Pov Vanessa:

I was with Jade and Lilian, we were heading in the direction my Father pointed before, Lilian seemed to be emitting a slight bloodlust since my Father said that there would be Vampires gathered in this place.

On the way we found almost no enemies, the few that were nearby were killed by Lilian.

They were just two humans in servant clothes, Lilian threw two knives killing them before completing a spell.

"I can already feel them, they're not far away." (Lilian)

"I can feel a strong bloodlust coming from the direction we're heading." (Jade)

"Probably the enemies, they should know we're heading their way." (I)


"I have the holy son to thank for the opportunity to kill these bastards who dare speak ill of the Blood Goddess." (Lilian)

Lilian is very serious when the Goddess is related, she takes her faith very seriously, but I don't hate these Vampires for not worshiping the Goddess Selene.

Everyone has the right to choose the God they choose to worship or to remain unconnected with the Gods for life, everyone has the right to choose.

But what I can't forgive is that they did many horrible things to innocent people, they let themselves be controlled by their hunger and power, so they did many evil deeds against innocent people.

Vampires are a race that was created by the Goddess Selene, everything we are received from her, and I cannot remain silent for those who misuse these gifts to make innocent people suffer.

The neutral faction I am a part of doesn't just take care of the religion of the Goddess Selene, we also take care of hunting those who tarnish the Vampires' name.

Millennia ago Vampires were hunted all over the world, that's why many Vampires were lost in their hunger or power causing destruction and death wherever they went.

It wasn't until the older Vampires joined together forming what is now known as the neutral faction that things started to look up.

The neutral faction in those times hunted any Vampire who used the gifts the Goddess gave us to do evil deeds so that we could be impartial when applying punishment to these criminals, the priests prayed to the Goddess that she would judge their crimes.

The truth is that Vampires can drink any type of blood and don't need to kill their prey to do so, nowadays there are many Vampires who, when building their houses, choose to hire Human servants or buy slaves to always be able to feed themselves, but that doesn't mean that we need to mistreat them, on the contrary, the Vampires of the neutral faction treat them well, taking care of their health and food to ensure the quality of their blood.

As many see it, Vampires nowadays are not so marginalized anymore, only some religions continue to treat us like monsters, but the reason we are still feared is because of these bastards who continue to tarnish the honor we fought so hard to achieve, that is Unforgiven.

I, Lilian, and Jade arrived in front of a very decorated door, I could feel the bloodlust behind the doors, if I passed we would be attacked.

"Can Jade handle the initial attack?" (I)

"Clear." (Jade)

"Lilian, when I come in, don't let anyone interrupt me." (I)

"I don't know what you're going to do, but I won't let anyone near you." (Lilian)

"So let's start." (I)

"< Devouring Serpent >" (Jade)Jade returns to her Lamia form, she has the spear that Anton made for her, this spear can be divided into three parts and has a chain made of a mixture of Magnetite and Mithril inside connecting the entire spear, that is to say, that the currents have a magnetic force at the same time we note that they have high mana conductivity.

The handle is made from the Basilisk bones that the Father had and was synthesized with adamantine which is the strongest metal below Orichalcum, but this comes with the downside of not conducting mana through it.

The blade is made from Basilisk fang synthesized with Mithril being linked with the chain inside, Lyra and Rakan took care to put some magic circles inside the spear, and Anton also used a crystal card with the poison ability on the spear.

Honestly, this spear is a weapon worthy of being the national treasure of a Kingdom, but only Jade can use it as it became a binding weapon after a lot of work, that means no one else but Jade can use this spear.

One of the characteristics of this spear is that it can absorb and release poison, Jade lets this spear absorb its poison along with its mana and makes an original attack from it, it makes a piercing attack forward making the image of a green snake appear to its face. around as if passing through its body going to its spear as it grows until it becomes gigantic upon reaching the spearhead continuing its path forward.


The energy snake continues forward smashing the hall doors, screams were heard from inside along with a slamming noise, we enter as soon as the doors are open and see a path of destruction straight from the door to the far wall that cracked due to impact, but did not break.

I saw that most Vampires are scattered on both sides of the room and there were no more near the doors, I also saw three bodies crushed on the wall in front of the door.

