The moment I identify the giant turtle, it’s head turns to look directly at me.
{Chelonarion the Celestial Sea-Turtle – Turtle of Cataclysm – Level 424}
I blink in surprise at its name.
Um, excuse me…
I look around for a second before focusing on the turtle, meeting its gaze.
There isn’t a sea anywhere near here. Why are you called a sea-turtle?
The sea-turtle doesn’t seem to like my unasked question – or it could be me identifying it which it probably is – and lets out a loud… sorta roar. The roar sounds kind of like a mixture of a roar and a whale’s call. But it’s a roar, nonetheless.
Then it begins to swim across the sky towards me.
Very slowly.
Very, very slowly.
I purse my lips as I watch the turtle swim, swim, swim away. Or rather, swim towards me.
Hmm. Guess speed is not this fella’s forte.
Considering its name, I’m guessing it probably has some sort of light or water magic. Or both.
Otherwise, why would it be called a sea-turtle without a sea?
My answer comes to me when water begins to flood out of its body. But instead of falling down towards the endless clouds down below, it begins to amass around the turtle. Making a floating sea for it to swim in. And at that point its speed finally gets a boost.
Well that’s… one way to fit your namesake, I guess.
Out of nowhere, the turtle sends a powerful blast of water my way. But I teleport out of its line of fire, only to glance back and find it hitting an island, knocking the island off course and making more than a few screams come from said island.
Thankfully though, all of the screams are from monsters. I already checked to make sure there wouldn’t be anyone near by the giant turtle before identifying it.
I turn back to the turtle in question right when it sends another blast of water at me. To which I teleport away from again.The narrative has been stolen; if detected on Amazon, report the infringement.
Well, large fella or not, the thing is only level 424. It’s not really much of a threat.
I teleport twice to reappear right next to it, startling the massive creature before I summon my polearm and stab it straight in the shell. Only for my polearm to only chip off some of its shell and not go through.
Guess a Class S creature will still have its strengths.
Even at a low level.
Then again, the gap between levels does become less important the higher your Tier. So seventy-six levels right now isn’t as much as it would be in Tier 1.
I teleport to the side of the turtle, seeing as its underbelly is underwater right now. And I do not feel like getting wet.
Only for the turtle to suddenly take control of the water and shoot it straight up out of the sea in a geyser, striking me in the face when I get near its exposed leg and sending me flying through the sky. But the damage it does is only minimal, and I don’t even bother healing it. Since it would take more soul than it’s worth to heal.
“Rude,” I call out before reappearing near its other leg. Just for the thing to shoot another geyser of water at me. But this time the geyser misses, and I strike directly at its leg with my polearm, stabbing into it.
Alright. Looks like this’ll work.
I teleport high up into the air before letting gravity take me as I raise my polearm high in the air, glaive ready to strike. Only to teleport downwards a little while keeping my momentum the moment a geyser shoots where I was just at. Then more and more geysers shoot out at me with the turtle itself trying to turn its head towards me.
Which, in all honesty, is a pretty bad idea. Because it gives me a different target to hit other than its leg.
And my glaive cuts straight into the giant turtle’s neck like pudding.
But due to size limitations, I only manage to cut through a quarter of its neck.
Meaning it’s time for a redo.
I teleport up into the air again to prepare for my redo as the turtle in question roars in rage.
Then I notice something.
The turtle’s wound.
It’s healing.
My eyes narrow slightly and I quickly rush in for another strike like the last one, but by the time my blade reaches it, the wound is already almost entirely healed.
So I teleport back up again and strike faster.
But, once again, the wound heals too quickly.
Damnit, why are you healing so fast?!
I look down at the sea of water before glancing at the turtle. Then at the sea.
And is it just me, or is there less water beneath it? Geysers excluded.
I stare at the water before an idea comes to me. So I rush up into the sky again and perform another attack. But instead of preparing another attack, I watch the water. And just as I suspected, some of the water begins to rush into the turtle’s body while the wound heals.
Now, the question is whether or not the turtle can replace the water after using it all up.
But that’s a question for after I make it drain all of the water in the first place.
So I quickly get to work attacking it one time after another, not really letting it do much to me in the process while it’s busy healing itself. And slowly, ever so slowly, the water begins to drain in its entirety.
And the water never returns.
I perform the attack a couple more times while the turtle tries to shoot water beams at me from its mouth, but the thing doesn’t do much as I just teleport out of the way and finish the attacks.
Then, after the fourth attack on its neck, the head falls right off. Followed by the collapse of its body.
Fortunately for me and my desire for its materials, they fall onto an island.
Unfortunately for the island in question, they leave a massive crater.