Chapter 3448: Untitled   “You are lying!”

Grey covered her ears and screamed, “You are lying. You killed Dad. You killed Mom. You are lying. You are all lying. The world is a lie!”

“I’m not lying. Your father was lying, and you were fooling yourself.

Lei Lie said coldly, “In fact, you knew the answer long ago. You should’ve known the answer the moment you embarked on the demonic path like Glen did. I didn’t kill your father. He killed himself!

“Not only did he get himself killed, he also caused the death of his most beloved wife, my most beloved sister, and his own children. You will never be able to live a normal life.

“And all of this was because of his cowardice, his greed, and his stupidity! He was not willing to abide by the rules, obediently revere the path of the iron fist, and submit to the might of the Fist God. Instead, he was ridiculously tempted by the devil and fell into the abyss of machinery and steam!

“As a priest of the Temple of Fist, I should’ve reported the truth to my superiors and captured him with a lot of people. I should’ve tied him up and sent him to the stake so that I could purify his evil soul in front of everybody in Red Gold Town.


“However, for the sake of my decades of brotherhood with him, for the sake of my poor sister, for the sake of the two of you, even I have abandoned the path of the iron fist. For the first time in my life, I have defiled the sacred faith. I did not reveal the matter of Glen’s fall to the public. I only went to find him in private and gave him the simplest relief with death.

“There was not the slightest hint of plot, betrayal, or evilness. I only wanted to protect my sister and the two of you. I didn’t expect that the cruel fate would still give your fallen family a fair verdict. In the end, your mother still guessed the truth and passed away in the pain of heartbreak. And you, Grey, inherited your father’s strength and will, as well as his ambition and stupidity. You have embarked on the road to hell just like him!

Lei Lie shook his head and sighed.

The rain started pouring again. The raindrops hit his face and mixed with his hot tears.

Grey’s face was pale. She was silent for a long time.

“You’ve made a big mistake. There’s no turning back.”

Lei Lie’s tears and voice gradually turned colder and colder, just like the rainwater. He said, one word after another, “I don’t want to lie to you. Even though I am your blood uncle, I cannot save you. After all, you killed so many people with the forbidden force on your way to escape. You need an explanation.

“Right now, there are only two roads in front of you. Either you are killed on the spot, or you are captured and sent back to the Fist God Hall for public execution.

“As for me, because I hid something about Glen, I am no longer qualified to be a priest of the Temple of Fist. After everything is settled, I will go to the Temple of Fist in Heavenly Essence City in person to confess to the high priests there and face all the punishments calmly.

“The two of us are doomed, but your brother is innocent. He can still be saved.

“I believe that Gus knows nothing about what you’ve done. His father’s and his sister’s corruption have nothing to do with him. He ran away because he was held hostage by you. Isn’t that so, Grey?”

Grey thought quickly and glanced at Gus. Gritting her teeth, she said, “Yes. I was the one who held him hostage. I threatened Gus that I would kill him if he didn’t come with me. You know that garbage such as him could not resist my coercion at all. I coerced him all the way here so that I could use him as a hostage at the critical moment!”


Gus was dumbfounded. Then he realized that his sister was saying that on purpose to save her own life.

It meant that his sister had taken all the responsibility and made up her mind to die.

“Very good. The Fist God is harsh and fair. The Temple of Fist will find out whether or not Gus has fallen to the devil’s path in the end.”

Lei Lie sighed and said, “As for you, Grey…”

“Say no more. Come on!”

Grey suddenly soared into the sky like a giant bird.

It was the last attack that she launched with all her strength.

His body, which was burning because of the high fever, seemed to have turned into a shining torch in the dark night. Hot streams that looked like magma spurted out of his every cell and gathered into a surging force that blew at Lei Lie brutally.

“You’ve become weak, Grey.”

But Lei Lie said, “From the moment you fell into the demonic path of machines and steam, you stopped believing that your fists were invincible. How can such fists be the strongest ones?”


The priest’s black robe, which had been soaked in rainwater, was dangling like a snake’s skin.

But as Lei Lie breathed in and out, he was filled up by the surging airwaves and turned into a bulging ball.

The rainwater that had soaked the black robe was blown away by the blast and turned into hundreds of sharp water arrows that darted at Grey.

Grey gritted her teeth and rushed into the net of raindrops. Thousands of shocking wounds were immediately left on her face, her body, and her limbs. She was dazed for a moment.

Under Lei Lie’s black robe, a hundred boas seemed to be wriggling crazily. Ripples piled up on the upper layer of the black robe and eventually formed a giant, clear fist.


The punch pierced through the air, splitting the rainwater and Grey’s spiritual gas, and landed on Grey’s chest.


Grey vomited a mouthful of blood. The veins and joints all over his body were shattered, and he was blown off the cliff like a broken pocket.

This was the ultimate power of the ‘Fist of the Deep Sea’. This was the loyalty of the priests of the Fist Temple to the enemy of iron fists!


Seeing his sister hovering and withering in the storm like a bird with broken wings, Gus’s eyes almost exploded.

The second when his sister and his uncle fought was as long as a hundred years of rebirth for Gus.

He knew exactly what his sister and his uncle meant.

Whatever their stand and beliefs were, they loved Gus deeply and hoped to save his life.

However, now that things had come to this, even if Gus abandoned his sister and went back with his uncle obediently, how was he going to survive in Red Gold Town and forget the miserable deaths of his father, his mother, and his sister? How was he going to forget the damn machines and the power of steam?

His father’s words on the title page of the diary were still vivid in his mind.

His sister’s hysterical screams were still echoing in his ears.

“The entire world is a lie!

Thousands of thoughts were fighting inside Gus’s brain.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of a saying.

“I could’ve endured the darkness—as long as I didn’t find out that it was a man-made lie.


Gus shouted again and lunged at the place where his sister fell, but he did not notice that he was also standing in a bottomless abyss surrounded by clouds.

While his uncle roared and his pursuers exclaimed, Gus and Grey fell together.