From what I could see there were 50 Vampires and I could feel the presence of three Patriarchs/Matriarchs among them, regardless of our power the enemies are in greater numbers, they know this and come to us without fear.

"I just need two or three minutes." (I)

"Then be quick, I don't know if I can hold this many enemies at the same time." (Jade)

"< Poison Breath >" (Jade)

"< Tracking Gaze >" (Lilian)

"< Slayer Wind Dagger >" (Lilian)

Jade releases a torrent of green mist from her mouth that hits enemies pushing them back, meanwhile, Lilian gets glowing golden eyes and seems to be able to see the enemy in the middle of the mist, she starts throwing daggers covered in wind element mana one behind the other in different directions.

"I pray to the one who has control over life and death.

I pray to the one who walks through oceans of blood to bring death to those who dare to go against her.

I pray to the one whose name is a symbol of dominion and freedom." (eu)

I leave the two of them to handle the attack as I begin to pray to the Goddess Selene as I activate my holy power.

"< Coiled Serpent >" (Jade)

As I do this I can see enemies coming out of the poison mist as they launch various magic attacks at us.

Jade slams her spear into the ground causing a green snake made of Mana to coil around us before turning silver as if it were made of metal.

"Make this servant's words her words so that the buried truth will be revealed.

Make this servant's power the blade that will bring terror to your enemies.Make this servant's body the receptacle for her will in this world." (I)

"Stop the red-haired woman!"

"She's a Blood Priestess, don't let her finish the prayer!!!!"

"Kill them, it's only three!!"

"Are you ready Lillian?" (Jade)

"Yes, disable the barrier." (Lilian)

"< Storm Wave >" (Lilian)

Enemies make various attacks against the Jade barrier, they attack with swords, spears, spells, skills, etc.

This brings the barrier to the point of breaking after ten seconds when Jade suddenly deactivates the barrier at the same time as Lilian casts a spell that creates a wave of wind that becomes a storm knocking all enemies away with all her mana.

"< Piercing Spears >" (Jade)

"O Blood Goddess Selene, may at the utterance of her name the skies become red and may this servant be bestowed with your blessings to bring judgment upon her enemies." (I)

Jade takes advantage of this time that Lilian bought for her and slams the capo of her spear on the ground creating a magic circle that will make a copy of Jade's spear appear in five places in the room piercing five enemies and killing only two of them.

As I finish the Goddess prayer, I feel her blessing within me spreading its power through my body, I feel my Aura spreading across the room and I stretch my wings reflexively as I feel the Goddess's eyes on me.

Soon my Aura concentrates above my head condensing along with the holy power in a circle of red energy.

At this moment I can feel everything in this room, this space is under my control, I look at the Vampires who were about to start attacking, they stop halfway and start to shake, meanwhile in the corner of my eyes I see Lilian kneel towards me and Jade is looking at me in surprise.

"In the name of the Goddess of Blood, present your sins to me, may the Goddess use me as a means to judge these criminals." (I)

"< Blood Chains >" (I)

Streams of blood flow from my wings and pin all the Vampires to their knees on the ground.

"May your blood prove your innocence or your guilt." (I)

"< Blood Scale >" (I)

The image of an illusory red scale appears on top of each Vampire, on one side of the scale is the symbol of a drop of blood and on the other side is the symbol of a red sword, the blood of all Vampires comes out of the body while in their minds if they pass the crimes they committed so they know what they are being judged for, the blood that leaves their bodies only goes to the sword side making only that side of the scale weigh.

"Your blood has proved your crimes, may the sword of blood serve your sentences." (I)

"< Sword of Blood Judgment >" (I)

The scales disappear as the Vampires' blood that was on the scales turns into a red crystal sword and goes through the heads of most as a death sentence.

But two Vampires had the sword through their hearts, I feel them weaken and I see the fangs in their mouths fall before the swords disappear as do the chains.

"Two survived the trial with a sentence of having their Vampire bloodline taken away as well as all power they possessed." (I)

Three drops of crystalline blood come out of three corpses coming to me and entering my body.

"The judgment ends..." (I)

After the trial, I feel my Aura weaken and the presence of the Goddess leave my body, I feel a weakness take over me and I almost fall if it wasn't for Lilian running to hold me, meanwhile Jade goes to the two who survived the trial and kills them.

"The master said no mercy." (Jade)
