In the sky, the huge B-17 heavy bombers formed squadrons as units. One after another, the fleets continued, covering the sky and the sun, as if covering the rising sun, leaving a large shadow on the ground.

  These B-17 heavy bombers, after completing the formation, began to climb and climbed to an altitude of 10,000 meters. At this altitude, the air is thin, and the performance of the fighter will be affected considerably. Bombers can withstand possible dangers under the protection of self-defense firepower.

  P-51 fighter jets are scattered above and around these B-17 heavy bomber fleets to provide **** for them.

  Although, these pilots are very clear that what they will face is the elite carrier-based aircraft force of the German Navy, and they also know that once they confront the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft force, they may pay heavy casualties. However, they are not afraid. Where there is war, there will inevitably be casualties. In order to defend their country, even if blood is spilled on the battlefield, what is there? As soldiers, this is their duty.

   "God! Please bless these warriors and let them return safely!" Admiral Henry Arnold was at the airport, watching the huge fleet leave, praying devoutly to God.

  They all know very well how powerful the enemy they are going to face is. Therefore, you don't need to think about it, the U.S. Army Air Forces will not lose much in this operation. However, even if this is the case, it must continue. On the one hand, the United States does not want Germany to successfully build Bermuda into a huge military base. On the other hand, these pilots of the US Army Air Force also need to experience the baptism of war. Only in this way can we fight against more powerful enemies in future wars.

  The B-17 heavy bomber flies at a cruising speed of 273 kilometers per hour, and it takes three and a half hours to fly from the east coast of the United States to Bermuda. If it is a P-51 fighter, it only takes less than an hour and a half.


  On the Bermuda Islands, the 1st Division of the German Marine Corps has begun building these islands after occupying the entire Bermuda Islands. A large number of construction machinery was transported to the island. In addition to the officers and soldiers on air defense alert, other soldiers also joined in. They began to clean up the ruins on the island, fill in the bomb craters on the runway, and prepare for the arrival of naval or air force fighter planes.

   In addition, the airport on the island also needs to be expanded. Or build more airports on flat terrain. In the future, the German navy and air force will use the Bermuda Islands as an important sea and air base and a forward position for attacking the United States. This will allow the German navy and air force to park a large number of fighters here. Not only will there be naval dive bombers, torpedo attack aircraft, etc., to ensure that the archipelago will not be threatened by the US Navy. Long-range fighter jets and heavy bombers would also be deployed to launch attacks on the continental United States.

  A series of auxiliary military facilities, such as anti-aircraft positions, radar stations, air-raid shelters and gun-proof caves, etc., are also being urgently built.

  In the waters south of Bermuda, eight aircraft carriers of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet are assembled here. Although in yesterday's battle, these aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft did not show up. However, they knew very well that in the next battle, it was time for them to show their talents. On the deck of every aircraft carrier are parked fighter jets that have completed preparations for takeoff.

  After the naval battle of the Azores, the German Navy's carrier-based fighters have all been replaced with carrier-based FW-190 fighters. The carrier-based BF-109 fighter has little advantage against the F4U fighter of the US Navy. It is even more difficult to deal with the P-47 fighter jets or P-51 fighter jets of the US Army Air Forces. In order to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the navy, the German Navy urgently carried out a facelift, using powerful carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets to deal with the U.S. Navy and Army Air Force.

   "How is the air defense preparation on the island going?" Admiral Rolf Karls asked.

"General, the air defense units of the 1st Marine Corps Division have completed their deployment. However, their strength is still too weak. Once the Americans launch a large-scale bombing of the Bermuda Islands, they may not be able to resist. We need to It is only necessary to deploy more intensive anti-aircraft firepower on the island. In this way, after our main force leaves this sea area, they can rely on their own strength to resist the American bombing." Lieutenant General George Friedberg Said.

   Admiral Rolf Karls nodded: "When will the follow-up air defense force go ashore?"

   "General, it is expected to go ashore in two days. The new air search radar will also be re-established and start operating within two days."

"Then, we can leave in two days. Marshal Lütjens may be under a lot of pressure. If the U.S. Navy and the British Navy don't go south to attack us, they must go to attack the home fleet. said Admiral Rolf Karls.

   "General, as long as the local fleet continues to evacuate, the Americans and the British will have nothing to do with them." Lieutenant General George Friedberg said.

   "But in that case, it would be impossible for us to destroy the US Navy and the British Navy. Therefore, we can't waste too much time here." Admiral Rolf Karls said.

   Taking Bermuda is just the first step. Next, they need to severely damage the U.S. Navy and the British Navy, or even annihilate them in one fell swoop.

  In the sea area about 100 kilometers west of Bermuda, a light cruiser of the German Navy is cruising in this sea area. The air search radar on the ship is running, detecting the surrounding airspace.

  In order to improve the warning time, both the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet of the German Navy dispatched some light cruisers and destroyers to the waters west of Bermuda to provide early warning for the fleet.


  The air defense alarm sounded, and the air search radar immediately alerted after detecting a huge fleet.

   "Immediately send a telegram to the flagship, and the Americans have dispatched a large fleet!" The captain of the light cruiser ordered.


  On the "Zeus" aircraft carrier, a mournful air defense siren sounded.

   "General, our battleship has spotted the American fleet, 400 kilometers away from Bermuda!"

   "Take off the carrier-based aircraft to meet the enemy immediately!" Admiral Rolf Karls ordered.

  Three minutes later, the first carrier-based FW-190 fighter jet took off from the USS Zeus aircraft carrier.
