Pov King Makari:

I still can't believe it, after 50 years of hard work, after 50 years of enduring being surrounded by Humans, when our plan was finally about to happen it was all destroyed by a mere Vampire who couldn't even be a hundred years old.

But I must say that this Vampire is very strange, many races were on his side, besides that his Aura was stronger than should be possible with his current strength.

While fighting him in the sky I noticed that he doesn't have much air combat experience, but he was learning fast.

Also, he was very creative in the combination of skills he used throughout the battle, he was weaker than me and he knew that the solution he came up with to fight me was to activate more than one skill to increase his physical capabilities.

I wanted to kill him fast since I always had a bad feeling, but whenever I was going to deliver a fatal blow he managed to dodge or defend himself somehow.

He even managed to injure me more than once, but the damage I suffered did not pose any risk to me, what really bothered me was the poison he put in my body, this was making me more reading while distracting my mind because of the pain.


These poisons are not lethal to me, but that doesn't mean they have no effect on my body, because of that the fight dragged on even more.

The bad feeling I had only got bigger and bigger, I couldn't understand what was happening as he was the one who was hurt the most, because of the number of skills he kept active to strengthen himself in an attempt to fight me mana He was being used up much faster than mine, I also noticed that his movements were getting more forced and stiff from the pressure his body is building up from using these abilities.

Fighting him was strange as it was very difficult to predict his attacks, his combat techniques use strange movements, it was like fighting two different people in sync at the same time, one person using a sword and the other using a dagger.

The fight dragged on longer than I expected but it was time to end it, for everything he's done destroying my plans so far I wanted to capture him to show his allies being tortured and killed in front of him before making him go through the same thing.

But I can't let my guard down against this Vampire, he has many surprises that I don't want to discover, I've already lost one of my teammates before the fight even starts, and I won't give him time to use his schemes anymore.

I manage to get away from him and hit him with my most powerful attack, it used up almost all my energy leaving only 20% of my mana, but this attack must have managed to finish this Vampire.

He was supposed to be dead, but I wanted to confirm his death, I didn't want to risk leaving such a troublesome enemy alive through carelessness and I went back down to the castle where his body should have landed.

What I find when I enter the throne room is the Vampire still alive, he was much more injured from my previous attack, but he was still alive in a pool of his own blood.

I had won the fight, but I couldn't let him live any longer, I go to him and bend down holding him by the neck to lift him up to my eyes.

I want to show him my winning smile, I want my face to be the last thing he sees, and I want him to know that he is inferior to me.

But for some reason the strange feeling doesn't go away, the bad feeling keeps worrying me and that's why I look around which leaves me in shock.

My wife was in pieces, I saw what was left of his head not far from me on fire almost completely charred, in addition, I saw Garius' body across the room, unlike my wife his body looked almost completely intact if it wasn't for a chest wound.

I couldn't understand how they could lose to these enemies, none of them seem to have a similar strength to them."..." (I)

My bloodlust soars along with my fury, I would finish off this Vampire now in front of his mates before hunting them down one by one.

"You're surprised... to be the only one left..." (Vampire)

"Shut up being inferior, it took a little more work than I would have liked, but the result is still my victory." (I)

I spread my Aura throughout the throne room to stop this Vampire's companions from trying to attack me or run away, now that he's so weak he can't use his Aura to fight mine like he used to.

"After I kill you I want you to know that I will go after every one of your allies, none of them will leave this city alive..." (I)

"Ha ha hahahaha..." (Vampire)

"..." (I)

The Vampire for some reason starts laughing as I'm holding him by the neck, I see something in his eyes that doesn't make sense in this situation, there's a glint in his eyes like he's the one who won.

"(Did he go crazy after losing?)" (I)

"I knew that someone who was... the leader of an extremist group... would be very proud to think he was superior..." (Vampire)

"You acted cautiously... at first, but you were so focused on me... that you didn't look at yourself..." (Vampire)

"< Blood Crystal >" (Vampire)

"< Blood Chains >" (Vampire)

cough cough

"What." (I)

I suddenly feel a great pain in my chest followed by a weakness that spreads throughout my body, when I look down I see that there is a red crystal coming out of my chest from the place where my heart is.

I start coughing up blood when suddenly this Vampire's blood pool starts moving towards me at high speed turning into red crystal chains trapping me by the arms and legs on the ground while I'm still standing, this makes me drop the Vampire.

"Die!"Before the Vampire falls a shadow claw comes out of the shadow below us which I have just realized is much larger than it should be, but before I can break free I notice a large jaw pop out of the shadows below me, and close around me. ripping off half my body before slipping back into the shadows.

The last thing I see is a woman with dark skin, red hair, and eyes of different colors coming out of the shadows behind Zenos while holding him, but what caught my attention the most was the blood running from his mouth, that was my blood that she swipes her finger to clean before licking her fingertip.

After that my vision slowly darkened and I wasn't able to even say a single word or scream seeing this strange woman and the Vampire smiling at me at the end.

"(It wasn't supposed to end like this, I...)" (I)





Pov Zenos:

This fight was riskier than I thought, but as I had thought, there was no way I could win in a head-on fight, so I had several plans to use in succession if any one of them failed.

I first tried to fight head-on, but it was obvious that it would only be a matter of time to lose.

So I moved on to trying to put him in a sphere of acidic water, but that didn't work either.

I started the preparation to use my blood against him using a new skill I got called "Blood Crystal", so I attacked him with a dagger made of crystallized blood, luckily he hadn't noticed the blood blade returning to its liquid state and running through. her body, I had to put my Aura in the blood to make sure it wouldn't mix with his blood so I could control her.

But to use this blood would still take some time, I needed some preparation, so I just left it as a last resort and tried to poison him, unfortunately, the poison had very weak effects on him.

The more plans were failing one after another, the more desperate I was getting, I was already covered in wounds and his last attack almost killed me, but it created an opportunity for me.

I couldn't use Nix before because we were in the sky, there were no shadows I could discreetly use for Nix to help me as planned.

But when we were inside the castle I saw an opportunity when I noticed I was in a pool of my own blood, when I noticed him coming into the castle too, I spread my shadow over a large part of the floor so he wouldn't notice the attack until it was late too much.

By the time he grabbed me by the neck I had already started to control my blood inside his body again, but I was afraid he'd notice before my blood reached my heart, so I tried to infuriate and distract him.

When I realized that my blood had reached his heart, I controlled my blood as it crystallized into a large red crystal spike that pierces his heart from the inside out.

At the same time, I controlled the blood that was on the ground to chain him, this to make sure he wouldn't dodge Nix's attack that bites him by putting a part of his Dragon head out of the shadow below him, I had created a claw from the shadows to hold me as all my bones were too broken to stand.

Soon Nix who had devoured half of the King's body appears behind me holding me in his arms as we watch the life drain from the King's eyes.

I'm glad the plans to use my blood and use Nix as surprise attacks came in handy, to be honest, I wouldn't have another plan if those two plans had also failed.


"With that... the victory is... ours..." (I)
