Author Note: (.U⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ U.)
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I'm currently on chapter 124! magic
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The very next morning, I decided to start moving south with the entire force of my army to King's Landing, the sooner the better, after all it would take me around two months to get all my army to them, and being that my intention was to strike the city before they could come with a plausible strategy to fend me off, I had to move fast.
My ravens had informed that Cersei and her Father had acquired all the wildfire the mad king had commissioned during his time, and most recently what Illyrio had ordered, having every single drop of that well hidden under King's landing, ready to be used.
But that was just the tip of the iceberg, not only they had all the wildfire in the world right now, but they also pretended to use it as a safety measure to keep me out of the city m, blowing everyone, enemies and allies alike with the explosion.
Which is why I wanted to strike before they succeeded in making King's Landing a walking bomb, more than it already was.
That amount of wildfire was too dangerous, and while I was immune to fire related weapons, my soldiers were not.
But I had something they still haven't accounted for… thanks to the massive lack of information they had about me.
I had animals on my side, from mice to dragons, but the question was how to use them to neutralize the wildfire.
Small animals like rats and mice could probably delay the explosion by blowing on the candles used as a fuse for the explosion, but that would only delay them a bit.
Then again, I had no idea how many rats and mice were in king's landing… but if the stories about the city were right, I would have more rats under my control than men in this continent, that was considering what Oberyn had said about the city being a rat nest. Which if that was the case, taking the city would be a piece of cake, one rat was harmless… kinda… but thousands… no millions of them… well that was a biblical force to be reckoned with…. quite literally.
"Now that I think about it… that sounds like the best idea to eliminate the wildfire in king's landing and on the way fix the smell situation going on there…" I smiled remembering a small fact about rats, they eat shit… and not in the metaphorical way, rats and their family practitioners of the art of Coprophagy aka the art of eating shit, and while it was true they prefer to eat other things like nuts and berries… they would eat poop if needed, and with millions of them… I might have the solution to the sewer problem in King's Landing, if not, at the very least they would be useful to improve the sewer flow, stuff.
In short they would be my secret weapon, and personal plumbers, maybe I will call the Mario gang.
*Caw, what are our orders?* one of my ravens asked.
*In what can I assist you oh great hunter,* one of my newest birds, a falcon that apparently had climbed the ladder of ranks within the animal part of my army, said.
"Bring me rats from king's landing," I informed the two feathery warriors, being very clear with the fact I wanted them alive.
*As you wish!* the falcon nodded with enthusiasm as he darted out of the window at full speed.
*Caw… the new guy sure is eager to help…even the falcons see the might of the corn you provide Caw!*
[Falcon Falcon Falcony Falconier POV]
It took me months, but I had finally managed to enter the Raven circle of knights, as it's newest member, serving the greatest hunter of them all, the cornbringer, our master.
I was the first falcon to reach this high, and I would not disappoint my master and embarrassed the pride falcon clan by failing him.
He wanted rats? He would get them all! I Falcon Falcon Falcony Falconier or FFFF for short, had promised him rats and FFFF always delivers.
*Caw! FFFF wait!*
I stopped flying, as I waited for a Raven to catch up, *Caw… you sure fly fast… caw… anyway… make sure you report to the Raven in charge in King's Landing,*
I nodded, *I will,*
*Caw! Good… then go! Make the Raven Knight order proud!* I didn't have to be told twice, because that was my plan all along, and perhaps just perhaps if I worked hard enough, the great and benevolent cornbringer would make an order of Falcons, something the little chicks could look up to.
[Tywin Lannister POV]
Cersei was not the smartest of my children, but at times, she would have great ideas, like hoarding the wildfire under the city, as a last resource to take Ronard with us to hell should he win.
Not that I wanted to resort to that, it was frankly an strategy that screamed we thought he was going to win, and I didn't think that… not entirely at the very least, we still had a chance, the only real threat was that overgrown lizard he had on his side.
Without that creature, victory was attainable, because no matter how good of a warrior he is, with strategy and numbers he would fall under my feet.
So in the end as I formulated a plan to kill those dragons, I indulged my daughter letting her turn the city into a bomb while I used half of the wildfire as my own weapon, to fight the advantage he had over us with that dragon.
Fighting fire with fire like the spider said, burning his men to death and if I was lucky… burning him to death.
I had already set some rudimentary defenses with it, with some of them being things like explosive arrows and such, the bear was up for a surprise.
After all, we lions adapt so that we can better hunt our prey.
"I will save you my son... Jaime… even if it means burning the seven kingdoms," I muttered, my son after all had a duty to complete, he had to continue the path I had built for my house, our house, and after this… he would do it whether he wanted or not, I was done with his idiotic dreams of being a knight.
[Olenna Tyrell POV]
The young bear was moving, and it was my chance to save my house… flowers and fire don't fight… that worked but in the literal and metaphorical sense, we bent the knee to a dragon hundreds of years ago for a reason.
"Grandmother… but surely we can…" Margaery was still trying to find a way to keep her current arrangement, she wanted to be Queen so badly that it was weighing her down, what use does the crown has if you don't live to enjoy it.
"You won't even make it to the wedding… Do you want to live? Or die thinking you were almost a Queen…." I scolded at her.
"But surely father and Tywin—" Margaery started to ramble once again.
"My son is an idiot and Tywin is outmatched, so use your brain!" Even the women in my family lacked what has kept me alive so long, common sense.
"I… but…" Margaery started to cry.
"Bah… if you can't be a Queen maybe your future kids can…" I sighed.