Pov Eleanor's:

​ I am an Elf who serves the Illusory Forest, home of the World Tree which is protected by the Elves, my name is Eleanor.

An Elf who was passing through the Makari Kingdom a few months ago reported that the Fairy with whom she has a contract did not want to enter the city, the Fairy in question was a Moon Fairy, this type of rare Fairy has very strong senses and is able to see through illusions or falsehoods.

Because of that, we notified the Grimo Kingdom with whom we have had a relationship for millennia, and started to investigate together.

I am the leader of the team that was sent by the Illusory Forest, we spent months investigating that during this time we discovered that the drugs that left this Kingdom circulated throughout the continent were produced by the government itself.

We also noticed the suspicious disappearance of people who were considered criminals, there was no record of where they were sent or if they were all killed, for many we were not even able to find a record of their alleged crimes.

One of the things we also noticed was the architecture of the cities themselves, the fact that the Makari Kingdom insisted on remodeling the architecture of a city belonging to the Kingdom they conquered was very strange, even more so when we noticed the black stone that was used in all four great ones. cities.


We tried to take one of these black stones, but we only discovered that this stone had a strange mana conductivity, it was at this moment that we started to map the streets of the cities and we realized that it was a magic circle, but it seemed that difficult to decipher what it did, it seemed that more than one magic circle was mixed up and it was placed in a confusing way so the people who would investigate would not find anything, which would be me and my team.

Something strange was going on, so we decided to take a maid from an influential noble, but it turned out she was a Vampire.

With this information, we started to investigate the nobles more closely and we realized that there were many Vampires and Demons hiding in the Makari Kingdom, but we still didn't know why.

Unfortunately, we were not able to approach the royal family's castle, but we reported everything we discovered to our superiors, I learned that they shared information with the Grimo Kingdom who began to take their own countermeasures.

But this month something big happened, the Prince had been kidnapped in the Moros Kingdom, and soon after news about the destruction of the cities started to spread.

But when I asked my subordinates to investigate I found that the way the cities were attacked was strange, the streets and sewers had this black stone stolen, in addition, the nobles and government people disappeared.

Nobles, servants of nobles, servants, and soldiers all disappeared in one night, but the townspeople were fine.

These incidents continued to recur, so it was not difficult to assume that it would happen here in the capital as well at some point.But in the first two cities, it seems that the people didn't even realize what had happened on the first day, the big incident happened in the third city, my subordinate who was sent there didn't give any news, so I sent someone else who got in touch telling me a piece of news shocking.

The entire city was destroyed with traces of battle all over the place, besides that the entire population had disappeared, there was no one left and there was also no clue to follow.

All my subordinate could surmise was that a full-scale battle had taken place in the city, but there were no corpses, blood, or anything else that would indicate what had happened, so I had to use what I had of information so far to surmise what had happened, and what could have happened there.

It was not difficult to understand that the people in charge of that Kingdom would have the same information about the attacks on the other cities, so they must have prepared some kind of trap in the third city, this is a predictable strategy, this may explain the large scale battle, but does not explain about the disappearance of all the evidence and the disappearance of the population which had not happened until now.

Because of that, I started to pay even more attention to anything strange happening in the capital as I knew it was only a matter of time before a big mess happened here too as the soldiers were moving strangely in the last few days.

One thing I noticed was that the concentration of Mana in the capital was increasing as the days went by, but the black stone on the streets didn't look any different, but as I saw an alarming barrier around the city I assumed that could be the cause.

Two days later I was in my room at an inn on the square where I could easily see people moving around as I always do, that's when I noticed someone of short height walking suspiciously.

The more I watched this person, the more suspicious he looked, but I didn't see this person doing anything strange other than the way he walked and always stood around the square as if he was waiting for something.

During the night I was not able to see his face, but I realized that I had been discovered, this person had very keen senses but continued doing the same as before as if my presence there or the fact that I was watching him made no difference.

It wasn't until the next morning that I exchanged a few words with him that I noticed he was a child by the tone of his voice and height, but his words were cryptic and didn't reveal what he was doing, and he didn't seem to be afraid of me.

He said some things to me with the intention of protecting the children in the square, it looked like something was going to happen and he wanted me to get the children out of there, then he suddenly took out a magic crystal as a deafening roar came out of his mouth, a tremor of fear horrible course ran through my body at the same time that an illusion of a giant monster appeared in the middle of the square.

I managed to defend the kids because he warned me in advance, but that roar is something I'll be hard to forget for the rest of my life.

As I took the kids out of there and followed people out of town I tried to throw a knife at the suspicious person but someone came and held my knife, I didn't have much time to observe everyone in detail so I could only record their appearance with masks like this as the suspicious child's face was the only one without a mask that was visible when he let out the roar.

I would have to look for more information about them later, as I ran to the city gate in the middle of the crowd I kept watching the crowd, but something on the roofs caught my attention, there were two people with clothes similar to the suspicious people from before going to the square above the roofs, but one person caught my attention most for his mask.I was shocked to see that mask again, but at the same time I was confused by not knowing who exactly is wearing this mask, I wanted to go there, but it wasn't the time for that.

When I went through the gate I noticed that there were no soldiers, they all disappeared and because of that, all the people were able to pass through easily.

It was only after I left the city that I realized that before the roar of the suspicious child I heard 10 explosions, I remember feeling the ground shake like it was under my feet.

From outside the city I left the children with an adult and climbed up to a tall tree, from there I had the vision of the monster illusion destroying some houses in the center of the city that I remember seeing being emptied when their residents ran along with the crowd.

This was all an act to force people out of the city, it didn't take me long to associate this with what happened in the other city, these people were trying to protect the population by making them leave the city.


After a while, the illusion stopped in the same place before disappearing after while, meanwhile, I saw faintly some glimmers of light coming from the castle in the distance.

I tried to get closer without entering the city, then I saw two things flying into the sky after time turning into two different coloreds glows that kept colliding with each other in the sky above the castle.

After a few tens of minutes, the fight seems to be over when the yellow glow hits a bolt of lightning in the black glow that hits the castle.

After that, I didn't see anything else for a while, but I still haven't entered the city, after more than an hour I was already on top of the city walls getting ready to enter, at that moment I start to see the noble area with smoke rising, a little while later the whole castle starts to catch fire, but it wasn't normal fire, it was a purple fire that gave me a shiver in my spine and that's why I didn't approach it.

I saw something soar into the sky above the rain clouds that had started to appear since dawn.

"But what was it all about?" (I)


A day later I couldn't find anything about what had happened and I didn't find any new information about drugs, about Vampires, or about Demons.

There were simply no leads to follow and I found no trace of those who caused all this, all I know is that the nobles, the royal family, and all the soldiers of the Makari Kingdom have disappeared, I used a technique to communicate with my superior the Leader of the Forest Illusory and I told her everything I discovered.

"I see, so a war has taken place and they don't want anyone to know about it, a war in the shadows that we know nothing about." (High Priestess)


"You did a good job, now come back." (High Priestess)

"Yes." (I)
