I woke up in this strange place where the whole landscape mixed with tombs and tombstones as if the whole world was one big cemetery.

In this place I am consumed by a feeling of sadness and desolation without understanding what is happening, that is until I hear her voice as she appears out of nowhere beside me.

"You did really well this time, Zenos." (Goddess Selene)

"..." (I)

"You must be confused about why you're here." (Goddess Selene)

"You don't need to know what this place is now, I just wanted you to look at this landscape to understand something." (Goddess Selene)

"This is the result of all wars, no matter if the war has a good reason, if the war is inevitable or if it is a war to defend what you love." (Goddess Selene)


I notice tears falling from the Goddess Selene's eyes as she looks up as if she is seeing a very distant memory.

"All wars cause death, depending on the scale of the war it can bring the death of more than just the lives of soldiers, it can bring the death of Realms, continents, entire worlds or even more..." (Goddess Selene)

"Unfortunately wars will always exist, there are even wars to avoid bigger wars which may seem like a contradiction to many, but that's exactly what you did this time." (Goddess Selene)

The Goddess Selene looks around sadly before wiping away her tears and running her hand over my head like I'm a child as she pushes me into a portal I hadn't noticed behind me.

When I pass through the portal I find myself back in the throne room the time before, for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off the portal until it closes, so I look down at my hands that are shaking for some reason before trying to wipe my eyes.

"What place was that? Whose tombstones were these?" (I)

"These were tombstones of soldiers and warriors from times older than the existence of this world, those who died in a war that was forgotten in the tides of time..." (Goddess Selene)

"..." (I)

"What you did in the Makari Kingdom was the right decision, don't seek empty fame and glories, there will be better times for you to obtain these things." (Goddess Selene)

"I don't need any of that, it will only attract unnecessary attention to me, this sort of thing only causes more problems than it solves." (I)

"You're not far from the truth." (Goddess Selene)

The Goddess smiles before waving her hand causing two simple sofas to appear to sit us down.

"You can already guess why I'm here, right?" (Goddess Selene)

"I'm evolving, this is the only time I meet you normally." (I)

"You're right, so I wanted to thank you for stopping the Vampires who were doing evil deeds, they were consumed by their own power and sense of superiority, but I didn't like to see what they had become." (Goddess Selene)

"The Vampire race was a race that I created my own image a long time ago, seeing members of that race doing such terrible things is not something I like." (Goddess Selene)

"Why didn't you send one of your believers to go after them?" (I)

"Because their plans were doomed to fail, summoning a Dragon of Destruction would have killed them all and you wouldn't have had to do anything about it." (Goddess Selene)

"Why not stop them if you already knew what was going on?" (I)"Mortals' problems must be solved by mortals." (Goddess Selene)

"All I can do is try to guide people, even as Goddess I don't have the right to say what everyone has to do or how to do it, people have the right to make their own choices whether good or bad, whether they are themselves bearing the weight of your decisions or other people." (Goddess Selene)

"..." (I)

"(Is she talking about free will?)" (I)

I think it would be hypocritical of me to ask her to help people whenever they make mistakes while complaining if she interferes with people when they are living their normal lives.

The conversation was silent for a few minutes as I understood everything she said.

"This time your evolution is a little special, because of that I'll have to interfere a little, but I'm only able to do that because you're my son." (Goddess Selene)

"What do you mean by interfering?" (I)

"During evolution, the bloodlines within your body will all be activated, but in your case, there are many bloodlines and some are too powerful." (Goddess Selene)

"These bloodlines will weigh heavily on your body during your evolution, they may even kill you during evolution." (Goddess Selene)

"That's because these powerful bloodlines aren't fully integrated with you." (Goddess Selene)

"I didn't want to interfere, but I can't let you die like this, so I will use my power to fuse all of your bloodlines with the exception of the True Dragons' language and my own bloodline within you." (Goddess Selene)

"I appreciate your help, but why not merge these two bloodlines?" (I)

"Because these two bloodlines will not only affect your body but your soul as well and you're too weak to bear something like that, you wouldn't even bear what I'm going to do now if you weren't personally interfering." (Goddess Selene)

"Another reason I'm able to interfere this time is for the ordeal of you defeating an enemy stronger than you, as such I can grant you something as a reward and I chose to do that, technically I'm not granting you anything, I'm just awakening a potential that you already have." (Goddess Selene)

"What will happen to me after this?" (I)

"My interference will come at a price, you won't be able to choose your evolution this time." (Goddess Selene)

"So you're going to choose my evolution?" (I)

"No, it will be a more natural evolution that will appear as a result of your new superior lineage." (Goddess Selene)

From what she's said so far it doesn't seem like I have much choice, the second option is death and I'm too young to die, I haven't even been able to travel to see the world yet if I think about it I've been alive less than a year.


"It seems I only have one choice, so I appreciate your help Goddess Selene." (I)

"So let's do it now..." (Goddess Selene)

p The Goddess Selene suddenly appeared at my side, I couldn't even see her move, she hugs me while I am surrounded by red energy and I feel that I'm slowly losing consciousness.

... ... ...

... ...



Pov Goddess Selene:

I hug Zenos while sharing some of my power with him to merge their bloodlines, I also try to make the latest changes to his appearance, so I don't think anyone else will be able to know who he is just by his looks.

Soon Zenos' soul disappears from my arms back into his own body, his evolution should take a little longer this time.

"So he was his son." (Vidark)

"Yes, he is my child, someone with a lot of potentials to be my champion one day." (I)

"I had already noticed his presence a long time ago thanks to his subordinates with Érica, Alice, and the people of the mountain range." (Vidark)

"As always seeing through the eyes of those who seek revenge." (I)

"But I saw very little about him, but I thank him for the way he treated revenge as a victim's right." (Vidark)

"There are many ways to get revenge, one of the most difficult ways is to forget the target of revenge, that's something everyone talks about but it's not easy to do." (Vidark)

"Sometimes forgetting can be the worst punishment." (I)

"Yes, I wish my brother realized such things." (Vidark)

"Why did you come Vidark?" (I)

I look back to where a large red-skinned man with clothes with chains hanging from them appears, his face as usual covered in darkness allowing only his red eyes to be seen.

"Just wanted to thank him for allowing and aiding my believer's revenge." (Vidark)

"I wish I had given my blessing to her sooner, but that would only hasten her transformation into a Demon and cause her death due to her husband, I couldn't leave her without her revenge dying like this." (Vidark)

"Even though she was Human she understood my teachings and took them to heart, she has true faith in me and was rewarded for it." (Vidark)

"Did you know that someone would at some point go there, being my son was just a happy coincidence?" (I)

"Yes, sooner or later an opportunity would arise, I needed her to bear her suffering for a little longer until this moment, I used it as an ordeal for her too." (Vidark)

"The blessing I gave her was the accumulation of everything she suffered, at this moment she is almost a Priestess of mine, something I have very few." (Vidark)

"I even received a soul as an offering, this would only be possible if her desire for revenge was great enough to reach his soul." (Vidark)

"Thanks to that I have the material to work with on my gift that I'll give Lilith when the time is right." (Vidark)

"That's why I wanted to thank your son." (Vidark)

"Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity, but at least I thank you for your help, thank you." (Vidark)

After thanking him he disappears, as usual, he didn't come with his true body, he just used a will for that.

I go to the throne and sit down before holding the black crown in my hands as I remember the image of Zenos crying in the graveyard.

"After all this time his feelings still remain, finally his tears were able to reach their headstones." (I)

I couldn't help but smile as tears streamed from my eyes as they fell into the crown.
