Sapphire Pov:

I knew that we would have a lot of problems to solve if we were able to defeat Farus, but I was hopeful that with hard work we could find a way to deal with the monsters and the Dungeons, but with the Nymph representative talking about the food problem and about the revelation of religious armies on the way, I don't see how to protect the village.

I can't count on Zenos' help, he's not going to stay here in the mountain range and he made that very clear from the beginning, it also seems that he already has some conflict with one of the religions that should send his army here, moreover I don't know how far he can be trusted.

Zenos may have helped us a lot in the fight against Farus, but he also seemed to have other reasons to help, besides what he said he would do with my daughter is still in my head, as much as I would like to believe him I can't, in Deep down I know he won't do any harm to my daughter, but until I see it myself I can't take the doubt out of my heart even though I know it could save her life.

When my head was full of the problems we are having and I was about to give in to despair, the representative of the Nymphs said that she already had a plan for her race, after she said that I realized that throughout the meeting she was more calm.

I wanted to know what her plan was, of all the village council representatives she was the closest to me, we were all desperate for a solution.

The representative of the Nymphs didn't seem to want Zenos to hear about it, so after some time he left with everyone in her group, but some time later Vanessa and Ivan returned.


The Nymphs' representative was silent until they returned and sat down, then she looked at Ivan and nodded at him.

"You can tell her, I just didn't want the master to hear it yet." (Ivan)

"What are you talking about?" (I)

"I'll try to be direct." (Nymph leader)

"My race is very grateful to you and the entire village, perhaps if I hadn't joined you I would already be dead just like my race." (Nymph leader)

"So I hope you and everyone else on the village council make the same decision as I do." (Nymph leader)

"I see no reason not to accept it if we can save everyone." (Helena)

"All I want is the welfare of my race." (Ghoul Leader)

Even Helena who had been silent until now seemed anxious, of all, she was the most shocked when she learned of the various difficulties we were going to face, she was very happy to avenge her mother's death, knowing that her race was still in danger was hard to hear I imagine.

"The solution I thought of was something that I took the liberty of talking to Ivan, I did it because I knew he was once a very important noble in some Human Realm." (Nymph leader)

"Like the village leader, I had already realized some problems we would face after Farus died, this danger of armies being on the way only makes me realize how much I made the right decision." (Nymph leader)

"I decided to stay in this Dungeon, I want to permanently create a village for my race here." (Nymph leader)

"Do you want to stay here? Do you want to live in a Dungeon for the rest of your life?" (I)

"We are days in this Dungeon, look around you, this mansion is home to the entire group of Zenos." (Nymph leader)"Besides, the Dungeon is a perfect fortress to defend ourselves, there is no safer place." (Nymph leader)

"My race is very connected to nature, so I noticed the great number of Fairies and Spirits on this floor of the Dungeon, I can feel the harmony of nature in this place that I never felt in the mountain range." (Nymph leader)

"But what made me make my decision was the night Zenos evolved, I could feel his Aura blending with nature, someone capable of doing that will surely bring prosperity to my race." (Nymph leader)

"The representative of the Nymphs came to talk to me many times, I told her I would be happy to help, but the final decision is still up to the master." (Ivan)

"These two came to me, they wanted me to convince Father, but it's going to be hard for him to accept, he hates responsibility, which I find strange since he's the most responsible person I know." (Vanessa)

"You're crazy, who would live their whole life in a Dungeon?" (I)

"That would be the same as always being stuck." (I)

I couldn't understand why the representative of the Nymphs would think of a plan like that, I can understand if she was going to say that she wants to leave the mountain range, but being at someone else's mercy like that is something I don't know if I can accept.

