soul. “The business of demons is all about fairness and willingness. If you are not willing to offer your soul, I don’t care. You can always find a second fool. But in such a way, you won’t get my help again. Fair enough, right?”

Gus frowned.

Looking at his sister who was tossing and turning in the depths of the cave with a burning body, the young man felt that his escape route was full of peril. It would be very difficult to get out of the siege without the help of the devil.

They would leave the cave before dawn.

His sister had not recovered from her injuries yet. Her body was as light as a rootless duckweed. She almost fell into the mud several times and could not get up again.

But they had to leave, because the flood had flooded the cave.

Under the torrential rain, both the fugitives and the pursuers found it extremely difficult to move. It was a competition of willpower.

At noon, the rain finally stopped. The battles in the human world were fierce again.

They defeated another three waves of pursuers and killed four of them.

The price was that there was a hole of blood on her sister’s shoulder. Her stomach had been punched, too. There was no telling whether or not there was internal bleeding.

In addition, a slight crack had appeared on the left side of his sister’s knee. Although it didn’t affect her movements too much, it greatly hindered her strength during combat. One of her legs was almost crippled.

Protected by his sister, Gus was not heavily wounded. But once his sister collapsed, even if the 36,000 hairs on his body were intact, there was no way that he could survive the brutal pursuers.

His sister should have collapsed long ago.

With her injuries and illness, she should’ve fallen to the ground and struggled in pain half a day ago. She shouldn’t have even crawled out of the cave.

But she was like a burning fire that was supported by a certain belief or hatred. She turned into a human-shaped machine that was made of iron and steel. She glared and gritted her teeth as she moved forward.

Gus knew what his sister was waiting for.

They were not waiting to break out of the siege.

Instead, he was waiting for ‘that person’ to catch up with him and put an end to his futile escape.

In the afternoon, they were cornered by their pursuers.

There were crags on the two sides, cliffs in the front, and the ‘someone’ in the back.

“Gus, Grey, turn back. The cliff is right in front of us. One more step and you will be blown into pieces!”

Their uncle Lei Lie appeared behind them with deep eyes.

Grey grunted, as if a string inside her body had snapped. With the help of Gus, she collapsed on the edge of the cliff.


Gus did not dare to look at his uncle’s disappointed face, but when he saw his sister’s desperate expression, his heart trembled. He somehow summoned his courage, clenched his fists, and shouted, “Tell us how Dad died!”

Lei Lie’s eyes blinked. He sighed and said, “Oh. So, this is why you ran away. No wonder. Now that you’ve figured it out, why are you asking me?”

“It’s really you!”

Grey screamed in pain. “You really killed Dad. He was your brother-in-law. How could you do that?”

“Yes, how could I do that?”

Lei Lie wiped the rain off his face. His eyes were confused, and he seemed to be in a trance. He mumbled, “Glen is not only my brother-in-law, but also my best friend since childhood. The two of us have been the best training partners and competitors since we met in the Iron Fist School when we were three. We are friends who can trust each other with their lives.

“Even though he was very talented at that time and surpassed me in most of the competitions, I didn’t feel bad about it at all. I still considered him to be a good teacher and a good friend worth imitating or even following. I even tried to marry him to my sister in order to make the relationship between the two families closer.

“Gus, Grey, please believe that there is no personal grudge between your father and me. If I really hated him, I wouldn’t have risked the happiness of my beloved sister.

“However, after I discovered the ‘thing’, I did hate him deeply. I hated why he was so weak, why his will was not firm, and why he was so easily tempted by the devil. I hated why he abandoned the glory of being a warrior and his beautiful wife at home to conduct evil, sordid, and dangerous research. I hated why he kept it a secret from me. We’d been through life and death together countless times. We could’ve put our lives in each other’s hands without even batting an eye. We shed countless drops of hot blood for each other in the mountains right below your feet. Did he think that I would betray him just because I was a priest of the Temple of Fist Arts?

“Yes, you hate him!”

Grey screamed, “You hated your father for falling into the devil’s path, so you killed him, as well as your own sister, our mother!”

“You are wrong, Grey. You are terribly wrong!”

Lei Lie roared, “I didn’t kill him out of hatred. I killed him to save him, to save his reputation as the best boxer of Red Gold Town, and to save my own sister and you two! Otherwise, if the fact that Glen is an evil Cultivator is exposed, your mother and you two will be implicated and despised for the rest of your lives!
