
This group should be quite mysterious in the eyes of the giant axe. Although they also follow the rules of the world, they can easily break all of this.

Luochuan belongs to a more special existence among outsiders.

So from Juxue's point of view, it doesn't matter to tell Luochuan what happened yesterday.

Moreover, even if he didn't say anything, it was normal for the boss to perceive things underground.

It is said that the strength is so strong that one can even see the future and the past.

In addition, the giant axe has an extremely bold guess, the purpose of these outsiders appearing...is it just for the underground creatures?


The Great Axe can't be sure.

If this is the case, outsiders have also appeared in Oran. Doesn't it mean that the scale of underground creatures has even expanded to that area? !

The giant axe just behaved crudely, and his heart was still very delicate. In a blink of an eye, many possibilities were thought of.

"In fact, during the recent period of time, the clan I led encountered some weird situations when mining underground."

The giant axe tells relevant information.

Luo Chuan didn't know about this, and listened carefully.

"Do you often dig out some weird things?" Luo Chuan asked curiously.

"Often not count, but occasionally, occasionally." Giant Axe emphasized, "Some dwarves will fall asleep somehow, and even encounter some weird illusions. The whole world is shrouded in darkness, and the lightning that tears through the sky will always be shrouded in darkness. Without stopping, countless tentacles of the shoulder mountains undulate on the ground..."

A picture appeared in Luo Chuan's mind.

"It feels similar to the scene of the end times."

"Yes." Giant axe sighed, "Originally, this incident didn't attract many people's attention, but as it happened more and more frequently, we gradually realized that this might be the existence of something extraordinary. Interfering with the dwarves’ mental thinking, causing them to hallucinate."

"So you decided to find the truth?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Yes, we have a wealth of experience." The giant axe nodded confidently.

"I feel there is something wrong with your confident direction..." Luo Chuan couldn't help but complain, "Forget it, you continue to say."

Next, Great Axe invited King Gulas, Keya, and Elizabeth to find out the reason and tell it, mainly because he felt that this matter might not be as simple as it seemed on the surface, and belonged to the intuition of the strong.

When they heard the giant axe they saw the huge tentacles, the sound of heartbeat, and the gathering core with a diameter of several kilometers, especially when the giant axe showed him the footage recorded by magic, even though As expected, Luochuan still felt shocked.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered the World Tree seen in the ancient ruins.

The shape that almost supports the sky and the earth is still clearly visible even at a distance of tens of kilometers, and its size is difficult to measure with the standards of mundane creatures.

The great axe put away the light curtain.

After they came back last night, the Council for the Elderly was held overnight. Faced with such a major event, it was impossible to maintain the original mentality.

"The tremor last night was the result of its activity." Giant Axe breathed a sigh of relief. "The only good news now is that this big guy is still asleep and doesn't mean to wake up. It should be just a dream. Unconscious activity in the middle."

"It sounds serious." Luo Chuan took a sip of hot tea.

It's really hard to find that I've put my own on the forehead of a big guy, and I can still stay calm now.

"Actually, in my personal opinion, it's okay." The giant axe touched his beard.

"It's okay?" Luo Chuan's voice was astonished.

"After all, we all came here before, but now we know that we changed the city on this big guy’s forehead. The most important thing is that we can’t move the entire city. Moreover, we don’t know how big that big guy is. Is it spread across the entire continent?" The Great Axe told his views on this matter.

Luo Chuan thought for a while, and it seemed to make sense.

The Juaxe's character in this respect is a bit similar to him, and he belongs to the type of easy-going.

"Boss, there is something I want to ask." Giant Axe said again after a few seconds of silence.

"Ask." Luo Chuan nodded, he faintly guessed what the giant axe wanted to ask.

"Is the purpose of the outsider here, is it just for the creature under the ground?"

The giant axe stared closely at Luo Chuan's eyes, as if he wanted to see something from it.

It's just that in those spotless, pitch-black eyes, there is always calmness, so that people can't see what he is thinking.


Unexpectedly, the other party gave the answer without even thinking about it.

"Then why are you here?"

Ju Axe found that he couldn't see through the boss who didn't seem to be too old...No, to be precise, he had never seen it through from the beginning.

The impression left by people is almost that an ordinary boss who doesn't care about things that have nothing to do with him, and who is lazy on weekdays, can even easily forget his identity as an extraordinary powerhouse.

"The purpose... curious about new things."

Luo Chuan thought for a while, gave an answer that he thought was the most reasonable, and nodded quite confidently.

For the customers of Origin Mall, the main purpose of exploring the world of Koror is to be curious about the strange world. Of course, it also includes some rewards for completing tasks, simply to kill time, and playing games with friends. Many purposes on all sides.

Curiosity is the main thing.

"Curious?" The giant axe touched his beard, his eyes looked a little confused, "What do you mean?"

He didn't quite understand Luochuan's words.

Luo Chuan just smiled at this: "Literally, they... We are curious about everything in this world, and we want to learn more, nothing more."

The giant axe thoughtfully.

Luo Chuan poured some tea into the cup again, and the lavender petals floated and sinked in the tea, and the sweet tea was fragrant.

"The boss is not the life of Tianlan Continent, but... from other worlds?" The giant axe's expression didn't look very surprised, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

Luo Chuan just shrugged: "It doesn't matter whether it is or not. As you can see, I am also an ordinary boss who lives here."

The Great Axe couldn't help sighing.

He felt that there should be no useful information from Luochuan for the time being.

"Let's not talk about this first." Luochuan waved his hand and ended the topic about outsiders for the time being, "I just heard you say that after you came back, you also convened the Elderly Council overnight for this. What is the result? What are you going to do with this case? thing?"
