The next day I wake up feeling much better, my body is no longer aching and my energy has completely recovered.

I still hadn't seen the system notifications about the last battle, but I'd leave that until after I got to the village as I still had a few things to do today.

After eating something in the kitchen, I am informed that we should arrive at the village in 5 hours.

I wanted to take this time to take care of a certain matter that can no longer be postponed, I told Freya to call Vanessa and Elsaris.

After a few minutes they arrived, I said we were going to go to our prisoner, Vanessa understood what I was going to do.

Vanessa insisted that the village leader should be present so I said ok, while Vanessa went to get the village leader I went to the room we were using as a meeting room to get rid of the big table and chairs, I wanted to a little more space for what I'm going to do.

When I was finishing up the hall together with Leo, my daughter Vanessa and the village leader arrived, I asked someone to go get the prisoner I haven't seen so far.


After ten minutes Leo and Elsaris brought Lamia who was Sapphire's daughter, she was pretty and very similar to her mother, but her body was better trained with a little more muscles and her colors were not blue like Sapphire's, the hair and scales were green in color.

From appearances alone I would say this Lamia was Sapphira's sister, they both look young and don't look like mother and daughter.

If I remember correctly this Lamia's name is Jade, she is still unconscious and completely tied up, Elsaris said that she left her trapped in the basement being watched by her children, Elsaris also said that her children have been applying sleep and paralysis poisons every three hours.

I asked Leo to go get Lyra, I needed to know if she was in good condition, I also wanted to know if Lyra could wake her up, I wanted to talk a little with her to get a sense of her personality before and after using my power.

Lyra was in the kitchen eating something, so when she arrived she had a sandwich in her hands.

I ask Lyra to wake up Lamia, while talking to Lyra the village leader Safira comes running towards us and stops in front of her daughter, her face was a mess of expressions of love, anger, disappointment, sadness, etc.

"My daughter, why did you do all this..." (Sapphire)

"You can ask her, Lyra will wake her up now, right?" (I)

"Of course, I always have potions with me, but when she wakes up she'll be a little confused for a few seconds." (Lyra)

"Alright, do it." (I)

I look at the village leader and she stands next to Vanessa next to Elsaris, I want Elsaris to see what I'm going to do to know that it won't harm her sister, but I'm still a little hesitant to show my power in front of her. village leader.

"(Jade is her daughter, so I think she has a right to be present, I just hope she doesn't tell anyone what she's going to see here.)" (I)

Lyra approaches the chained Jade and takes a small vial from one of the several pockets of her pants, she opens the vial and a drop comes out of it, in a few seconds the drop multiplies until it is enough to fill a glass, then Lyra caps the vial and put it away before waving her hand in Jade's direction spreading the potion all over her body.In a few seconds, the potion seems to be absorbed by Jade's body like a sponge, then Jade's body struggles and she opens her eyes.

She looks around with empty eyes and starts thrashing violently, I use my lines to pin her to the ground and not get hurt while she's thrashing around.

After a few minutes her eyes seem to become more alive, she also stops struggling and looks around her again, her gaze turning to her mother in surprise before looking furiously at Elsaris.

"You damn Rabbit woman, I will take revenge for this humiliation, wait until master Farus finds out that you invaded his stronghold, you are dead, all of you are dead." (Jade)

"..." (I)

I was wondering what her reaction will be when she finds out that Farus and everyone on his side is dead, she's the only survivor.

"Tell me, why did you betray our people? Why did you go to the enemy's side?" (Sapphire)

"Because I was the only one who was seeing the truth, fighting Farus is a suicide, instead we should join him, only then could we live and still have a chance to become stronger." (Jade)

"The many battles within the Dungeons is something you would never have let me do, the many times I came close to death made me stronger than I would have been training safely in the village." (Jade)

"Was it for such a selfish reason that you betrayed me? Is that why you betrayed our people?" (Sapphire)

"I always wanted to be stronger, I wanted to face more enemies, I wanted to get out of this damn mountain range." (Jade)

