Author Note: (.U⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ U.)
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I'm currently on chapter 122!
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Empty, that was the only word I could use to describe Casterly Rock right now, there were no men to defend it, nothing to stop us, and I couldn't but be apprehensive of the idea they Tywin had let us take hold of his castle, without a fight, I didn't have to be a genius to see something was clearly wrong, Tywin was not man to give up, and that was an unshakable fact about him, which is why I knew, the old lion was making his play.
What play? I still had no idea, after all, my Ravens had yet to update me in the situation, but even without their information, I still had a general idea as to why he had abandoned Casterly Rock.
Because he had nothing to protect there, not for now, no gold or food, he had taken everything, like he did with Highgarden, leaving me with lands that served at the moment no purpose, but even though logically speaking I understood why he did, I never expected him to do it in the first place.
"Not a single coin…or bread... even the people are starving…" Ned muttered with clear anger on his voice, "He left how people to die…"
I eyed Lord Stark, wondering what he expected from the coldest player in the game, Tywin only cared about his legacy, and if he had to lose a few times to keep it, he would not hesitate to do it. That was him, someone ready to give everything, for his goal, "Tywin is a man of numbers, he had no time to move an army to protect Casterly Rock against us… he also knows that he can't defeat Neltharion, so he must be trying to delay us while we secure the lands while he finds a way to kill what he considers to be my best weapon,"
Little did the old lion know, I wasn't going to take his bait, I would not give him the time he needed to prepare, because whether he liked it or not, his time had come.
"So what are our orders?" Oberyn inquired as he limped to my side, still recovering from his injuries.
"We move forward," I informed the lords.
"What about Casterly Rock?" Jon Targaryen asked. "We will have time to deal with this place later… for now, we need to destroy those who sit in my throne," I stated, leaving no room for questions or doubts, I had delayed this moment long enough, by mercy they Lannister's had survived, but everything must come to an end.
"It's not like you will lose anything," Oberyn nodded, pointing out the fact Tywin had moved everything, not that he had much to move, after all, his gold mines had been dry for over a decade.
"What about the people, your grace?" Ned inquired.
I sighed as I realized Lord Stark had a point, these people that the old lion had left to starve by taking their crops were my subjects, and a good King helps its people, "I will leave some food… and for the moment that's all I can spare," I stated, after all, there was no room for too much kindness in the harsh reality of war.
"I will see to it," Ned Stark nodded, not completely satisfied with my answer, but happy nonetheless.
[Tywin Lannister POV]
Leaving Casterly Rock… to his hands was a hard decision, a very hard one to make, I had but no choice, with the men I had close all I would do was weaken our own cause even more. For now, I would have to let him win, for now…
In the meantime, I had to find an efficient way to deal with his Dragon, the only thing keeping him alive and ahead of me in the game, all the other things he had at his disposal like the almost endless amount gold he had or his army composed of men that were fearlessly loyal didn't matter, everything was nothing but easy to eliminate, everything about him was easy to destroy… expect that dragon, if he had brought the other two with him too that I heard he left in Essos… well being honest he would probably be on the throne, drinking wine out of my skull if that was the case
But unfortunately for me, dealing with a dragon was… something the libraries could not help me with, all the books said the same, they were immune to poison with scales harder than steel, and fire hotter than the sun.
But that Dragon was far from being my only problem….Jaime, I had to save my heir, my only son, I knew he was alive, because I would know thanks to Dorne if he died, I knew the snakes, and they would not miss the chance to brag about his death.
"Lord Hand," Varys said as he entered my office, announcing his presence.
"Varys, get to the point…" I sighed, I had no time for his riddles and tricks.
"We both have an enemy in common, and together we might stand a chance," Varys stated.
"By all men… tell me what is your idea…" I chuckled drily, "Poisong… Nah he is immune, "Killing him in fight"
Varys smiled, "Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire," My eyes widen at the revelation, "Wildfire,"
[Ser Barristan Selmy POV]
I had been tasked by my King to protect and serve the Queen and the royal babies, making sure they were always safe, with no worriers.
"Our king probably has the crown by this point already," Dacey said as she approached me.
"Yes," I chuckled.
"Nothing will stop my cousin… we bears are stubborn," Dacey added, as she started to walk away from me.
"That much is true," I inwardly chuckled.
[Ronard Mormont POV]
I smiled as I contemplated what awaited me in the near future, a throne to call my own… therefore melting the ugly piece of furniture, the pleasure of killing Joffrey, and the opportunity to reunite with my family…
Unfortunately for me… that wasn't all the things the future had in store for me, things like the fight between champions, the light within me, and the horde of walkers that one day would come across the wall.
God or no, I would win this… and I would do it not because of what Jon thinks… after all, I didn't fight for humanity and I certainly didn't face The Night King because he was evil, no. The real reason was my family, my sweet little angels. I wanted to give them a better tomorrow, and a safe world to grow in… as safe as it could get here anyways.
*Hrnnn, things good will be, Yrsss.. but darkness is moving forward I see… Yrsss, the corn must be balanced* Roda cawed with wisdom.
"We will be ready for that great value version of The Lich King," I nodded, after alI, I refused to die at the hands of a creature that had taken hundreds of years to complete a single task, breaking a fucking wall. magic
*Existence is meaningless…*
Oh god, the depressingneitor was back, not the Raven I needed right now, "I thought you were in mandatory therapy by the ravens,"
*Life finds a way, so that others can hear it painful truth,*