"In this place, we will never lack food, my race has already taken care of the fruit trees, besides when there are monsters in this Dungeon we can hunt for meat and for training." (Nymph leader)

"That looks good..." (Helena)

"Why can't we just get out of the mountain range and set up a village somewhere else?" (Orc Leader)

"Any place we choose we will be hunted." (Helena)

"What's the difference between surrendering to Zenos or surrendering to Farus?" (I)

"I admit that Zenos helped us, but we can't say it was just out of the goodness of his heart, besides we've known him too little to leave the fate of our race in his hands." (I)

"I understand his concern, I haven't known the master for a long time either, but I can say that he is trustworthy, if he promises something then he will fulfill it." (Ivan)

"The truth is that from the moment I met the master, I feel a quality in him that few people have, a quality that I also see in you Village leader." (Ivan)

"The ability to lead others." (Ivan)

"You all saw the master's plans, you saw how he struggled at every step and in every battle, you saw how he always thought about how to reduce the number of dead to the end, you saw how he is able to lead." (Ivan)

"I know Zenos has great wisdom, but leading us all goes far beyond what we've seen, how can we know what's going to happen in the future?" (I)

"The future will always be uncertain, but this is your best chance, my father won't be able to deny your request knowing that everyone could die if he refuses." (Vanessa)"Besides you can always leave if you want, whenever we are in a safe place you can ask Nix or my Father to open the Dungeon." (Vanessa)

"My race has nowhere to go, I can't let them all die, so I'm going to join the representative of the Nymphs." (Helena)

"My race is the weakest, I don't see any possibility of surviving if a monster wave happens, besides we won't be able to fight armies with our current numbers, so I also join the representative of the Nymphs." (Hobgoblin leader)

"I have nothing to think about, I will take any chance to save my race, I will also go along with the representative of the Nymphs." (Ghoul Leader)

One by one the people on the council chose to permanently move to this dungeon, but no one realized that it's not enough just for us to accept to do so, the decision of whether to accept everyone is up to Zenos.

"..." (I)

"I still have my doubts, so I won't make a decision now." (I)

"I greatly respect you Village leader, I would like all our races to continue living together as we have done so far." (Nymph leader)

"I hope your answer is positive, I'm sure others agree with me." (Nymph leader)

I looked around and everyone nodded, I shared suffering and happiness with them, I know I can trust them, but I still have my doubts about Zenos.

"Looks like you two want us to join you too, but I wonder why?" (I)

I look at Vanessa and Ivan asking this question, it seems like Zenos doesn't know about this conversation, I would like to know why these two want to do this.

"My Father is always involved in problems, even he admits that he may never have the quiet life he wants so much." (Vanessa)

"I worry that one day he and all of us will face bigger problems than few people can handle, but my Father doesn't want to increase our group too much, he doesn't want that level of responsibility." (Vanessa)

"The master underestimates himself, I just want to see him realize his full potential, I've always believed that sooner or later the right people would gather around him, all I'm doing is speeding up the process." (Ivan)

"I know why the village leader doesn't trust my father, it has to do with his daughter." (Vanessa)

"..." (I)

"I will speak with my Father so that you can be present when he is dealing with his daughter, you will see that she was never in any danger." (Vanessa)

"All we want is for the master to be surrounded by strong and trustworthy people, we want him to have a place he can call home." (Ivan)

"I'm sure for someone like my Father, there will be many dangers and enemies along the way, this dungeon can serve as a stronghold where we can live, but it's sad to live far from people." (Vanessa)

"Ivan and I both know that my Father won't like our idea even if it was inevitable and it's only a matter of time, he's very stubborn." (Vanessa)

"But with your village coming together it will be easier, people who are hunted as their races are, people who don't have a place to go or return to, these people will one day gather around my Father because in his eyes all they are the same." (Vanessa)

"But this way of being of the master will also be what will make him feared and hated, everyone will think that their own races are more valuable, the master's beliefs will be seen as heresy or even as a crime." (Ivan)

After that kind of conversation I was torn, I didn't much care about most of the things Ivan and Vanessa said, but it was true that there were few safer places for my race to live than this Dungeon, but I needed time to think.