"But you kept dragging me back every time I tried to leave, the frustration of always being weaker than you, the anger of knowing that I would die without ever knowing the world in an unwinnable battle all made me realize that I would be better off with Farus." (Jade)

"What would you do when Farus attacked our village? Would you help kill your Lamias sisters? Would you help kill your own mother?" (Sapphire)

"Farus promised me that after the attack on the village he would accept the Lamias for conversion, it could save our sisters." (Jade)

"Are you crazy, did you want your sisters to become Farus' puppets? Do you have any idea what he was doing with his troops? Do you have any idea what crime you committed?" (Sapphire)

As I watch the argument between mother and daughter become increasingly heated I realize that Jade is very aggressive, she shows no regret, guilt, or sadness.

The way she behaves and thinks seems very extreme, somehow it doesn't feel natural.

While I was thinking these things, Vanessa goes towards the village leader.

"Village leader, what was your daughter like before the miasma spread in the mountain range?" (Vanessa)

"She was always proud and short-tempered, but she was also cheerful and full of energy, she would always help train the younger Lamias." (Sapphire)"So maybe..." (Vanessa)

"< Purifying Light >" (Vanessa)

"AHHHHH!!!!!!" (Jade)

"Stop!!!!!" (Sapphire)

After listening to the answer to her question, Vanessa faces Jade who is tied with chains and my lines on the floor, then she uses a light element purification magic, immediately black smoke starts to come out of Jade's body as she screams, various burn marks and wounds begin to appear on his body.

The village leader loses control and tries to attack Vanessa, but Elsaris stands between them, Vanessa stops her magic and takes a healing potion forcing Jade to drink it.

"What was that all about?" (I)

"Devil's Madness." (Elsaris)

"..." (I)

"This is a physical and mental illness, the mortality rate is high, even if you manage to survive, you will be overcome by bad thoughts and feelings, the person will become more and more aggressive and your actions have become more extreme, that's why in your mind you don't there will be differences between right and wrong." (Elsaris)

"I didn't think we'd find this here, monsters and Demis tend to have high resistance or even immunity to miasma, in fact, the miasma can even make them stronger and more fertile for the most part." (Vanessa)

"You mean Jade has this disease?" (I)

p "Yes, the disease also seems to be at an advanced stage, it has already taken over the whole body and the mind has been affected for a long time, there is also the possibility that Farus has done something in his mind as this loyalty to him has nothing to do with to do with the disease, it may have made the situation even worse." (Vanessa)

"But luckily she doesn't seem to have any curses on her body, so I think Farus must have had trouble using his evil technique on her due to this illness." (Vanessa)

"Are you saying she's just sick? So she must have a cure, right?" (Sapphire)

"After her body is already so contaminated by the miasma, plus the degree to which her mind has already been affected, I can't do anything for her." (Vanessa)

"You saw what happened with a simple purification spell." (Vanessa)

"Can you tell me more about this illness?" (I)

"As you already know, miasma usually has malice that comes from accumulated bad thoughts and feelings, this contaminates nature's energies, usually mana." (Vanessa)

"Normal people exposed for a long time to miasma end up absorbing it into their bodies, it won't show any symptoms at first, but over time the miasma will corrupt the body and build up more and more, then it will start to affect the mind. of the person causing him to lose track of what is right and wrong, in addition, the person will become unstable and aggressive." (Vanessa)

"Normally the miasma would destroy the body from the inside out which is the cause of the high mortality rate, but in Jade's case the miasma in the body is causing almost no damage, maybe it's because she is a Demi who has resistance to miasma or perhaps by its force." (Vanessa)

"But your mind seems to have already been very affected, I don't know what Farus did to it, but this may have aggravated the situation beyond the limit, for some reason the miasma is very ingrained in your body, I tried to test if it would be possible to purify it. the miasma, but my magic did damage to her body." (Vanessa)

"In case she might even happen to become a Demon, the miasma of the mountain range holds far more malice than I've seen anywhere else, so it's not impossible for her to Demonize." (Vanessa)
