
Surprisingly, it takes a few seconds for me to get the System Message I’m looking for.

[A Cataclysm Class monster has been slain. Requirement to slay twenty-five Cataclysm Class monsters has been updated.]

Yep. It’s a pity I don’t get any reward or EXP for the thing though.

I glance at its corpse.

Well, other than the materials found in its corpse, that is.

I proceed to stare at its corpse for a second as I lower myself to the ground, teleporting my way down. And even after my feet touch the soil beneath me, I still stare at it while walking up to the thing.


So… how am I going to bring this with me?

The turtle is literally the size of an island. It’s larger than this island that its corpse is on. Which really has me questioning how the island is even supporting its weight in the first place.

Guess islands don’t have weight limits?

Logic. Right. Definitely logical.


Gravity and logic defying floating islands aside, I’m honestly not sure how I’m going to get this turtle off of the island, much less get it to The Retreat.

I sit down and cross my legs, tapping my chin in thought.

The thing is clearly too big to fit in my storage ring. Even just its head is likely too large.

But how am I going to bring it back? I can’t just teleport the thing from one island to another very slowly. That would drain my soul dry rather quickly. Not to mention that since I’d have to take breaks between, it’d probably take months at the least to do. Maybe an entire year.

Then maybe I can go find a nearby nation to ask to move it?

I blink at that before shaking my head.

Not likely even possible. I highly doubt they’d even be able to move it if I asked.

Plus I’m pretty sure they’d try if I asked just out of fear. And that’d be awkward.This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

I continue trying to think of more options, but none really work out.

Not only am I too far away to go get The Retreat to help me, seeing as if I left the corpse for too long others might try to mess with it, but I can’t really get anyone from nearby to do it either… and I’m not spending months teleporting a giant shell and corpse.

I purse my lips as I lie back, tapping my fingers on my arms after crossing them.

What to do…

Then an idea comes to mind, and I sit back up again.

Right. I almost forgot.

Without wasting any more time, I pull out the radio. The one paired to the one I gave Astrid, just like the one I gave Ethan.

Then I call her.

And wait for a few seconds.

Eventually she picks up and I ask, “Hey, would you mind bringing some people over to carry a giant turtle for me?”

She doesn’t say anything for a few seconds before answering, “Sure.”

Then the call drops.

Well then. She’ll likely come by using the tracking feature on the radio.

So I turn the feature on, allowing her to track me through it. And now that that’s done, I just lie back down on the grass and stare up at the sky.

I really need a new storage ring.

Especially if I’m going to be hunting other Cataclysm Class monsters away from our Dimensional Block. Since I won’t have The Retreat to act as my transportation service there.

In which case, I’m gonna need to find an enchanter. One who can work with Dravik to forge an excellent storage ring.

One better than my current ring.

A few seconds pass in silence as I stare up at the sky, only for me to glance at the enormous turtle next to me.

I do wonder though. Are all the Cataclysm Class monsters this large?

More silence answers me.

Guess no answer from the Architect. I wonder if he’s sleeping or something?

Then again, if he is asleep, it would make my head quieter. I kind of miss not having someone hearing my thoughts.

Which makes sense.

Anyways, if all of the Cataclysm Class monsters are this size then it’ll cause a pretty big issue with me carrying them.

Even if I get a really good storage ring, I’m pretty sure it’d only be able to hold one of those turtles. Maybe two for the best storage rings.

Might be able to make a better storage ring than what was possible before the Reset with their corpses though. If I found a good enough enchanter.

On the other hand, I could also just dump the corpses on the inhabitants of the Dimensional Blocks I traverse through. So long as they pay well enough for them, it wouldn’t be any loss for me.

Might end up having to do that in the end, since even with an excellent storage ring, no storage ring can hold twenty-four corpses this size. Or as large as that dragon corpse was.

And I can even take a small part of the corpse for my own use. No one ever said I had to sell the entire thing.

Guess that’ll be the plan. But first I do want a better storage ring.

Which means going around asking about an enchanter, and if I don’t find one, going on my search for Cataclysm Class monsters and adding enchanters to my list of search targets.

Actually might not be a bad idea to head towards Dimensional Block #1 to find Lucas. I’m sure he has an enchanter working in there somewhere that I could borrow.

And it’s not like I’d be going out of my way much. He mentioned that Dimensional Block #1 was about twenty-seven Dimensional Blocks away from ours.

Some of those Blocks are bound to have already killed their Cataclysm Class monsters too. So I might not be going out of my way at all.

Other than a long return trip.

With my plan decided, I nod my head to myself before staring up at the sky some more. Bored.

How long am I going to be waiting here, again?
