After the Makari King died I undo the crystallization of the blood in the chains letting it return to its liquid form letting what was left of his body fall.

"You took too many risks this time, master." (Nix)

"If I had fought by your side it would have been easier to win." (Nix)

While Nix was talking to me he was giving me a HP potion and a MP potion to drink, I was also using my ability to heal my body in the meantime.

"We weren't sure... of his strength... or his abilities..." (I)

"Keeping your presence... hidden until the end... was the best decision..." (I)

"If I had fought by your side you wouldn't have been so hurt, look at your state." (Nix)


"By the strength, he showed, the two of us fighting Layla together should have been able to beat him." (Nix)

"You don't understand... he didn't know my strength... so he was prepared... to run away if necessary..." (I)

cough cough

"His speed was… too fast… if he wanted to run away we couldn't… keep up with him." (I)

"Don't talk anymore, you need to rest, let us take care of everything." (Nix)

"Don't leave any... evidence..." (I)

I'm too weak and tired to talk anymore, so I use my connection to Nix to tell her what's to be done now.

"(Nix, I want you to eliminate all enemies you find, after that you can steal everything of value from the castle and noble mansions.)" (I)

"(Try to finish all this within 3 hours maximum from now, after that destroy the mansions and castle.)" (I)

"(Discard all bodies inside the Dungeon and leave no evidence behind about Demons, about Vampires, about us or about this battle.)" (I)

"I understand hiding about us, but why try to hide about Demons too?" (Nix)

"(If the people of this continent find out about this might start a war with the Dark Continent, I don't want to be dragged into a war between continents, which with my shitty luck is almost certain to happen.)" (I)

"I don't think we can hide what happened here, the King's battle against you in heaven must have been seen by some spies." (Nix)

"(It doesn't matter, I'm sure there should already be one or two Kingdoms on this continent that were suspicious of the Makari Kingdom, but the important thing is the population doesn't know if they find out there will be pressure for a counterattack.)" (I)

cough cough"(I can barely keep my eyes open, just tell others what I said, Vanessa, Ivan, and Érica will understand what I said.)" (I)

"You can rest master, we'll take care of everything and get out of here later." (Nix)

After talking to Nix I, who was exhausted from this battle, surrender to tiredness and sleep.





Pov Nix:

After the master has fallen asleep I make him drink some more potions, then open the Dungeons gate letting Caryna take care of the master inside the Dungeon while I go talk to the others.

I talk to Ivan, Sapphire, and Lilith about what the master said, it seems that Lilith and Ivan understand what the master meant, but Sapphire doesn't.

"Why go to so much trouble to hide this battle, why not claim glory for this battle." (Sapphire)

"For starters, we don't want to be found out, we have too many secrets to keep." (I)

"Besides, the master doesn't care about Honor, Fame or Glory." (I)

"That sort of thing would only make him angrier." (I)

"I didn't think the master was so reserved, but I can understand him not wanting a war, if this was discovered by the common people it would be a problem." (Lilith)

"The master hinted that there must be others who were suspicious about the Makari Kingdom, but which Kingdom could he be talking about?" (Ivan)

"The Grimo Realm surely knows, a few months ago they suddenly cut off all trade routes with the smaller Realms, I also heard that many spies from that Realm have been appearing here since then, a few days before my husband left I heard him say that a Hero had been elected into the Grimo Kingdom." (Lilith)

"For a Hero to be chosen is almost a preparation for war against an evil force, it seems that they really figured it out, but I can't say if they knew everything." (Ivan)

"I still don't understand why preparing for a war, for a great Kingdom to fight this one would be easy." (Sapphire)

"What you say is correct, but this kind of open battle would expose the Demons' identity to the entire continent." (Lilith)

"The general population is easily influenced and idiotic, all they would understand is that the Demons they hate so much have tried to destroy the continent they love." (Lilith)

"Political situations or terms like extremists don't matter, as the story spreads it will only get more and more biased." (Lilith)"Everything would end with the population demanding a position from their rulers, they would want to counter the Demons for what they did like idiots." (Lilith)

Lilith was a little too sincere and direct with what she said, but listening to her I can even see the scenario she described.

"Lilith's way of speaking can be a little harsh and rude, but she's not wrong, in some Realms there can even be civil war situations if the rulers don't know how to handle public anger." (Ivan)

"You guys are forgetting something, the Church of Light wouldn't be silent either, I can imagine extremist people spreading false rumors just for a war to happen." (I)

The extremists of the church of light are not that different from these Demons, they would love this situation if it was discovered, I think the master is right in saying to clean it all up.

"Let's leave the conversations alone, I'm going to get Layla so we can collect this black stone from the streets and sewers." (I)

"You guys will continue to eliminate enemies and then collect the bodies, when I get back I'll get all these bodies before I start collecting the valuables." (I)

Everyone nods and goes to do just that, the remaining enemies shouldn't be a problem, I gather the remains of the four leaders' bodies and put them away.

After finding Layla who had left the moment the master fell asleep, I go with her to the streets where we use the same tactic as before the two of us cooperating to quickly collect the black stones.

After an hour we made it back to the castle where we found everyone gathered, all the bodies in storage items that I gather to deal with later.

So everyone split up to collect the things of value only from the noble mansions and the castle, after another hour we were all gathered again.

Everyone said that they had already destroyed the mansions, so when I left the castle I told Rakan, Irina, and Érica to activate the changes that Rakan made in the magic circles of the castle, causing Erica's cursed fire to spread throughout everything destroying the entire castle.

As we watched the castle burn, Kira said that they had rescued the doctor that Rakan had spoken with the master of before, furthermore, Elsaris said that having found several Mages with shattered minds trapped in glass cylinders, she saw that they could not be saved and killed him, everyone, after Freya gave permission.

I was shocked at first, but the master would have done the same, apparently, Freya can already understand the master as well as Layla and I do.

After everything is destroyed I open the Dungeon gate for everyone to enter, as soon as everyone is inside the Dungeon I close the gate and go flying above the clouds, for some reason it was starting to rain, but that was good as it would allow me to get out of here unseen.

As we left the city I realized we didn't have anywhere to go now, so remember something and I started flying towards the Moros Kingdom.


Pov Zenos:

When I woke up I was in a strange place, I was lying on a bed next to a waterfall.

Everything around it was very strange, the waterfall appeared to be a large headstone with water falling from the top, the water in the waterfall was strangely red as was the water in the river below.

But that wasn't all, there was a ruined city near him where the city was taken back by nature, but mixed with the ruined landscape of this city there were several tombstones scattered all over the place.

I look around to a forest not far away where I can see that there were also an endless number of headstones among the trees, even the place where I am standing by the red river has a lot of headstones.

For some reason a feeling of sadness and desolation takes over me, tears of blood come out of my eyes without me understanding what is happening or where I am.

I tried to see what was written on some of the headstones, but it was in a language I couldn't read, all I could see was that these headstones gave a very ancient feeling.

When I look at the sky I see that it's daytime, but for some reason, there was a broken moon in the sky adding another feeling of desolation and death in that place, the feeling of sadness in my chest seemed to have no end as my tears of blood kept falling.

"What is this place? Why am I so sad? How can this kind of place exist? I don't understand." (I)

Suddenly I feel a hand on my head and I realize that at some point someone appeared beside me, it was a beautiful red-haired woman who looked at me with pride.

"You did really well this time, Zenos." (Goddess Selene)
