"Attention all squadrons, encounter the enemy in five minutes, prepare to launch an attack!" The commander of the German carrier-based aircraft group ordered.

   "Understood, General." The squadron leaders of each squadron replied.

  A huge fleet, flying at an altitude of 11,000 meters. Although, the maximum ceiling of the FW-190 fighter jet reached 12,500 meters. But if the flying altitude exceeds 12,000 meters, the aircraft will be very difficult to control, let alone flying the aircraft for fierce battles.

  The U.S. Army Air Forces fleet does not know that the enemy is approaching at this moment. But their five hundred P-51 fighter jets are always on guard. Especially as they got closer to Bermuda, these U.S. Army Air Force pilots became more and more nervous. They knew very well that the German Navy's air search radar must have found it. This also means that they will soon be intercepted by the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy.

  Although, the pilots of the US Army Air Forces are very confident in the performance of their fighters. However, they are also very aware of the power of the German Navy's carrier-based fighter jets. Once encountered, they will inevitably face a bitter battle. At that time, it is not known how many people will die in the fierce battle.

   "The Germans were found!" When the distance between the two sides approached, the U.S. Army Air Forces fleet also discovered the German carrier-based aircraft group that was attacking in large numbers.

   "Ready to fight, protect the bomber!" The commander of the US Army Air Forces ordered.


   "Yes, sir!" Many American pilots replied loudly.

  Though, the enemy is strong. But these heroic U.S. pilots still mustered up their courage and were ready to go into battle.

   A large number of P-51 fighter jets began to accelerate and rushed towards the German carrier-based aircraft group. And those B-17 heavy bombers began to accelerate and turn. They are only 250 kilometers away from the Bermuda Islands at this moment. If they can increase the speed to more than 400 kilometers, they will only need 40 minutes to arrive.

   "Start the attack!" The commander of the German carrier air group gave the order.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The machine gun started firing, and shells roared and flew towards the US military fleet.

  The first to fire are all 20mm cannons. As for the more powerful 30mm cannons, they are prepared for the heavy bombers of the US military. After all, a heavy bomber has a huge body and a solid structure, and aviation machine guns have no threat to it at all. Only machine guns, especially large-caliber machine guns, can easily shoot them down. Therefore, the German carrier-based aircraft fleet will often take the lead in using aviation machine guns and 20mm cannons in air combat, while keeping the 30mm cannons. This is also impossible. Although the machine gun is powerful, it has a small amount of ammunition, which cannot withstand consumption at all.

  The sudden attack of the German carrier-based aircraft fleet caused a lot of losses to the US **** aircraft fleet. Dozens of P-51 fighter jets were hit by German cannon shells, dragging thick black smoke, and fell to the ground.

   "Damn! Start attacking and kill the German planes!" The commander of the US military ordered.

"Da da da!"

  The US P-51 fighter jets that had been dispersed launched a counterattack. The aviation machine gun on the fuselage fired fiercely at the German fighter jets.

  For a while, a fierce air battle began. The fighter planes of both sides were coming and going in the sky, and the fight was very fierce.

  Almost every moment, planes were hit and fell to the sea with thick smoke.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  A P-51 fighter was bitten by a German carrier-based FW-190 fighter. A 20mm machine gun shell hit the tail of the P-51 fighter jet, and the entire tail was blown off. The P-51 fighter jets dragged thick smoke and fell directly to the sea. Although the pilot parachuted immediately, the chances of surviving after parachuting in the vast sea are probably very small.

   "Damn, I was bitten!" A US military pilot yelled in horror.

   "Roll, roll immediately!" said the squadron leader.

  The pilot immediately did so, maneuvering the fighter plane to roll a few times, trying to throw the German plane away.

  However, it is a pity that the German planes are still following him.

   "Boss, I can't help it, the Germans are biting too hard!" The American pilots were a little desperate.

  He could feel that the German fighter planes following him were trying to bite him. This makes him have to sway left and right, but this effect is very limited. Once the opponent fires, he is still very likely to be hit.

   "Da da da!" The German fighter plane finally completed the lock, and the pilot opened fire decisively.

  The two 13mm aviation machine guns on the nose started firing, and dense bullets were fired at the US fighter plane.

  Although, the U.S. fighter planes desperately evaded. But still no use. A bullet from an aviation machine gun hit the P-51 fighter. One wing was broken off. The plane lost its balance and fell into the sea.

   "I was hit, my plane is falling, I have to parachute!" After the U.S. military pilot finished his report, he parachuted immediately.

  A pure white umbrella flower blooms in the air, fluttering with the wind. And his plane fell into the sea, splashing high water columns.

   "Damn, we are completely suppressed. What should we do?" A US military captain looked angry.

"There is no way around this. The performance of the German fighters is more advanced than ours. The quality of their pilots is even better than ours. Compared with them, we can hardly take advantage of any. Even if we have more fighters than them , but still not their opponents."

   Indeed, the US military's P-51 fighter jets have an advantage in numbers. However, the performance of the P-51 fighter is slightly worse than that of the FW-190 fighter. Coupled with the gap in the quality of pilots, this puts the US military at a complete disadvantage in combat.

  Although, in the fierce battle, the German carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets were also shot down. But overall, the loss of the P-51 fighter jets of the US military is still much greater.

   It can be said that the German carrier-based FW-190 fighter will only lose one when the P-51 fighter is shot down on the logistics rack. Such a battle loss ratio is completely unacceptable to the U.S. Army Air Forces. You know, there are not a thousand P-51 fighter jets equipped by the U.S. Army Air Force. Even with their overtime production, there are only a few hundred P-51 fighters in service every month. This is still in the case of squeezing the production capacity of other fighters. Once there are too many battle losses, their P-51 fighter jets will soon be lost. At that time, what else will they use to confront the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet?

   "Da da da! Boom boom boom!"

  Aviation machine guns and cannons fired crazily, and fighter planes were shot and caught fire continuously, falling into the sea like burning flaming birds.
