There is an ancient creature of unknown size underground. If this news spreads, it will definitely have a great impact on the normal order of society.

At least in Luochuan's view, not making it public is undoubtedly the best choice.

"We still don't know how big the creature is, but according to Elizabeth and Koya's calculations, it is far more than the City of Steel anyway. With this alone, it is definitely not something we can handle." The giant axe touched. Own beard, "and we chose here."

It seems that the dwarf elder is very reasonable.

Luo Chuan drank the warm tea: "Then what are you going to do? Or just leave it alone? It's the same as when you didn't find it before?"

In fact, in his opinion, this is also a good choice.

The underground creatures are probably beyond the scope of mundane existence, and even have a high probability of being related to gods.


Moreover, taking a step back, it was the other party who lived here first, and then the dwarves came and the steel city was established. Relatively speaking, they were the "outsiders".

Everyone has been living in peace for so long, just because they discovered the existence of the original owner, must this hidden danger be resolved? It doesn't seem to be justified.

"According to my own opinion, it's not a big deal." Giant Axe described his attitude towards this matter, "What else can I do, just continue to live like this, can I still move the city of steel as a whole? Just don't go to that place to mine."

"Well, I think so too." Luo Chuan nodded in favor, "Then what do other people think?"

"Most people's opinions are similar to mine." Giant Axe shrugged. "But boss, you know, as the governing body of the City of Steel, the Elderly Council naturally needs to consider all aspects. This is dangerous enough to endanger the safety of the entire city. Important time must not be ignored."

"So you have a way to deal with it?" Luo Chuan asked the soul.

"No." The Great Axe said it for granted. "The boss of the Iron City Festival after a while should know, right?"

Suddenly, the giant axe mentioned a seemingly unrelated matter.

"Of course you know." Luo Chuan nodded, "Didn't you talk to King Gulas in the tavern about this before, there will be members of the wave coming to the City of Steel at that time."

As for the purpose of their coming here, it is of course not just to participate in the celebration.

According to the news circulated among the customers of Origin Mall (many people have received related tasks), the main reason is actually to investigate the energy shock in the land of chaos.

"Yes." The giant axe touched his beard. "The energy shock in the land of chaos some time ago has been sensed by many extraordinary people. To be precise, the wave is just passing through the city of steel to participate in the celebration. Their task is actually to investigate the chaos. The cause of the changes in the land."

Luo Chuan didn't speak, he felt that there were words behind the giant axe.

"But after experiencing those things yesterday, I had a bold guess."

Having said that, the giant axe looked around, seemingly worried about whether anyone was eavesdropping—even when he first talked to Luochuan, he had already set up sound insulation magic and perception interference magic around him, even unable to Judge the content of the conversation by lip shape and vibration.

"What guess?"

Luo Chuan wanted to laugh a little, but he had received professional training and finally tried to hold back his laughter.

Giant Axe doesn't know what Luo Chuan is thinking. His expression is serious: "I think the wave is not just for the shock of breaking energy."

"What do you mean?" Luo Chuan frowned, his attitude became serious.

The Great Axe took a deep breath, as if trying to calm his mood: "Boss, I suspect that these things are actually connected in some sense, the collapse of the outbreak, the war of invaders, the land of chaos, and The huge creatures underground... these things may only be part of a certain'truth'."

Xu was because of his identity as an outsider in Luochuan, and Juaxe didn't feel much pressure when he talked about the thoughts in his heart.

Luo Chuan tapped his fingers on the tabletop lightly, this was his unconscious movement when he was thinking seriously.

He had never considered the information mentioned by the giant axe in this direction before, but now that he thinks about it carefully, it seems to be exactly what he said.

Countless seemingly unrelated clues can piece together the most unexpected truth-this is the duty of a detective.

…Well, Holmes has written too much, occupational disease.

Luo Chuan shook his head, put aside the weird thoughts that kept appearing, and once again returned to the original question, the "bold guess" mentioned by the giant axe.

"Have you talked about this to other people?"

"Not yet." The giant axe shook his head, "and not only that, I even think that the tide has long known about the underground creatures. The previous accident of the steel city falling into the gap between reality and illusion may also be related to it...hiss, it's really troublesome, I hate these circling things the most."

The giant axe grabbed his hair a little irritably, and then drank the tea that Luo Chuan poured him in front of him.

"what about the taste?"

Luo Chuan sat up a little bit, he felt that his current image should be quite like a tea ceremony master.

The giant axe put the tea cup on the counter with a bang, and smacked his lips: "It's a bit sweet, not as good as the Wangyou ale in the owner's shop."

Luo Chuan's answer to the giant axe was not surprising.

In the heart of this dwarf elder, Wangyou Ale should be the best thing.

"Huh, it feels much easier to say these words." Giant Axe let out a deep breath and smiled on his face, "Boss, if you keep busy, I won't bother you."

Then he erased the magic set around him.

Of course, like most dwarves, the great axe is not very interested in magic and other things that need to be read and learned. He uses the cards in Hearthstone.

Don't forget the positioning of Hearthstone in the tavern-an extraordinary card game.

Each card collected can be used directly in reality, of course, provided that the strength is sufficient, and its own magic, mental power, or various other types of power can support the consumption of the card.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

The giant axe, who was already about to leave, stopped.


Luo Chuan was holding the teapot and pouring tea into the cup, the mist of water engulfed in the sweet floral scent, and it was refreshing.

This is made by Yao Ziyan himself, in his opinion, the taste is much better than the drinks provided by the system.

Now Luochuan has replaced Coke with scented tea-another main reason is that there is currently no Coke for sale in Hearthstone Tavern.

"When will Hearthstone's new card pack launch?"

"It's coming, so don't worry."
