
   Almost every few seconds, a carrier-based FW-190 fighter jet takes off from the aircraft carrier. Especially those "Lord God-class" aircraft carriers all adopt a beveled design. When necessary, these fighters can even take off from two runways.

  The Atlantic Fleet of the German Navy has eight aircraft carriers, namely four "Lord-class" aircraft carriers and four "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers. On the "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier, plus spare aircraft, there are a total of 120 carrier-based aircraft, 40 fighter jets, dive bombers, and torpedo attack aircraft. The "Constellation-class" aircraft carrier, plus spare aircraft, carried a total of 103 carrier-based aircraft, including 39 fighter jets, 38 dive bombers and 26 torpedo attack aircraft.

  After the German Marine Corps captured Bermuda, the German Navy was on guard against the bombing of the US Navy. Therefore, the deck of every aircraft carrier is full of carrier-based fighter jets ready to take off.

  After discovering that the US fighter planes were coming, these aircraft carriers responded immediately. One after another, carrier-based fighter jets took off, preparing to intercept the U.S. aircraft fleet.

"General, the Americans are making a massive attack this time! According to reports, the number of fighter planes dispatched by the Americans is probably close to a thousand. A large part of them are heavy bombers, and the rest are fighter jets." George Fred Lieutenant General Berg had a serious face.

  Although, Germany has long regarded the United States as Germany's biggest opponent. The German generals also thought so. However, now the Americans have dispatched nearly a thousand combat aircraft in a single action. Such strength, apart from Germany, I am afraid that only the United States can easily come up with it.


Admiral Rolf Karls nodded: "The American navy planes cannot directly pose a threat to the Bermuda Islands due to the range. Therefore, the planes that took off should all be from the U.S. Army Air Forces." According to the information we have obtained, among the combat aircraft equipped by the U.S. Army Air Corps, only P-51 fighter jets and B-17 heavy bombers can attack Bermuda Islands. They can certainly bomb Bermuda Islands, but for our ships If you say it, there won’t be too much threat. In the worst case, we will fight with them to consume it. I want to see how many planes and pilots they have to consume under our interception!”

Indeed, if the German Navy strengthens its defense of Bermuda, this battle will turn into a war of attrition, and the bombers and long-range fighters of the US Army Air Force will be lost under the interception of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft force. heavy. Even, once the expansion of Germany's airport on Bermuda is completed and put into use. The German Navy and Air Force can deploy more fighters here, causing the US Army Air Force to pay more losses.

  In order to intercept the attack of the U.S. Army Air Force, the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet and Mediterranean Fleet also went all out. Eight aircraft carriers took off almost all their fighter jets. Knowing that the main forces of the U.S. Navy and the British Navy are in the north, and this place is far away from the continental United States, they don't have to worry about being attacked by dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft of the U.S. Navy.

   Eight aircraft carriers took off a total of 316 carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets to attack the US Army Air Forces.

   At the same time, the Mediterranean Fleet also has five aircraft carriers, which are also taking off fighter jets. The Mediterranean Fleet originally only had four 'Deutschland-class' aircraft carriers, but now there is an additional 'Lord God-class' aircraft carrier, which has greatly increased the strength of the Mediterranean Fleet.

  The "Deutschland-class" aircraft carrier is equipped with 24 carrier-based fighter jets. On the "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier, there are forty carrier-based fighter jets. A total of 136 carrier-based fighters took off in the entire Mediterranean Fleet.

   It's just that, even so, the combined German Navy's Atlantic Fleet and Mediterranean Fleet only took off 452 carrier-based fighters. Compared with the five hundred P-51 fighter jets escorted by the U.S. Army Air Force, the number is even smaller.

   Not to mention, the U.S. Army Air Force has larger fighters, which can continuously take off more fighters to participate in the attack. Once the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft is lost, it is not so easy to replenish it.

  Of course, the performance of the German Navy’s carrier-based FW-190 fighter is only stronger than the P-51 fighter equipped by the U.S. Army Air Force. Even in terms of firepower, it is even stronger. The P-51 fighter is equipped with four 12.7mm aviation machine guns and four 7.62mm aviation machine guns. This certainly enables the P-51 fighter to have continuous firepower in air combat. However, to deal with the enemy's heavy bombers, the firepower of the P-51 fighter jets is not enough.

   In contrast, the German FW-190 fighter and carrier-based FW-190 fighter are equipped with two MG131 heavy machine guns with a caliber of 13 mm on the upper part of the nose engine. At the wing roots of the wings, each is equipped with an MG151 cannon with a caliber of 20 mm. In the wings, each is equipped with a MK108 cannon with a caliber of 30 mm. This kind of firepower is undoubtedly very ferocious. It can not only cause a devastating blow to the enemy's fighter jets, but also pose a deadly threat to the enemy's bombers. Even heavy bombers cannot withstand the attack of large-caliber machine guns.

  In addition, the carrier-based aircraft pilots of the German Navy are all selected from among the best pilots, and they are not comparable to the rookies of the U.S. Army Air Forces. Therefore, even if they are at a disadvantage in the number of fighters, it is almost impossible for the U.S. Army Air Forces to gain an advantage in air combat.

  These carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets of the German Navy began to increase their speed after taking off. They need to intercept the U.S. Army Air Force fleet as far as possible from Bermuda, so that there is enough time to shoot down the U.S. Army Air Force fleet and prevent them from flying over Bermuda and dropping bombs. Otherwise, relying on the current anti-aircraft firepower on Bermuda alone would not be able to stop the huge fleet of the U.S. Army Air Forces.

  The carrier-based FW-190 fighter of the German Navy can reach a maximum speed of 760 kilometers per hour. Apart from the TA-152 fighter that is being mass-produced by the German Air Force, it is definitely the fastest fighter in the world.

   Half an hour later, the German Navy's carrier-based fleet intercepted the U.S. Army Air Force's fleet over the sea 250 kilometers away from Bermuda. A large-scale air battle broke out.
